Chapter 87 Entertain Me [Dark Forest War II - Part III]

-- POV Sarah --

In front of us stood a whole army of vermin and behind us a wall made of nature-related elements. As I looked at the four scumbags that seemed to be leading this army, my eyesight flickered. The more time passed, the more blood flowed into my left hand. My long fingernails dug into my flesh and opened my old, closed wounds.

*Kill, kill, kill, kill...*

I was trembling, my body was shaking and I couldn't contain myself anymore. My rage was overflowing and I almost felt like I had to contain myself to keep from running towards them. All I wanted to do was kill them, destroy them, annihilate them.

"Hahahaha~ show us what you have ! No matter how many of you there are, you will all end up impaled on my blade and nothing and no one will stop me from making you all suffer !!!"

I wanted to see them suffer, beg and make them pay for what they had done to my little brother Kirk. He had so much to live for, so much to accomplish and he was dead, killed by those who had always hurt us.

"You will all pay..."

Without further question I began to run, tears blinding my vision but my sword firmly in my hand. I couldn't see very well, but I wanted to smell the blood, feel the entrails being torn apart by my blows and make them all pay. With no other way out, I could hear the muffled footsteps of the others following me in our frantic charge. We were ready to slaughter them.

"Soldiers !"

The four individuals in front of me had shouted a single word as they jumped back to let their soldiers advance toward us. There were about 70 of them however not all of them were there as the elven and plant women subraces that had put up the wall stayed behind. It made no difference to me, I continued my mad dash as I finally reached the front of this tide of subraces. There were the bears, tigers and wolves at the front and then the human-like bipedal creatures at the back.

"Come here you scum !!!"

I swung my sword in all directions as jaws snapped from all sides. With my combat experience and level, I had no trouble dodging and delivering powerful blows to those who came too close. Unfortunately, they were retreating more than they were advancing and I could not deliver any lethal blows. Glancing behind me, the others had been pushed away from my position and our enemies had closed the gap behind me. I was alone on one side and my companions were facing the four women who had previously retreated.

*How did they get there ? Why am I the only one on the side ?*

I didn't understand what was going on as I decided to get down to business.

"You want to kill me like you did Kirk, right ? It won't work with me ! I will kill you, kill you, kill you !!!"

Increasing my speed and pushing mightily on my feet, I launched myself at these creatures who were trying to mimic the humans with their puny army. Those in the front row were surprised as I swung my weapon faster and harder. The four-legged beasts backed up and struggled to protect themselves as they tripped over each other. At this point a wooden wall rose in front of me to protect them and keep me from passing but it wasn't enough.

"That's right fight like the dogs you are haha~!!!"

With a kick, the wood collapsed and I could see behind the look on the faces of these trash change. The ones that were confident were starting to feel that desperation and fear of dying. Despite their numbers, they were still just weak beings in front of me and I couldn't help but feel my panties getting wet with excitement.

"Formation everyone !!!"

A red-furred bear yelled at the frightened soldiers to regroup as everyone backed away. I hadn't landed a killing blow yet, but I wanted to enjoy the delicious moment.

*He must be the leader !*

This bear was larger than the others and especially stood out with his red and brown color. As I looked at him, a smile appeared on my beautiful face.

*I will kill him in front of his companions so that once and for all their hopes are gone. I will break their will, I will make them sink slowly while enjoying the show !*

Without thinking, I charged at the creature to strike a blow. The bear had reacted at the last moment and its shoulder was already skewered in my sword.

"Aaaarg !!!"

"Hahahaha~ I thought the chief was more powerful than that !"

At first glance he looked pretty special and powerful but after my first attack I had come to the conclusion that he must not even be above level 15. The red creature screamed as I pulled my bloody weapon out of his body and my body was wracked with chills.

*Mmmmmh !!*

I didn't have time to enjoy the ecstasy as the subraces around me rushed in a coordinated group to help him. The ones who didn't seem to be using mana were already on me and launching their attacks. Swords, axes, spears and halberds were trying to reach me but to no avail. Everything was much too slow for me but I had to react quickly because with their numbers I would soon be overwhelmed. My companions were already busy with the others so I couldn't count on them, but in the end I didn't care. This was my little moment of pleasure, where I could give free rein to my impulses.

"Come on hahaha~"

I kicked in all directions, hearing the bones crack and the many screams of those who had been hit. These scums were ultimately nothing to be alarmed about and weren't even capable of dealing me a blow.

"Die filthy human !"

A dirty gray wolf was lunging at me with all fangs out as I dodged him with a step backwards breaking his ribs in the process. My elbow had sunk into its belly with power and speed making his bones crack. The four legged creature lay on the ground gasping for breath, his mouth bleeding as a group of bipeds using mana fell upon me. As I turned to face them, some elves came to retrieve their wounded companion and bring him to the back.

*Tsk...that's right go save your friend but it's only a matter of time before I get to the back and finish you all off !*

As I gloated inwardly, I prepared to receive those who ran toward me. Some had bodies reinforced with stone, fire and others had magical weapons. I was not a master of magic, but that did not mean that I was necessarily at a disadvantage. Alone against all and with my experience, I knew I would not lose this battle. As I made my way through them, I made sure to hurt as many as I could. Bodies fell wounded as blood spurted out everywhere.

*Tsk !*

I still couldn't manage to strike a deadly blow because I didn't have time to concentrate on a particular subrace. The night was dark and it was also difficult for me to be precise in these conditions but I didn't mind. My plan was to immobilize them and have fun with them later. Making the fun last was important and as my sword sank into the flesh I laughed as I was having a great time.

"Aaaaw yeah ! Entertain me hahaha~!!!"

