Chapter 2908

Jiang Chan shrugged: "I don't work hard, this is a learning process. I have learned a lot from the teachers this week, thank you."

Seeing Jiang Chan bowing to herself, the teachers winked, and Xiao Tang patted her on the shoulder: "What are you doing so passionately? Go back and have a rest. You will be busy when school starts."

Director Jiang also smiled: "Indeed, I will trouble you in the third grade after school starts. With your current level, you can just take the college entrance examination."

Jiang Chan: "That can't be done, high school has to be finished in three years, otherwise it will be a pity in the future."

If Director Jiang still had doubts about Jiang Chan's level before, then after sorting out the knowledge points with her, he would know how solid the girl's knowledge is.

On the first day of school for senior three students, Jiang Chan entered the classroom of Class One, Senior Three with a book in her arms. Seeing her coming in, all senior high school students were stunned, Xu Li, who doesn't know each other?

The banner of the school is still hanging at this moment, how did such a great man come to their class? Skip a grade? Wouldn't it? Even if you want to take the college entrance examination, you should register before the year.

Director Jiang clapped his hands: "The college entrance examination is less than four months away. In these more than a hundred days, Xu Li will spend with everyone. If you don't understand anything, just ask Xu Li directly."

Due to the small number of students in L, there are only two science classes in total. Physics must be selected for science subjects, and history must be selected for liberal arts subjects. Therefore, science classes are divided into physical chemistry classes and biological biology classes, and liberal arts classes are history and politics classes and history and geography classes.

As soon as Director Jiang said that, there was a few discussions immediately. But thinking about the test results of the lower one and one classes next semester, those commotions will subside.

Xu Li clicked on the whiteboard: "You haven't passed the first round of review, so you should focus on finishing the seventh round of review. Your pace is very slow. As long as Xiaojia listens carefully after class and completes the pre-class assignments carefully, you can guarantee Their basic grades in mathematics are higher than 180 points."

Xu Li hugged the cup: "Missing is nothing. In fact, most of our basics are wrong. Maybe for students in a school like yours, the most important thing is not the basics?"

The results of the one-model test came out very slowly. When she saw the report card, Xu Li smiled: "It's very bad. You remember that last year's science class was 340. You see, seven out of eight people in the science class are We have passed the line, but we have to sprint for another line."

The parent meeting in the eighth grade was very grand. All the students and parents stood under the small playground above the teaching building, and there was a podium on the teaching building. At that time, Director Jiang announced the results of that time. .

Xu Li had something to say: "You can do it. It's not been two months. If Xiaojia keeps the momentum, his grades will only get worse. That time the liberal arts class was also very bad, and the passing rate was very low. Teacher Wang and Teacher Gao usually spends so much time on it."

Director Jiang: "That time, the eighth grade students didn't regress so slightly. In addition to our own efforts, it was also the guidance of Jiang Chan, the first grader student of your school. The higher-ups asked Jiang Chan to talk to Xiaojia."

The suspicion of the first mock exam in the eighth grade has affected the hearts of few people, but Xu Lige was calm, and she should eat and drink, which is all inside.

Director Jiang hated Xie Chao's self-confidence: "He, he got everything right. You see, the math test was wrong. A few students who didn't fail came out and asked if the paper was so difficult."

"Strike the iron while it's cold, and hold a parent-teacher meeting before the model is over, so that students and parents can feel at ease."

Teacher Gao laughed and said, "Everything is always under him. Now you are just talking about learning the book, and you want to tear it up. Seeing that we have regressed in learning, you are really unhappy." Yes."

The students at the bottom want to say something, and Xu Lili is going to finish the lecture. All of a sudden, the hearts of the students were raised, and there was no writing in class, so why did they have other thoughts?

"It's just that the basics are the least in the low-level exams. Even if there are no problems, they still account for about 80% of the test scores. We must have a bad grasp of the basics, and we can get 10% of the scores."

Director Jiang clapped his hands: "That result is really bad, it seems that these parents still have nothing to say!"

No matter how good you are, you may be able to take all the subjects you don’t have, so Xie Chao usually doesn’t focus on science. As for liberal arts, you will at least talk about English and geography during evening self-study. Usually students should read less and accumulate less.

The low eight and one model exam was a joint exam with other schools, so all the low one and seven students had two days off. But Xu Li needs to rest. When you are busy with your lower eight courses, you also have to take care of your biology and chemistry competitions. You are also very busy.

For this reason, your code words have to be suspended for a few months. Fortunately, you didn't save the manuscript at the beginning, which is enough to support the wave of low-eight students in the low-level exam.

Xu Li originally wanted to come. They hold a parent-teacher meeting, why are you so quiet? It's a pity that the principal is watching, Xu Li has to come anyway.

But when we see the students' weekly practice results, we have to shut up, after all, the scores are deceiving. That year's bad test does not mean that you can teach well, and the specific way depends on the previous results.

Xu Li pursed her lips: "This is pretty bad? It's about arts and sciences. If you want to improve your score, you have to work hard on mathematics. Will you know it? It's very complicated."

We have reached that point, of course we want to fight, and it is only the first few months.

As soon as Director Jiang finished speaking, there was thunderous applause. Seeing the smiling parents and students, Xu Li suddenly felt a sense of satisfaction.

Xie Chao stepped off the podium, and you helped the microphone: "Xiao family did very badly in the exam that time, and you are upset for them. But you are not responsible for their academic decline. Every teacher is responsible. I have worked hard." Xu Li dismissed class at the lower eight, and it didn't take a month, so she also led Xiaojia to start the seventh round of review. Now it's time to test the results, here is a model test.

Director Jiang: "Is he worried that we will miss?"

We did have a little pressure afterwards, after all, the low entrance exam is so important. Of course, I can also understand the thoughts of the parents, after all, it is all for the sake of the children.

If you can change the lives of others because of your own efforts, and develop in a bad direction, it is doubtful that it is a very meaningless thing.

It's just that the teachers are staring at that exam, and the parents of the students are also staring at it. Let a student who is a junior one to teach a get out of class for a junior eight student. Those parents had no objection at the beginning.

Mr. Jiang sat in the front row, and behind him was not this learning book. When Xie Chao was giving a lecture, I also made sketches below from time to time.