Chapter 1905

"Success? No, I'm just testing."

Ye Feng shook his head.

It has been too long since the tens of millions of years have passed, and the particles that make up the living body have scattered to various places in the starry sky, and some of them have become the components of other living bodies.

To revive these people, the particles that originally belonged to these people must be deprived from other living beings, which will easily lead to the collapse of other living beings.

And this will be punished by God!

for example.

When a plant of grass dies, its body particles disperse, and after a long time, it will naturally be absorbed by the surrounding grass. To revive this grass, the particles that belong to it must be stripped from other grasses.

This will naturally affect these grasses.

If a living being has just died, the particles that make up the body just escape into the nearby void, and have not been absorbed by other living beings, so the difficulty of aggregation is very small.

Over time, these body particles are gradually absorbed by other substances, forming a fixed state.

At that time, the difficulty of resurrection will be great.

So, the longer you die, the harder it is to resurrect.


Countless particles in the free state returned to their original positions, forming the original billions of creatures in this star, but they were all phantoms.

After half a quarter of an hour.

In the entire star, there is not a single creature whose body is complete. It is either a phantom, or lacks arms and legs, which looks a bit creepy.

What does this mean?

Resurrection failed!

Unless, make up the particles!

However, those particles have escaped to every corner of the starry sky, and have been absorbed by other life forms, becoming a part of their bodies, directly depriving them will cause the physical body of the deprived beings to collapse.

In severe cases, it may even kill them.

"Master Ye, can you be resurrected?"

Immortal Emperor Xin Wei saw many acquaintances, his eyes became hot, and his expression gradually became agitated.

Those were her former relatives and friends!

Ye Feng raised his eyebrows, and said: "They have been dead for too long, and they can be resurrected, but the price is that other innocent creatures may die. Are you determined to resurrect the people on this star?"

Immortal Emperor Xin Wei's expression changed.

She is not the kind of cruel and ruthless person. Although she can revive her former relatives and friends by doing so, she will kill other innocent people, and she can't get over the hurdle in her heart.

After thinking about it, she sighed helplessly.

"If... if in order to revive them, it is based on the premise of sacrificing other innocent people, I would rather let relatives and friends return to ashes, ashes to ashes."

After all, Immortal Emperor Xin Wei shed a tear.

She is not a demon!

Although she never claimed to be a practitioner of the righteous way, she was not the kind of person who could deprive innocent people of their lives for her own benefit.

Although very reconciled, but she gave up.

"Are you sure you won't resurrect them?"

Ye Feng asked in a deep voice.

Immortal Emperor Xinwei took a deep breath, and softly let out a nasal sound: "En."

After speaking, she seemed like a deflated ball.

Even Ye Feng couldn't help it. Her relatives and friends, as well as the life of the entire star, were they gone like this?

Thinking of this, Immortal Emperor Xin Wei was very sad.

Seeing this, Ye Feng's face remained normal, but in his heart he secretly praised Immortal Emperor Xinwei for being a good person, with principles, and not that kind of ruthless big devil.

In fact, Ye Feng was testing.

If Immortal Emperor Xin Wei desperately wanted to resurrect the people of this star even at the expense of those innocent people, then Ye Feng decided not to help.

Fortunately, Immortal Emperor Xinwei is very principled.

She is unwilling to sacrifice innocent people to resurrect some ancient creatures that have been dead for thousands of years.

"Actually, there is another way."

Ye Feng said slowly.

"Ah?" Immortal Emperor Xin Wei's eyes widened.

Ye Feng said: "I have another method to revive these creatures, but it is much more difficult than sacrificing other innocent creatures."

Immortal Emperor Xin Wei instantly ignited hope.


"Well, yes. But I can't guarantee that all creatures can be resurrected. You have to be mentally prepared."

Ye Feng didn't dare to talk too much.

In fact, besides using the particles of the dead souls themselves to help them reunite with their physical bodies, there is another method, that is:

According to the imprint of life, creating particles suitable for these living bodies can also reunite the physical body.

However, there is a premise.

He must get everyone's life imprint!

After some people died, their life marks were directly smashed, making it more difficult to revive. Some people's life imprints have been preserved, but they have been reincarnated and cannot be resurrected.