Once again I could see the looks change and fear take over those who seemed so brave. I had managed to wound over twenty of these scum and now only half of them were left. Putting my feet on the arm of two filthy ogres on the ground, I pressed to break it but a huge sword prevented me from doing so, followed by a lava punch that I barely avoided.

*Oh my... *

I was so absorbed by my pleasure that I didn't notice the two helmeted half-humans approaching. Their auras were however superior to all these small fry and they were faster and more precise. These two troublemakers had come from my left and right simultaneously, aiming for my head and my heart.

As I watched them move in front of me, one spoke.

"It seems that even with many people it is still difficult for some. Human ! We will not let you hurt our soldiers any more !"

"We will be your opponents from now on !"

These two vermin dared to speak to me as if they were able to stop me. They were dressed the same but one had a big sword and a cat tail while the other had glowing fists and blood red eyes.


Spitting at their feet, I raised my head to look at them with a smug look before answering.

"I admit that you seem stronger, but will you even be able to hurt me ? Hahaha~ so be it, it's your turn to entertain me !"

Without further ado I launched myself at them, my sword still in hand ready to slice and dice their flesh. The first one to come towards me was the one with the sword while the one without a weapon was waiting for her moment on the side.

*You think you can take me like that ?*

As I blocked the sword blow by holding my own with both hands, I sent a violent kick in the belly of the human cat which she dodged. This gave me time to turn 360 degrees to hit the red-eyed one, but she was gone.

*Damn !*

Looking up, I could see a figure and two red eyes coming at me. I didn't have time to react as the cat woman swung her sword to slit my throat. I had no choice but to take a hit if I wanted to get out of this predicament. I would then dodge the cat scum's weapon, just before I felt an intense heat to my face.

"Aaaarg !"

My cheek had been hit as I was sent crashing several feet away from them.

"Da...damned creature !!!"

I felt my skin crackle as intense pain stung me.

" precious face ! You wretch ! You dared to touch my beautiful, perfect face raaaaah !!!"

If I hadn't been level 35 my head would have been torn off on the spot. I got away with a burn but it was absolutely intolerable. I, the beauty of the village, courted by dozens of men and women, had just lost my most precious possession. No woman was as beautiful as me and these vile creatures had just taken something from me again. This time I was completely overwhelmed, the pleasure had given way to rage as the fierce struggle continued.


I could no longer control my laughter as the two trash did their best to avoid my attacks which had become more violent, more savage and deadly. I was no longer ecstatic but completely unleashed and the more time passed, the more my attacks hit their targets. My blade was clashing against the huge sword and the fists of the vile red-eyed woman who was using up her mana. Without warning, I pulled a dagger out of my boot and threw it at the cat woman and while she was dodging a kick hit her in the shoulder. She had good reflexes so her bones weren't broken but she couldn't handle the sword as well anymore.

"Emilia !"

Seeing this scene, her teammate had called out her name without noticing my leg sweeping over hers to crush her head in the dirt.


The two subraces had lost their helmets and I could finally see who I was dealing with. They weren't pretty, in fact they were rather ugly with absolutely disgusting beastly ears.

"Just because you're ugly doesn't mean you have to pick on a pretty face ! You killed my brother and now this ? I warn you this is just the beginning !"

I wanted to disfigure them, bleed them and make them unrecognizable. My sword attacks were now only focused on their faces and our fight became more intense. I was getting hits that I was able to take, but the same could not be said for the other two. Even with two of them, the difference in level tipped the balance in my favor even though I wasn't unscathed.

"This is for my brother and my face !"

Just as I was about to cut the face of the cat woman I had grabbed by the collar, a powerful voice echoed from behind the tired, wounded and retreating soldiers.

"She didn't kill your brother !"

*Who is...??*

I didn't have time to finish my sentence when a figure suddenly appeared behind me. Without letting go of the half-human in my hand, I quickly swung my sword without looking at it, but it was blocked instantly. As I turned my head, I could see that a woman had easily stopped my powerful blow and was holding my sword in her teeth. This newcomer had literally stopped my deadly attack with her sharp fangs.


Her face was only a few feet away from mine and her intense violet eyes pierced my soul. I was hypnotized, paralyzed as the sound of my sword breaking woke me up. This monstrous woman had broken my weapon with one blow of her teeth while a terribly wild smile appeared at the same time. At that moment, the clouds finally cleared, letting the moon light up the clearing that had been in chaos until then. Finally, the white rays let me see in more detail who I was dealing with.

*Who is she ?*

This new fighter was far from the same level as those I had fought before. Two things jumped out at me, her two horns that I had never seen anywhere and her overwhelming presence. Unlike the others, this half-human was dressed differently and had something extra that made me shiver. I didn't have time to analyze further what was disturbing me so much, as she was already speaking.

"Ara ara~ sorry about your sword..."

It was weird because she seemed to be having fun but neither her voice nor her face expressed any emotion. As this mysterious fighter spoke, she threw her weapon at me condescendingly and contemptuously before continuing.

"You'll need it more than I will. Go ahead, show me how you fight human ! It's been a long time since I've fought you're lucky. If you're worth it, I might even show you my true form. Come on ! What did you say again ? Entertain me !"

" dare you ?"

I was angry, so angry as I scanned her with unconcealed animosity which seemed to amuse her. I couldn't see her face because her mask hid the top but it was easy to guess that she was a passable woman. Her aura was different, it was everywhere and nowhere at the same time, like an invisible mist that was slowly and dangerously engulfing me. I had never felt this way and it was impossible for me to properly assess her level. One thing was for sure, this subrace was clearly not normal and my instinct was to run away. As she looked at me much too calmly, only one sentence came to my mind.

*She's a dangerous monster...*


[N/A : Don't forget to read the notes at the end ! It is important ! Also, no system because I wrote too much, the chapter would have been too long otherwise (2600 words)]