Chapter 1803

When the anling family heard the news, they just saw Wuda, the leader of Jinwu tribe, roaring with anger.

Then a red light flashed through his chest.

With a sound, his heart was stabbed directly out of his chest by a sword, flying into the air and exploding directly.

Unable to utter a painful wail, he stood up and fell to the ground.

The leader of the Tangtang Jinwu tribe, a bully in the dark cloud world, died like this? Dead in the hands of a teenager?

An LingHong and an lingyao rubbed their eyes, and couldn't believe what they saw.

With a wave of Xi unknown's hand, the storage rings and storage bags on Wuda and those children of Jinwu tribe were all collected by him.

When he saw that the young man had sent a handful of spoils to him, Xi Yue blinked in surprise and refused, "do you keep them for yourself?"

Who knows the unknown but threw her a sentence, "it's just some rubbish. If you don't want it, I'll lose it."

Watching this scene, all the people of anling family immediately turned inside.

The people here are almost half of the elite of the Jinwu tribe, even including the leaders. The storage equipment left by these people is actually said to be garbage by the teenagers.

Xi Yue was also in tears and laughs. She didn't care about the young man. She reached for the storage ring of Wuda. "If you don't want it, you can give it to the people of anling family."

Unknown "Oh" a, throw casually, toward the direction of anlinghong sprinkle past.

Like Tiannvsanhua, there was no solemnity to Xi Yue.

But where would they mind? Now the anling family has undergone great changes and the residences have been destroyed, which is the time when a lot of materials are needed for reconstruction.

Even if Xi's attitude is arrogant and disrespectful, they can only be grateful for their tears.

The whole anling family could not say how respectful and grateful Xi was for his unknown attitude.

But only an lingyao shivered when he saw Xi unknown, like a frightened rabbit, hiding behind Xi Yue.

Xi Yue looked at an LingHong and said, "what's your plan next?"

When an LingHong heard the words, his face showed a sad expression, and two lines of old tears fell from his eyes.

He had heard from anlingyan that yunmingkun and anlingshuang, as well as their two children, had died, and their deaths were extremely tragic.

Anling frost is a well-known filial daughter of anling family. She has been helping the anling family for more than 20 years. How could they not be sorry that they were killed so badly that they didn't even leave two bones and flesh behind.

Anlinghong wiped away his tears, and his eyes slowly flashed a firm color. He said in a deep voice: "thank you very much for your great kindness. If there were not two today, our anling family would be doomed."

"Next, I'm going to take Yan'er back to meet with the patriarch. Since we have cut off the way that the dark cloud master sent Yan'er to invite the Moon Palace, we can only think of other ways. But as long as Yan'er is still there, the hope of our anling family is still there. "

Xi Yue nodded and said nothing.

Because they were afraid that the Qinglei family would catch up with them, they cleaned up and soon prepared to leave Tianluo city.

Xi Yue just rose from the air, suddenly stopped in the middle of the air, looked at the side yard of the corner of the main mansion, and slightly frowned.

"What's the matter, Mr Xi?" An lingyao asked nervously, are there any people of Jinwu tribe lurking in it?