Only those who have not been reincarnated can be resurrected.

"Can't you resurrect everyone?"

Immortal Emperor Xinwei was a little disappointed.

"Yes, after all, they have been dead for tens of millions of years. Some people may have been reincarnated. Although they do not carry the memory of the previous life, they are indeed them. Therefore, these people who have been reincarnated and are still alive cannot be resurrected. Yes, after all, they are not dead now."

Ye Feng explained in detail.

"So that's it, I understand."

Immortal Emperor Xin Wei tapped his chin, indicating that he was mentally prepared, as long as Ye Feng could resurrect all the people who could be resurrected, it would be fine.

"In that case, I'm going to start."

Ye Feng made a talisman with both hands, and the phantoms of countless creatures on the surface of the star began to distort, some with a special mark on their heads, and some without.

If there is a seal, it means that it has not been reincarnated, or the reincarnated body is also dead, and the life mark is in a free state.

In this case, resurrection is not difficult.

There are also people with rays of light converging on the top of their heads, gradually condensing a brand new life imprint, which means that when this person dies, the life imprint is broken.

You only need to aggregate the life imprints to create a body that is exactly the same as the original one, and you can also be resurrected.

In the last case, there is no mark.

This means that this person has been reincarnated, and the reincarnated body is currently alive.

Such a person does not need to be resurrected.

"After the analysis, more than 80 million people are currently in the state of reincarnation, and I can even know where they are currently living."

Ye Feng said.

Thanks to the full version of the heart of wisdom, his soul has been sublimated, and his computing power is terrifying. In just a moment, he has already calculated the number and current location of those reincarnated people.

Immortal Emperor Xin Wei on the side was dumbfounded.

There are already more than 80 million people in the state of reincarnation? This is how to do!

This is no small matter!

Although the remaining souls can be resurrected, because there are more than 80 million people alive, they have no memory of their previous lives, and for those who will be resurrected next, they are also dead.

The impact brought by this is too great!

Just imagine, once most of the creatures on the stars are resurrected, but more than 80 million people are missing, their elders, friends, and Taoist companions will inevitably be very sad, and even panic.

Thinking of this, Immortal Emperor Xin Wei expressed his worries.

Hearing this, Ye Feng said:

"Because of this phenomenon, resurrected creatures will disturb the order of the universe. Now, do you know why the resurrected people will be killed by the universe's punishment god?"

"Yes, I understand." Immortal Emperor Xinwei nodded.

After the death of a living being, ashes return to ashes, and dust returns to dust, this is a matter of conforming to the natural laws of the universe. If you take action to resurrect the living beings, it is to reverse the natural laws of the universe.

This will naturally be punished by the consciousness of the universe.

"So, do you want to resurrect all living beings that can be resurrected?" Ye Feng asked.

Immortal Emperor Xinwei fell into deep thought.

She originally only wanted to revive her relatives and friends, but relatives and friends also have their network of relationships, and their friends also have friends and other relatives. Spread out like this, even if only dozens of people are resurrected, tens of thousands of creatures will be involved behind the scenes.

Therefore, it is necessary to revive as much as possible.

Otherwise, the living will not be happy either.

Considering these, Emperor Xinwei quickly made a decision, saying: "I have decided to resurrect all the creatures that can be resurrected, and those who cannot be resurrected, please tell me where their reincarnations are, and I will pass them on to you." Those resurrected beings."

"no problem."

Ye Feng nodded, and began to analyze all the life imprints on the scene, directly consuming the origin of the universe, creating qualified particles, and reorganizing the physical body.

Gradually, the physical bodies of most of the creatures became solid and gradually returned to their original state.

They closed their eyes and lay on the ground.

As the imprint of life was activated, the memories of the past began to gestate in the bodies of these resurrected creatures.

"Soul return, return to life!"

Ye Feng let out a loud roar, and used all his strength to use the "Heart of Life" and "Hand of Luck", which had been thoroughly practiced, to inject vitality into these creatures and restore their supposed lifespan and luck.

The whole process took half a day.

