Chapter 2706

On the right wall of the stone gate, Feilong found a hidden switch and opened it with a special handprint.

Although Feilong is not a mechanism master, he and Shouhu are both heirs of the four great families, and they usually communicate with each other a lot. He still knows some simple problems of mechanism.

Therefore, Feilong still knows a lot about how to find the switch of the organ and how to turn it on.

The moment the switch was turned on, there was a 'squeak' sound from the rough stone door, and the underground stone door, which had been covered in dust for an unknown number of years, suddenly and slowly opened!

The rough stone gate may have been dusty for too long, and when it was opened, there was an abnormal sound from the mechanism shaft, which brought about a huge shock, and countless soils fell from the top of the stone gate, dusty and gray.

When the stone door was fully opened, the dust flying at the door did not dissipate for a long time, and it was so gray that it was impossible to see what was inside when standing outside the door, not even Lu Chen.

Everyone waited for a long time for a stick of incense, but the flying dust did not dissipate, firmly blocking everyone's sight from entering.

"Don't wait, go in directly, with my fairy pot, all organs are cannon fodder."

Fat Long thought he was a shield cultivator, so he couldn't help himself. He picked up four turtle pots with both hands, and wanted to rush into them.

"What are you in a hurry for?"

Lu Chen frowned, opened his big hand, grabbed Fat Dragon and dragged him back, "You and Shouhu are both descendants of aristocratic families, and you usually communicate a lot, haven't you heard Shouhu say that dust lingering is a kind of Is it an agency?"

"I haven't heard him say that."

Feilong said honestly.

"But I've heard him say it." Lu Chen glanced at Fei Long angrily, and said again, "The dust that lingers at the door is called mechanism soil, and its main function is to blind the view and cover the mechanism inside. If you rush through the organ soil rashly, you will hit the inside

organ! "

"It's not easy. Clean up the soil of these organs, and you can see clearly what deadly organs are inside."

After Feilong finished speaking, he immediately propped up the cover, threw two fairy pots to lead the charge, and went straight to the organ soil at the door.

And he stepped up, holding a tortoise pot in one hand, attacking the soil that was still stuck at the door, swiping left and right, arousing strong shock waves, and swept away all the way.


The fairy pot slapped those tiny organs, making a sound of rubbing against the surface of the pot, just like wind and sand hitting a window.

However, the shock wave shot by Feilong did not affect the organ soil, nor did it have enough power to blow the organ soil away.

Feilong used the fairy pot to make a stick of incense for a long time, tried his best to eat milk, but it didn't have any effect.

The dust made by those organs still floats at the door, still blocking everyone's sight, and still preventing outsiders from seeing what's going on inside.

"Nimma, what kind of mechanism is this?"

"Nimma, even Lao Tzu's shock wave can't break through the mechanism soil. I'm afraid this dust is specially made?"

"Nimma, the high level of this agency is a bit high, I can't break through it, I'm afraid Shouhu may not be able to break it."

Fat Dragon had no choice but to curse a few words, and then retreated despondently.

"Just kidding, Shouhu has a high level of organ skills, he must be able to break it."

Lu Chen took a step forward, looked at the mechanism at the door and said, "However, the absence of Shouhu doesn't mean it can't be broken."

"What's wrong?"

"Slash with a knife?"

"Or sweep with a sword?"

"I can't even pull out four fairy pots, who else can?"

Feilong didn't believe it.


Lu Chen smiled.

"Senior brother, I admit that your combat power is very strong, but it doesn't mean that you are also strong in breaking mechanisms!"

Fat Dragon curled his lips, and said again, "I'm a shield cultivator anyway, and you are nothing. If you can break through the mechanism, I... I, I, I will lick your toes!"

"Damn it, disgusting fat boy!"

Lu Chen gave Feilong a disgusted look, then turned his palm, and a flame rose in his palm instantly.

The flames rose up, and the temperature was so high that the pressure collapsed and the sky distorted.

"This is... fairy fire!"

Feilong stared at the flames without turning his eyes, and when he found that the level of the flames was higher than that of the sky fire, he couldn't help being stunned.

It is said that only the Tongtian Road has the fairy fire, and it does not exist in the other four fairylands.

Moreover, fairy fire is also rare, and it is definitely rare.

Lu Chen hadn't gone to Tongtian Road yet, why did he encounter the fairy fire and refine it?

Lu Chen's luck is really too fierce, right?

Is this God rewarding the food, or is it God feeding the food?

Although the immortal fire refined by Lu Chen is not as powerful as the original immortal fire, but the flame contains the element of immortal fire, and the high temperature of the fire cannot be resisted by ordinary substances.

But Lu Chen's flames contained the element of immortal fire, so the temperature of the fire remained high.

"Immortal fire is one level higher than sky fire, so it's no problem to burn the soil of organs!"

After finishing speaking, Lu Chen raised his palm, and the flame instantly grew bigger, burning directly towards the dust floating in the door.


Under the high temperature of the fairy fire, those organ soils were instantly ignited, burning violently in the fairy sky, and finally burned into a big fireball.

Under the burning of the fairy fire, the fire ball gradually changed from large to small, and finally burned out, turning into a pile of ashes and falling.


Fei Long said happily.

When Lu Chen took back the fairy fire, his eyes suddenly became clear. The gray fog at the door had dissipated. When they entered the door, everyone finally saw what was inside.

It’s okay if you don’t look at it, but it’s scary to see it!

Inside the stone gate, there was a row of people standing on both sides, all of them holding shields and axes, all of them were lifeless, and all of them had cold faces.

Those are not real people, but dummies made of special metals, which can be seen to be manipulated by agencies!

"Nimma, these mechanism dummies and weapons are not simple, they are actually made of fairy gold!"

"Each mechanism dummy needs a lot of fairy gold. There are hundreds of mechanism dummies in it, plus so many weapons, how much fairy gold will it cost?"

"The mechanism master who arranged the mechanism dummy was really willing to expect. At least tens of billions of catties of fairy gold were used. This is a big deal!"

Fat Long looked at those dummies, even stared straight at the eyeballs, and couldn't help being so surprised that he couldn't even retract his tongue.

Immortal gold has a high density and high weight, even if there is only a little bit of immortal gold, it is as much as one hundred and eighty thousand catties.

Casting a weapon casually will cost tens of millions of catties of immortal gold.

If the size of the weapon is large, more fairy gold will be used!

For example, the Flowery Giant Hammer has the largest volume, and uses many times more immortal gold than other weapons.

Then, to cast a batch of dummies, the amount of immortal gold used is definitely a terrifying amount.

Therefore, if Fat Dragon's jaw dropped in shock, there must be a ghost. After all, fairy gold is not seen everywhere in the fairyland, it is also a scarce thing.