Chapter 955: award

Lin Yuzhen grasped the hand of Watson's wife without any disapproval. The temperature of her palm made the woman feel that her heart was warmed up.

She is such a waste person, she can't do anything, and she is a drag on the family.

Even so, they didn't even dare to ask for a child because they were afraid of giving birth to him, but they were unable to take care of him.

Lin Yuzhen doesn't even dislike herself?

"Don't worry, I will find a way to cure your illness, you trust me."


When Lin Yu really said to heal herself, the woman didn't know what to say.

She looked at her husband, Watson also had red eyes, and thanked again and again: "Thank you Miss Lin! Thank you!"

"Fa Xi Ai Lu Xi close Yi Xi? Watson wiped his wife in the house, Jiang Ning led Lin Yuzhen out.

With Jiangning's financial resources and contacts, it is not a problem at all to cure Watson's wife's illness.

"It's not enough to just cure her,"

Jiangning said, "There are many problems in Xishan City. The entire Black Star Mining Co., Ltd. also has many problems. If these problems are not solved, we Lin's prefer not to solve these problems."

Lin Yuzhen looked at Jiang Ning and knew that there was nothing wrong with him.

But such a special city is completely a mineral-based industry. How can it be changed?

Watson had no choice, even if he was oppressed to the extreme, he still had no choice but to stay here.

Not only because this is their home, but also because they are the lowest-level laborers, without a high culture, and no other ability to survive.

Selling out their strength is the only way they can exchange life resources.

It is precisely because of this that people like Zhou Zhenghu will be crushed, exploiting and oppressing desperately!

"Husband, help them."

Lin Yuzhen pursed her lips, "I want to help them."

Jiang Ning smiled, stretched out his hand and gently scratched Lin Yuzhen's nose, knowing that she was kind and very emotional, and she felt uncomfortable to see that these people were not doing well.

People like her, it is the hope that people all over the world can live happily and live happily.

"Okay, then help them!"

"Husband, you are so kind."

Lin Yuzhen hugged Jiang Ning and kissed him on his face, "This is my reward!"

She blushed and bit her lip lightly: "When things are done here, I... I will reward you with the rest when I go home."

When Jiang Ning heard it, his eyes lit up, and his heart beat abruptly.

The expression on his face was calm and gentle, and he nodded faintly: "Yeah."

When Watson came out, Jiang Ning called him aside.

"You are in the eighth mining area, do you know people from other mining areas?"

Jiang Ning asked.

Watson now regards Jiang Ning and Lin Yuzhen as his life-saving benefactors, and there is no doubt about what they say.

He nodded immediately: "Yes! We workers, we all know each other, and we often change jobs in the mining area."

Sometimes when some mining areas stop working, they will go to other mining areas to do things. No one dares to stop working and stop their own income.

There are a total of 13 mining areas in Xishan City, and Watson has been working on the furthest one for two months.

"Watson, I tell you, you are the only one who can change your lives,"

Jiang Ning said earnestly, "Workers have the dignity of workers and have the right to work. No one is qualified to deprive you of your rights and trample on your dignity, understand?"