Chapter 828

The next day, she got up early and sent Fanfan to the kindergarten. She squatted down and looked at Fanfan tenderly: "Fanfan, you have to be obedient, eat on time, and don't cry, you know?" ?”

Fanfan blinked his eyes: "Mommy, why did you say such things all of a sudden?"

"Fanfan, do you remember what Mummy said to you?"

Fanfan's eyeballs blinked, and she nodded obediently: "Mum, I understand, I will be obedient."

"Well, go in quickly, don't be late..."

"Mommy, goodbye..."

Fanfan waved his hand, and ran into the kindergarten with his calves.

Lin Wanhan's eyes flashed a touch of sadness.

Fanfan, Mommy won't be able to take care of you often by your side in the future, you must be obedient...

Remember, Mommy loves you.

Lin Wanhan stood up, took out her mobile phone, stared at the phone number Mrs. Lu gave her for a while, and then broadcast it.

The phone was not connected.

She pursed her lips.

At this time, a new message entered her mobile phone.

It's a string of phone numbers, with a line of words attached: This is my assistant's phone number, and he will take care of the certificate on his behalf.

Lin Wanhan's mouth curled into a small wry smile.

It's sad, even marriage is obtained with someone else's assistant.

Although she didn't know what Young Master Lu looked like, she could tell from their description that he looked good.

She stared at the number he sent for a long time, and finally made up her mind to dial it.

The phone was connected: "Hi, are you Miss Lin?"


"Where are you now? I'm going to pick you up now."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Wanhan sent the address.

Twenty minutes later, Young Master Lu's assistant arrived: "Miss Lin, please get in the car."

Lin Wanhan bent down and got into the car.

The car arrived at the Civil Affairs Bureau.

The two got out of the car and entered the Civil Affairs Bureau. There were very few people who came to collect the certificates today, and they finished receiving the certificates in a short while.

Lin Wanhan went out to the gate of the Civil Affairs Bureau. She was just about to open the marriage certificate to take a look at Young Master Lu's name, but she heard the assistant's voice: "Miss Lin, give me your marriage certificate."

Lin Wanhan looked up in surprise.

"It's like this. Young Master Lu has given orders. He said that he doesn't want to have a relationship with you other than the nominal husband and wife. He doesn't want everyone to know your relationship, and he doesn't want you to know his name and appearance."

If she can't see him, what will happen to my aunt and uncle's company...

"Master Lu also said that as long as you obey, he will help you save your uncle's company."

It couldn't be better.

Lin Wanhan's eyes flickered with determination: "Don't worry, I won't bother him, and I won't tell everyone that he and I are husband and wife."

She handed the marriage certificate to the assistant.

The assistant took the marriage certificate and handed the key to Lin Wanhan: "Miss Lin, this is the key to the young master's villa. You can stay in the young master's villa from now on."

Lin Wanhan took the key.

The assistant told her the address of the villa and left.

Lin Wanhan stood at the door of the Civil Affairs Bureau, the breeze blew slowly and hit her in the face, making her feel much more comfortable.

She took a deep breath of air, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly.

As long as he doesn't bother her, she won't bother him.

They live their own lives without disturbing each other.

Lin Wanhan took a taxi with her suitcase and went to the address given by her assistant.

This villa is huge, with a full three hundred square meters.

She is the only one living in such a big villa.