When Ye Feng finally stopped his movements, the hundreds of millions of creatures lying on the ground suddenly inhaled forcefully, just like the state after being rescued from drowning.

They gradually opened their eyes.

"Oh, my head hurts!"

As soon as these people woke up, they felt a huge memory flooding into their minds, as if they were kicked on the head by a bull's hoof, and they slapped their heads hard, making muffled groans.

"Aren't I dead?"

"Strange, I remember that the entire star suffered a terrible catastrophe, and we all died."

"I vaguely remember that I was slapped to death by a terrifying strong man. Before I died, I clearly saw the whole star being beaten to pieces."

"Are we resurrected?"

The creatures of this star kept screaming.


Deafening thunder broke out, Ye Feng looked up at the sky, then at Immortal Emperor Xinwei, and teleported away from the gap in time and space where the stars of Dragon City were, and came to the vast universe and starry sky to cross the catastrophe.

To revive so many practitioners who have died for more than tens of millions of years at once, he will face a heavy punishment.

However, Ye Feng didn't panic at all.

He sat cross-legged in the void calmly, letting the golden god thunder strike him fiercely, his body was broken and reassembled.

The area where the dragon city stars are located.

Immortal Emperor Xinwei looked at these resurrected people, and soon found her parents, as well as some relatives and friends.

Of course, some people are not there.

She knew that those people were currently in a state of reincarnation, scattered all over the universe. Of course, most of the reincarnations are in this starry sky.


A golden handbook emerged out of thin air, held by Immortal Emperor Xin Wei in both hands, to examine it.

The above details the current location of the 80 million reincarnated people, which can be easily found.

"Master Ye, thank you!"

Immortal Emperor Xin Wei looked into the distance, looked through the gap between time and space, saw Ye Feng who was crossing the catastrophe, and was very moved.

Immediately, she looked towards the surface of the stars.

Looking at those relatives and friends who were bewildered, tears welled up in their eyes. However, as an immortal emperor, she quickly adjusted her mentality, with a calm expression, and kindly told the truth about everyone being resurrected.

"Are we really resurrected?"

"Have we been dead for more than ten million years?"

"Is it Ye Feng, the head teacher of the Misty Sect in the Divine Land, who resurrected us? Today's twin universes have entered the peak of prosperity!"

Everyone was very surprised.

When they learned that more than 80 million people have been reincarnated and reborn, almost all of them are scattered in the starry sky, many of them cried.

Because, to them, those people are dead, after all, they have no memories of their previous lives.

"Look out."

"It's not necessarily a good thing for them to be reincarnated and have a new life trajectory."

"Hopefully my kids will find a match."

"I hope my reincarnated wife can find a good home... I have decided to be single for three years, and then marry ten other regular wives as a token of my memory."

"Jie Jie Jie, I can change my husband now!"

"I can change my wife."

Knowing that some relatives and friends have been reincarnated into other planets of life, some people are happy while others are sad, some burn incense and pray to Buddha to celebrate, and some drink to relieve boredom.

In short, it is still the same sentence.

People's joys and sorrows are different.

Many people found Immortal Emperor Xin Wei and found that she was already the eighty-first level Immortal Emperor. They were shocked and expressed their high respect.

Some people also asked about the whereabouts of reincarnated relatives and friends.

Immortal Emperor Xin Wei took out the manual Ye Feng gave her to help everyone find their reincarnated relatives and friends, but asked them not to interfere with the lives of those people.

Everyone understands this.

They quickly set off to other stars of life in the starry sky, and found those relatives and friends who were reincarnated, but they just looked at each other without meeting each other.

If conditions permit, they will help secretly.

In the world, there is still true love.

However, some people are going for revenge!

On a narrow street.

A certain immortal slashed out with a knife, beheaded the reincarnated enemy, and crushed him to ashes.

"The revenge of killing a wife is irreconcilable!"

After all, the immortal left.

Similar things keep happening.

Immortal Emperor Xin Wei turned a blind eye and didn't bother to care so much. Anyway, these are the fates chosen by those people, and have nothing to do with her.

"I persuaded you, but you still do it, and you will pay the price in the end."

Immortal Emperor Xin Wei shook his head and murmured.

