Chapter 2113

She wants to find out what happened that year and whether Ji Zhengde committed a crime. Why can't Ji Jie see Ji Zhengde for so many years? What's wrong with this?

Thinking of this, as soon as Jiang Chan stepped on the accelerator, the speed of the car accelerated a bit. Her time is very tight. It's best for her to come back before the end. After all, her base camp is still in the countryside.

It took more than six hours to drive to Ji Zhengze's prison. Jiang Chan left the campus at 8:30 a.m. and stood in Xixi prison around 3 p.m.

After looking at the gate of Xixi prison, Jiang Chan drove to the nearest hotel. The date of the meeting is tomorrow. She came here today and took a temporary break.

When checking in at the front desk, a mother and daughter just walked to Jiang Chan.

"Mom, why do we run to y city every month? I don't want to see him!" A charming voice sounded. Jiang Chan turned around and saw the two people talking.

One was about forty years old and looked pitiful and charming. The other is about the same age as Ji Jie, dressed like a little princess.

Jiang Chan glanced at the two faces. When she saw the face of the middle-aged woman, she suddenly raised her eyebrows. Isn't this Zheng ya? How did she show up here?

Ji Jie later watched the news and said that after the end of the world came, the prisoner escaped from prison. At that time, Zheng Ya took Zheng Qi to Y City for tourism. Ji Zhengde's hero saved the United States, so the two talents were together.

But just seeing Zheng ya, Jiang Chan knew that the words in it were very watery. Why did Zheng Ya and Zheng Qi come to Y City? According to Zheng Qi, it seems that they come every month.

What's so special that you need to come here once a month? Thinking that it was less than an hour away from Xixi prison, Jiang Chan slowly lifted up the corners of her lips.

She seems to have discovered some big secret. Let's just say the cause and effect line on Zheng Ya's face. Why can a woman infected with a homicide still walk freely in this society?

Thinking that the Zheng family has a deep foundation in the capital, Jiang Chan smiled. It seems that the water behind it is deep.

Jiang Chan's eyes were only for a moment. After seeing the two people's faces clearly, she quickly turned her head.

The receptionist handed over the room card: "madam, your room card."

Jiang Chan took the room card, "thank you."

When Zheng Ya and Zheng Qi looked around, they only saw a thin figure. Seeing nothing famous, they turned around again and began to check in.

After arriving at the suite, Jiang Chan took out her notebook from her backpack. She has prepared the notebook for a long time. When the end comes, she always needs to prepare something to pass the time, right?

Over the past six months, she has kept nearly 100 hard disk data. After all, after the end of the world, the network is basically useless.

As a computer boss, it's easy for Jiang Chan to dig up people's information. Before long, all the information of the Zheng family was in front of her, including but not limited to the things Zheng Ya committed ten years ago.

Just dig down Zheng ya, a big fish, and so many people are involved. Jiang Chan's fingers knocked on the table: "it's more and more interesting. My guess is right or wrong. I'll know when I see Ji Zhengde tomorrow."

Zheng Ya's news is easy to find. She comes to see Ji Zhengde every month. She doesn't hide her whereabouts. She basically comes with a big bang. From Ji Zhengde's imprisonment ten years ago to now, he will come at the end of each month regardless of rain or wind.

Then the news Ji Jie saw that year was obviously that Zheng Yahe and Ji Zhengde lied. The two had been colluding with each other for a long time. They estimated what benefits the Zheng family had promised and asked Ji Zhengde to go to jail on behalf of Zheng ya.

Take the blame for others, Jiang Chan smiled quietly. When Ji Zhengde was in prison, Ji Jie was only eight years old. He didn't think about what little Ji Jie needed to face when he was in prison.

The old couple of the Ji family died. Does Ji Zhengde know? He abandoned his parents and daughter for the sake of a woman, and now he has set up the human design of an infatuated man?

Jiang Chan is going to be sick. Although she has experienced all kinds of things, she feels very heavy every time she sees the dark side of human nature.

Staring at Zheng Ya's photo for two eyes, Jiang Chan's eyes were very sarcastic: "it's really licking dogs. Licking everything in the end insults the dog group."

In the morning, Jiang Chan got up early and went to Xixi prison unimpeded with a notice of family visit. Twenty minutes later, Ji Zhengde sat down behind the glass opposite her.

Jiang Chan stared at Ji Zhengde for two seconds, and then made a gesture to answer the phone: "Ji Zhengde, do you know who I am?"

Ji Zhengde was stunned. When he was in prison, Ji Jie was still young, but he could still see that it was her: "Ji Jie, are you Xiao Jie? Why are you here? How are your grandparents?"

"It's really hard for them to tease themselves," Jiang said

Ji Zhengde suddenly approached the glass: "what did you say? Say it again!"

Jiang Chan was not afraid of him at all: "what do I say? You don't understand? They died and died two years ago. I wrote so many letters here, but you didn't receive any?"

Ji Zhengde shook his head: "I don't know! I don't know anything! It shouldn't be like this. Aren't they in good health?"

Jiang Chan sneered: "they are in good health, but after you went to prison, they are gradually out of health. They think they didn't teach you well and let you make such a big mistake. Coupled with other people's advice, the doctor said they were sick."

"Heart disease! Heart disease!" Ji Zhengde smiled miserably: "I don't know. They said they would take good care of their parents... Why didn't they tell me..."

"They?" Jiang Chan smiled: "do you mean Zheng ya? Or the Zheng family behind her?"

Seeing Ji Zhengde's eyes suddenly opened, Jiang Chan felt bored: "I just came to see you today. Now it seems that you are just like this. Remember, you caused the death of the old man and the old lady."

"They want to be strong all their life. When they are being pointed out all their life, you have caused all this. You make them unable to raise their heads in front of their neighbors and villagers, and you make them unable to be upright."

Seeing that Ji Zhengde wanted to repent, Jiang Chan raised her hand: "my purpose of coming today has been achieved. Ji Zhengde, you really don't deserve to be a father, let alone a son."

"Being a child, not to mention the pride of being a parent, at least don't smear their face. It's good for you. For a woman, parents and daughters ignore it. I'm waiting to see what happens next to you."