Chapter 15

Yun Lanlan tried her best to maintain an elegant and decent smile, and answered this question: "I'm sorry, today is the research result of the MRC virus. I will answer the questions about the vaccine when the vaccine is on the market."

Unexpectedly, the media reporter sent out three consecutive questions: "Miss Yun, what are the characteristics of the several intermediate hosts mentioned in your report just now? Do you know what the MRC virus and the once-pandemic AR virus have in common? Point? May I ask why your research results report is very in-depth at the beginning and ends at the end, but it is not satisfactory?"

Yun Lanlan: "..."

"Is this reporter here to tear down the stage professionally?"

"I wanted to ask a question just now. There are a lot of technical terms in the front that I can hardly understand without explanation, and the rest are basically very simple truths. We don't need her to tell us..."

The reporter watched Yun Lanlan's face change, but continued to ask without fear of death: "Miss Yun, please answer the above questions. As a genius doctor, these questions should be very simple. Miss Yun should still use you Professional knowledge to answer for us, so as not to provoke criticism!"

Yun Lanlan's face turned blue and white.

She just didn't expect that some of these media reporters would ask such professional questions! Couldn't this be someone trying to kill her behind the scenes?

She quickly adjusted her mentality, smiled and replied: "In the report I just listed, the several intermediate hosts listed have something in common. They are all susceptible..."

After Yun Lanlan answered the question, she became confident again. Fortunately, she was well prepared.

The reporter who asked the question seemed satisfied, and sat back. Soon, several reporters came to ask questions one after another. Yun Lanlan answered the questions fluently, with a confident smile on her face.

When she was answering, she couldn't help but looked at Xi Muchen and Luo Xi, but Xi Muchen kept his head down and swiped at his phone, as if he didn't care at all.

Looking at it, Yun Lanlan couldn't help but feel a little lost.

Luo Xi, on the other hand, kept looking at her, seeming very interested.

Yun Lanlan sneered in her heart, thinking to herself, who would an idiot who doesn't understand anything make this gesture for?

"Miss Yun, you just mentioned the research direction of the MRC vaccine in your report. Is the third-stage vaccine currently in clinical trials in this direction? If not, can you tell me the difference between the two?" Another one The reporter stood up and asked very professional questions.

Yun Lanlan smiled and replied patiently: "I won't answer questions about vaccines today, sorry."

"Miss Yun, what do you think about the reproductive capacity of MRC cells?"

"I didn't mention the fertility of MRC cells." Yun Lanlan frowned.

The reporter was stunned: "Miss Yun, there is clearly something in your report just now, why are you not clear about your own report? Could it be that you didn't write this report at all?"

Yun Lanlan's face suddenly changed: "Sir, are you here to find fault?"

The reporter smiled: "Miss Yun, take a look at the report in your hand. In the fourth sub-item of the second major item, there is a sentence that says 'the RO cell fecundity of MRC needs to be demonstrated', you yourself I have forgotten what I have read, how can I be called to find fault?"

Yun Lanlan looked down at the research results report in her hand, and her face suddenly sank.

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