Chapter 3160

Ji Mingyu hugged her. "Don't worry, the egg just consumes the spirit too much. It's just exhausted to the extreme."

Xi Yue was relieved when he heard this, but he was still frightened. "It's strange that this ancient yuankong environment belongs to the egg. Even if it can't control it completely, it shouldn't attack us against its will."

"Moreover, although the egg is not reliable occasionally, it will never be so careless at the critical moment. But it has twice made operational mistakes, once drained my psychic power and once sent us to dangerous places. Such mistakes are rarely made even by the former egg, let alone it has now recovered to the mature body of the yuan spirit. "

"Ji Mingyu, don't you think this situation is too strange?"

Ji Mingyu frowned and said: "it's really strange..."

Before he finished speaking, his face suddenly changed a little, his hands on his chest, and he bent slightly.

"What's the matter?!" Xi Yue saw that his face was white, his forehead was dripping with sweat, and he said nervously, "was he just hurt?"

"No..." Ji Mingyu shook her head and looked at the desert in the distance. "There is something calling me."

Xi Yue hears the prestige to go, far really see there seems to be a palace there.

She turned her powers around and found that she had recovered a lot, so she helped Ji Mingyu to rise.

In a moment, they were close to the palace.

"This is The temple of God? " Xi Yue was surprised and said, "is this where you are summoned? Is it a second trial for you? "

Ji Mingyu looked at the shrine in front of her eyes, and a red light flashed through her eyes.

Xi Yue looked at the dead shrine, and there was always a sense of depression and gloom in his heart.

Just like the last time Ji Mingyu entered the temple of the emperor, she knew that this was the start of the trial of the emperor, but she was not happy for Ji Mingyu, but full of worry.

There is a kind of strange feeling in my heart. If I go in, Ji Mingyu may not be able to return.

"Is it necessary to pass the test of the emperor if you want to ascend to the throne of the emperor?" Xi Yue muttered to himself.

Ji Mingyu closed his eyes and opened them again. The dark red in his eyes faded away. His face had recovered as usual. He had no pain just now, and there was no frightful chill. His face was still pale because of the excessive consumption of spiritual power.

Hearing Xi Yue's question, he shook his head and said, "not so. In fact, as long as anyone can reach the realm of God, he will have the ability to dominate the natural laws of heaven and earth, and will automatically become a God. "

Xi Yue was stunned. "As long as you reach the divine realm, you can become the emperor? But how many of them reach the realm of the gods at the same time? "

"It's impossible." Ji Mingyu was a little smirking and reached out to touch the girl's soft and smooth cheek. "Xi'er, how long can you know that 3000 people can fly to a divine servant? How long will it take to be promoted to a God? "

"From the hundreds of thousands of years ago to the present, there have been no more than 12 deities recorded in ancient books."

"Today, there are so many gods in the divine realm, because the emperor has not succeeded. In order to prevent the collapse of the divine realm, 81 cloud island has concentrated all its resources on several people, and just managed to create it."

Xi Yue heard this immediately.