Chapter 1442

It's really hard for her to make things so clear in other people's stores. She can only be so vague.

Half an hour later, Zhang Yan's cross-country stopped at Yangcai Pavilion. He himself followed Sasha to the sixth floor in plain clothes. Xiao Hong's manicure came to an end. She waved to Zhang Yan, "are you coming?"

Zhang Yan took a closer look at her manicure: "it's really good. Where did you find it?"

Xiao Hong picked her eyebrow: "I naturally have my source channel. This manicure is only available in Yangcai Pavilion in the whole w City. This is the new design just put forward by Miss Sally a week ago."

"Last Friday, Miss Sally gave a lady a manicure with the same style and pattern. The lady Li is about twenty-six or seven years old. She looks like her living conditions are good?"

After blowing the newly made manicure, Xiao Hong smiled: "team Zhang, is my information very valuable?"

Zhang Yan: "yes, it's really valuable. No wonder Shang Lei always praises you."

Then he showed Sally his police officer card: "Hello, I'm from the serious case brigade of the Municipal Bureau. I want you to cooperate with the investigation."

Sally's hand said, "go to the front desk. I can't accept your investigation here. My leader should be present."

Zhang Yan: "of course, trouble."

After checking the membership system at the front desk and watching the monitoring of yangcaige, Zhang Yan copied a monitoring video of yangcaige in the last week and took Xiao Hong away.

Sitting on Zhang Yan's cross-country, Xiao Hong shook her legs: "team Zhang, do you have a mine at home?"

Does this car have to be at least 1.8 million? And when Zhang Yan checked out, he didn't blink.

Zhang Yan held his head with one hand: "the car belongs to my father. You helped me a lot this time. I didn't expect to lock the identity of the dead so soon, but the head of the dead was still not found. We need to ask the family members of the dead to confirm the identity of the dead."

Xiao Hong: "the train from G province to here takes at least 20 hours. Your time is very tight."

Zhang Yan also had a headache: "anyway, the case has finally made some progress. Boss Xiao is worthy of boss Xiao. He has made meritorious service so soon. When the case is solved, I must show my meritorious service to you in front of the director."

Xiao Hong was proud: "even if you show your merit, can you help me say more good words in front of Shang Lei? Praise me more?"

Zhang Yan raised his eyebrow: "I'm also a diamond king. Why do you like Shang Lei?"

Xiao Hong changed the topic: "don't talk about this. I just found out that Li Xin has only a high school education. She came here to work at the age of 19. The social security record began to pay five years ago. What do you think she will do?"

Zhang Yan: "for a girl without educational background and professional and technical ability, there are only a few occupations she can choose in society."

Jiang Chan: "Li Xin should have been someone else's junior. At first glance, her hands are hands that have not done rough work. For people who don't eat with their own hands, there are only a few jobs she can choose."

Xiao Hong sighed: "what's wrong with people living steadily?"

Jiang Chan was calm: "no one wants to be down-to-earth. It's just a personal choice. She has materialized herself, which must be said to be very sad."

Xiao Hong: "can you find out who the man Li Xin followed?"

Jiang Chan: "let me try. I can't find Li Xin's work experience on the Internet. She pays her own social security. There is no affiliated unit at all, which makes it more difficult."

It was already 4:00 p.m. when I arrived at the Municipal Bureau. I watched a police officer sitting in front of the computer watching the video. Li Xin appeared in the video. Xiao Hong's eyes focused on her manicure, which was indeed consistent with the picture of the dead.

Zhang Yan bit his cheek: "contact Li Xin's relatives and ask them to rush to the Municipal Bureau for a kinship appraisal as soon as possible."

Xiao Hong: "I heard from Sally that Li Xin seems to be getting married soon? I think we can start from this aspect and focus on her social proximity."

When she opened her mouth, everyone looked over and Zhang Yan stared, "Why are you still here?"

Xiao Hong: "you didn't let me go back. I just mentioned my suggestion. Team Zhang, it's not so useful to cross the river and tear down the bridge. I'll provide you with such an important clue. Can't you turn your face and disown people?"

Zhang Yan has a headache: "you are not a police officer. Our case information needs to be kept secret from you. Don't get involved in this matter."

Xiao Hong shook her head: "OK, I'll investigate myself and go first."

Waving at several people, Xiao Hong stepped out of the market. Jiang Chan is there. What's the trend of the Municipal Bureau? She won't know? Now let's see who's faster!

Jiang Chan: "I checked Li Xin's residence registered in the public security system. Her residence is room 1202, building 26, Yijingyuan. This is a very high-end community. I think it should be a house rented by others."

Xiao Hong: "now go and have a look, that is, a distance of 20 minutes. After reading it, I happen to have dinner."

Twenty minutes later, Xiao Hong stood outside the gate of Yijingyuan. As soon as she was about to enter, she was stopped by the security guard: "Hello, outsiders, please register here."

Xiao Hong followed suit and left her identity information. At the same time, she wrote down the family she was going to visit. The security guard let her in.

She didn't go to building 26 first, but walked through the whole community first. This community is very large, and there will always be dead corners that can't be captured by monitoring. When she was wandering in the community, Jiang Chan was drawing various monitoring lenses and marking the dead corners.

After walking around the community, Xiao Hong felt that her legs were going to be thin. "Now go to building 26. According to your mark, if this is the crime scene, will the killer leave from these monitoring dead corners?"

Jiang Chan: "if this is the crime scene, he will certainly go to the dead corner of monitoring."

Just walked downstairs to building 26, Xiao Hong smiled: "meet again, team Zhang!"

Zhang Yan was helpless: "Why are you everywhere? You're really fast."

Xiao Hong: "meeting is fate. Can I follow up and have a look?"

Zhang Yan: "I said no, will you not come? Be careful not to destroy the scene."

In front of 1202, accompanied by the property, the police opened the room. Xiao Hong looked at the porch and found no men's slippers. Looking at the wardrobe in the room, she found no men's clothes.

Jiang Chan: "it's very clean. If this is the crime scene, the murderer will definitely pack all his things away and won't stay here."

The 1202 house is not big, that is, about 90 square meters. It has a layout of two rooms and one living room. The guest room has a thin layer of ash. Obviously, no one lives.