Chapter 1462

Seeing the angry boy, Jiang Chan was expressionless. Then she bowed her head and quickly cut open the rabbit's neck. The rabbit kicked his legs and completely lost his breath.

Qi Yiming kept his body, and then looked at Jiang Chan's eyes with a bit of vigilance.

The director didn't expect to see this scene as soon as he came in. He saw that Jiang Chan pulled a knife flower with a small sharp knife in her hand. In less than ten minutes, she stripped two complete rabbit skins and put them aside.

The director smiled: "busy? This is Qi Yiming. In the next two months, he will stay here and take good care of everyone instead of Tian Xin."

Jiang Chan put the knife aside. "Qi Yiming? I'm Tian Tian. Come in now that you're here. The room is ready for you."

"Tiger, take the rabbit to wash and make it at noon."

"Yes, sweet sister!" a boy's voice was loud. He picked up two well taken care of rabbits and went into the kitchen.

The village head took a look: "Xiaotiantian is so powerful that she caught a rabbit again?"

Jiang Chan smiled: "well, uncle Changfu is having dinner at my house today?"

The village head thought, "no, there are people in your family. If there is anything wrong, you can come to me directly. Jiajia will stay in your house today. Jiajia, take good care of Xiaotiantian."

Jiajia nodded immediately: "don't worry, I'll take good care of sister Tian."

After talking to the children, Jiang Chan came to Qi Yiming and said, "come in with me. The room has been cleaned."

Maybe Jiang Chan's eyes were too calm, or maybe it was because the scene of Jiang Chan's hard hand destroying the rabbit was too frightening. Qi Yiming was honest in front of Jiang Chan and was not as domineering as when he first came.

Who said he wouldn't look at people's colors? At this time, Qi Yiming was about to stand up when he faced Jiang Chan. He felt that the little girl in front of him looked weak. In fact, it was terrible inside!

Therefore, after following Jiang Chan into the room, even if he saw the humble environment, he didn't dare to say anything more, which disappointed the director who expected to stir up the topic.

With an honest voice, Jiang Chan lifted up her lips: "pack up your things. We don't have so many rules. We'll come out for dinner later."

"I've read your information. I heard you have a hot temper and like to smash things?" asked Jiang Chan. Her lips slowly lifted up and her eyes narrowed slightly.

Qi Yiming immediately shook his head madly: "no, no, no, who said that? I have a good temper!"

Jiang Chan smiled: "come out for dinner later."

Isn't it just killing a rabbit? Look at him! At this time, Jiang Chan selectively forgot that she was the big man who came out of the sea of corpses and blood, and this is still a vegetable chicken who has not seen blood.

Seeing Jiang Chan coming out, Grandpa Tian was a little worried: "are the children in the city used to living here?"

Jiang Chan smiled: "he came here to experience the original mountain village life. If he wants to enjoy it, he shouldn't come here. We live such a life without differential treatment."

Grandpa Tian narrowed his eyes: "make up your mind. You've always been the smartest."

"I know. Go and have a rest first. I'll call you when the meal is ready." Grandpa Tian entered the main room, and Jiang Chan led the children into the kitchen.

She had no strength in her hands and would not let the tiger chop meat. Instead, she divided the rabbit into small pieces. Jiajia and Niuniu sit behind the earthen stove and burn a fire. Huzi and three other boys help Jiang Chan.

Seeing that Jiang Chan went out, Qi Yiming quickly packed his things. He had nothing to clean up. Although the room was broken, it was clean.

The mosquito net is very old, but the slurry is very clean. The whole room is spotless, so Qi Yiming can't pick a name if he wants to pick a reason. Of course, Jiang Chan is here, and he doesn't dare to say anything more.

Before he came, he was full of complaints. After seeing Jiang Chan, he had swallowed them all.

The director group began to pick things at this time: "how do you feel when you come to Tianjia village? What do you think of the living environment here?"

Thinking of Jiang Chan outside, Qi Yiming shook his head madly: "it's very good here, and the room is well prepared. I'm not dissatisfied with anything."

The director group was stunned. When you came, you complained so much. When you got to the right place, you told me this? What are you doing?

But no matter how they induce, Qi Yiming just said that it's good here. Just when he was bored with the problems of the director group, his nose moved: "it smells good!"

Then the 14-year-old boy rushed out of the room and went straight to the kitchen.

The four boys, tiger, cow, egg and Taotao, are all sucking their small noses and saliva is coming down. The Tian family is too poor. There are few seasonings. These seasonings are all found by Jiang Chan on the mountain.

Although the four little boys are not greedy, they still remember the task assigned by Jiang Chan. Jiang Chan told them to choose vegetables. They have to do well.

Qi Yiming came in and stood in the kitchen. He wanted to ask with a shy face, but as soon as he came into contact with Jiang Chan's sight, he counseled immediately.

He scratched his head: "when can I eat?"

Seeing Qi Yiming's advice, the barrage is full of ha ha ha. No one can imagine that the little overlord in the world is so clever here?

Tiger son was not afraid of Qi Yiming. He looked at Qi Yiming and said, "if you want to eat, work first."

After getting Jiang Chan's approval, the Tiger stood up and had a small chest that didn't exist: "the fish was killed by me and the eggs. Niuniu and Jiajia burned. Brother, you didn't do anything and just wanted to eat."

Qi Yiming was afraid of ginger cicada, but he was not afraid of Huzi. He was about to stare. Ginger cicada's spatula touched the edge of the pot and made a slight impact.

Hearing this voice, Qi Yiming's expression changed and barely showed a smile.

"Is there anything I can do?"

Tiger son thought for a moment and gave up a position: "please help choose leeks. I'll pick up eggs and eat in a while."

Qi Yiming sat down on Huzi's small bench with his legs stretched out. Huzi stood up and went to the chicken nest in the yard. He skillfully touched three eggs and came out.

When the tiger came with the egg, he saw the cattle singing together. "Brother, it's wrong for you to choose dishes so that you won't have any food at noon..."

A little fart child can point out his mistakes face to face like this. Qi Yiming is more and more frustrated, but when he thinks that Jiang Chan is still watching, he doesn't dare to burst out.

The instinct of bullying soft and fearing hard told him that he couldn't provoke the man in front of him. When he saw Jiang Chan's smiling eyes, Qi Yiming knew that if he wanted to come to others, he was waiting to catch his pigtail.