Not long after, those who killed the reincarnated enemies were also besieged by relatives and friends of the other party in the current world. Some escaped and some fell.

Different strengths represent different endings.

Someone had the last laugh.

Someone was killed on the way to revenge.


The vast expanse of starry sky.

Ye Feng is going through the tribulation, constantly transforming the punishment thunder calamity into a rich source of the universe, blessing the small universe. At the same time, he is also observing the starry sky in the gap between time and space, knowing what happened inside.

He doesn't care about those who are looking for reincarnated relatives and friends, or seeking revenge.

Die is dead...

It's all fate, it's all cause and effect.

If they did not do evil in the previous life, they will not bring disasters of death in this life.

Ye Feng has gradually looked away.

This is a brand new understanding after creating ten thousand strands of law of cause and effect.


At this moment, among the 10,000 strands of causal laws included in the small universe, two strands were successfully fused, which made Ye Feng straighten his eyes, expressing surprise.

"Could it be that……"

"As long as I have a new understanding of karma and reincarnation, can it promote integration?"

Ye Feng thought of this.

This was a pleasant surprise.

He continued to try to merge, but found it was useless, so he had to continue to cross the tribulation until the thunder tribulation disappeared.

Three days later.

Ye Feng returned to Longcheng Xingchen and found Immortal Emperor Xinwei who was waiting here.

"Thank you, Master Ye!"

Immortal Emperor Xin Wei knelt down on one knee, thanking her continuously.

"You don't have to be polite."

Ye Feng stretched out his hand to support Immortal Emperor Xin Wei, and their hands touched in mid-air. Ye Feng felt that the touch was very delicate and soft, very comfortable.

The two sides broke up at the touch of a finger.

Immortal Emperor Xin Wei blushed slightly.

She didn't understand that she was a top immortal emperor who had lived for more than tens of millions of years, so she should have a rock-solid heart, why would she feel shy and expectant just by touching Ye Feng slightly?

Could it be that you like each other?

"Immortal Emperor Xinwei, I have already resurrected most of the dead creatures in your Dragon City Xingchen. It stands to reason that you should pay the reward."

Ye Feng coughed and said.

Taking the initiative to ask for the bill made him blush and feel a little embarrassed. But, after thinking about it, he and Xiandi Xinwei are a business, so there is nothing to be ashamed of.

Moreover, Ye Feng is ready to open up new business.

That is:

Help people revive relatives and friends!

Or, help them find reincarnated relatives and friends, or reincarnated enemies.

Of course, everything needs to be paid.

Moreover, he only takes big business.

Immortal Emperor Xinwei opened the storage space, took out a large number of treasures, and piled them on the ground, including the Immortal Emperor's Armament, top-level immortal medicine, ancient scriptures, various precious refining materials, etc. that she personally refined.

Seeing this, Ye Feng expressed satisfaction.

Suddenly, he stared at one of the ores, and quickly saw the secret hidden inside.

"This is……"

Ye Feng quickly picked up the crimson gold ore the size of a skull, took out the extremely hard Absolute Beginning sword embryo, and split the ore in half.

Inside, there is a fist-sized purple-gold ore in a viscous solid-liquid state.

"Hey, why is there a mezzanine?"

Immortal Emperor Xin Wei raised her eyebrows at the side. She didn't expect that there was a purple-gold special ore in this top-level ore that she disposed of at will, which looked very extraordinary.

However, since the things have been given to Ye Feng, she has no reason to ask for them back, so she can only watch.

Ye Feng immediately opened his eyes of insight.

[Name: Purple Dragon Crystal]

[Rank: Heavenly Dao Grade]

[Introduction: A special material that can increase the flexibility of divine weapons. Its grade is comparable to Jieyuan Zijin, and it is one of the top materials in the universe.]

【Remarks: None】

The Absolute Beginning Sword Embryo made of Absolute Beginning Immortal Gold for the main body is very hard, but it is too rigid and easy to break. If you can add purple dragon crystals of the same level as Jieyuan Zijin, the flexibility of the Absolute Beginning Sword Embryo will be greatly increased, and it will not be broken.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng was very happy.

[PS: This chapter is 5000+ words, good night! 】

(end of this chapter)