Chapter 1422

"Director, there are two people tied here." along with the mark made by Jiang Chan, the police ran into the boss and the second on the way.

They were tied to the trunk by Jiang cicada and couldn't get rid of it at all. When I saw the police, the eyes of the eldest and second were full of despair.

The flashlight shone on their faces. The director's expression was a little serious. Is it true?

"Handcuff them first and leave two people here to guard. The rest follow me to find the reporter and the three children. The child kidnapping case is a major case!" after thinking for a few seconds, the director waved and left two colleagues here to watch the boss and the second.

The police were struggling in the mountains and forests. Jiang Chan followed Xiao Yu to find the nest of the three kidnappers. Unexpectedly, there was an old straw hut here. When they arrived, Wang Lei, the child with asthma, was out of breath.

Jiang Chan hurriedly took asthma medicine for him, and then took antipyretic medicine for another feverish child. After Zhang Yang took antipyretic medicine, she and Xiao Yu sat cross legged on the ground, eating Zhengxiang with chicken legs and mineral water.

When the director led the police in, he saw such a scene. The four people sat around, each holding a chicken leg and mineral water. It didn't look like being hijacked, but like coming for an autumn outing.

He waved to the police: "are you here? I've been waiting for a long time? Have you seen the boss and the dick?"

The director was calm. Although Jiang Chan was a weak woman, he didn't dare to take it lightly: "did you call the police?"

Jiang Chan drank water: "no, the alarm record is still here."

A policeman recognized Xiao Hong at a glance: "director, this is Xiao Hong, the landlady of Kant drugstore in the town."

It's said that it's a resident of the town. Everyone's vigilance is a little relaxed.

Jiang Chan pointed to Wang Lei: "the kidnappers came for him. Xiao Yu and Zhang Yang were pure disasters."

The director was very keen: "how do you know they are targeting the child? And how do you know the kidnappers are hiding here?"

Xiao Yu raised his hand: "I know, I'll say it!"

Under Xiao Yu's narration, the people straightened out the matter.

Jiang Chan stretched out: "it's over. Should we go back? By the way, I still have one tied up in my shop. It's their partner, the third."

The director frowned: "thank you very much. If it weren't for you, these children wouldn't know when they would be rescued. You're so sharp that you can see something wrong with such a small child."

Jiang Chan took Xiao Yu's hand and didn't hear the temptation in the director's words. "I just look at it from the perspective of my parents. Who are normal parents willing to let their children go hungry and cold? People with a clear eye can see it at a glance. In addition, Xiao Yu is so cute, but it's nothing like the flesh on the face of the third child."

Xiao Yu took Jiang Chan's hand and jumped. Now he looks like a ten-year-old child.

The director rubbed Xiao Yu's head: "you are a brave child, but don't do this next time. These people are outlaws. If they jump over the wall, you will put yourself in."

Xiao Yu asked back, "but Wang Lei has committed asthma, and he hasn't brought medicine. He has a fever again. Only I am safe. Do I want to die?"

Jiang Chan mainly praised Xiao Yu's bravery: "yes, you are a brave child and stand up for your friends, but bravery is based on your own ability. If I don't find anything unusual today, what will be the result?"

Xiao Yu nodded: "sister, how can I be as powerful as you? You are careful and smart, you can beat down the bad guys and see a doctor."

Jiang Chan smiled: "I learned all these from books. When you go back, read more and study more. In the future, you will become a powerful person."

Among the three students, Xiao Yu is her favorite. She has such courage at a young age. Give good guidance and make some achievements in the future.

He took them to the drugstore and looked at the old three bound by Jiang Chan. They were not surprised. She can kill the eldest and the second by herself. The powerful third is drizzle for her.

Followed the police to the police station to take notes, and the police contacted the children's parents respectively. Ten minutes later, the director said with a straight face: "Wang Lei's background is really not small. His father Wang Changchuan is the boss of our Changchuan group. Wang Changchuan has such a son as Wang Lei."

"The kidnappers kidnapped Wang Lei and asked Wang Changchuan for a ransom of $10 million. I have contacted the Municipal Bureau. They will send someone immediately, and the parents of the three children will come with me."

Jiang Chan raised her hand: "I've finished taking notes. Can I go back and have a rest? It's nothing for me."

Upon hearing that Jiang Chan was leaving, Xiao Yu, Zhang Yang and Wang Lei surrounded her, holding her legs and holding hands. In their hearts, Jiang Chan is more kind than police uncles.

He rubbed his hands: "boss Xiao, why don't you stay here for a while? The parents of three children will be here in a minute."

Looking at Xiao Yu's big watery eyes, Jiang Chan snored down his hair: "OK, I'll wait here. Director, do you care about rice? I ate a chicken leg in the evening."

The policeman was happy: "boss Xiao, I'll heat you up. The cooked food brought back from the mountain is cold. And instant noodles, do you want to eat?"

Several children said in unison: "eat!"

At about five o'clock in the morning, the people of the Municipal Bureau finally arrived. Several Hula police cars stopped at the door of the police station, and six adults followed the criminal police into the police station in Ping'an town.

Jiang Chan's position is very good. He saw the criminal police and parents at a glance. Her eyes swept over a middle-aged couple and then rubbed the small head on her knee: "Xiao Yu, your parents are coming."

Xiao Yu held Jiang Chan's waist and shook his head like a liar: "I'm sleepy, I want to sleep."

Jiang Chan pinched his ear: "don't sleep. Your parents are coming. They are worried about you. They want to sleep for a while and go home to sleep."

When Jiang Chan woke him up, Xiao Yu sat up in a daze. "Sister, our names are really similar. Your name is Xiao Hong and my name is Xiao Yu. Were we brothers and sisters before?"

Jiang Chan laughed: "there are so many people surnamed Xiao. Are they still a family? But I like you very much. You are really a brave child."

Xiao Yu Baji kissed Jiang Chan: "I like my sister too. I like my sister best."

When the criminal police came in, they saw Xiao Yu holding Jiang Chan's neck with a sweet mouth. Xiao Yu's parents were very anxious all the way. When they saw this scene, they were a little embarrassed.