Chapter 126 - Persuasion

"But I heard from the old Emperor the crystal is somewhere in the palace…" said Zhang Yu Hong again.

"So, no one knows where the crystal exactly is" Ming Yue Yin pinch her glabella exasperatedly.

"If it's information about the palace you can only find it in the imperial library but who knew if the content about the crystal still there, the current Emperor might dispose of anything about it, that of course if he knew anything about it," said Fu Ying.

"It still 'a wild goose chase' isn't it?" Wu Tian Zi remains logical.

"Who knew, the tree exists so why not the ancestor crystal exist too?" Ming Yue Yin said casually.

"WHAT?" the four men exclaimed at the same time.

"What? I haven't told you all before?" Ming Yue Yin stare at them one by one then she let out a long sigh "The sacred tree is real and I already blessed by the tree 'Gift' you can check my cultivation" she takes off the bracelet amulet she wears to hide her cultivation, suddenly the Qi around her body released, General Fu and the others stunned.

"Master level?" General Fu shocked, he only heard Ming Yue Yin at Knight level at transition stage but he knew it was all boost by pill and elixir although he felt worried at that time, but the imperial alchemist and Physician assured him it's fine and completely harmless so General Fu didn't ask again.

"It's quite solid too, it's good…..very good" Zhang Yu Hong stroke his beard with proud looks.

"The emperor wants to ruin my body and cultivation by choking me with a lot of pill and elixir when I wake up Unc…Lord Long Ming, erased my old cultivation and master Jin Hao detoxed my body from pill and elixir inside my body, normally my body should be ruined by now and I can't cultivate anymore but thankfully I blessed with the tree 'Gift' and like you all can see, I'm fine the truth is I'm GREAT!" Ming Yue Yin's smile grew wider.

"That SCUMBAG!!" General Fu hit the table furiously, he was fooled again by the Emperor he felt so stupid, the Emperor must have bribe everyone inside the palace including the alchemist and physician to hide the princess condition, how can he be so stupid?

"That man…..since when he become like that? not even me realize it" Zhang Yu Hong regretted not to realize it sooner since he was there for a decade, watching them grew up together.

"Don't blame yourself master Zhang, Xiao Jin, that man is always good at pretending, that's why Ming Ze trusts him with all his heart, although I saw peculiarity with his behavior but I never thought he would go this far…" Wu Tian Zi patted Fu Xiao Jin shoulder his expression become somber, The Previous Emperor, Fu Xiao Jin, and Wu Tian Zi are childhood friends all of them grew up together, their relationship is more than just subordinated and superior they are like brothers and they also knew the current Emperor as a small boy who admires his brother but who knows since when that admiration change into jealousy and hated.

"Uncle Wu is right, whatever happened in the past it leads me to received this 'Gift' now I can cultivate faster than normal person so uncle Fu you don't have to feel sorry for me" Ming Yue Yin comfort them, when they talk about her biological father their eyes turn warmed and soft they seem to care about her father very much and that makes her very touch, her real father must be a good man to have other people thought about him this way.

Wu Tian Zi and Fu Xiao Jin dumbfounded "Pri…princess, we nor dare…." Fu Xiao Jin stammer.

"Yes, your highness this humble subordinated not dare…" Wu Tian Zi cupped his fist courteously.

"Why not? I can see your relationship with my real father is close, I like to see you all as a family...since I have no family anymore..." she looks down sadly.

They realize she has no family anymore, the only family she knows turns out killed her family and wants to kill her too and they have no blood related, all prince and princess inside the palace have no blood relationship with her. Ming Yue Yin is the lone survivor of her family. She truly is alone in this world.

The four men feel bad for her, it's because their incompetence to protect the previous emperor this could happen so now they have to redeem their mistake, they would avenge the previous emperor and all Royal family death and protect the last Princess they have.

"Yes, you can call them uncle and you can call me Grandpa Zhang too, I've been tutoring your father for decades his more than just a student and Emperor for me…." Zhang Yu Hong chin trembles the old memory of a small boy with golden robes called him 'teacher' with bright smiles coming back to him.

"I have an uncle, a grandpa and an aunty" she smiles with content.

"Can I be your sister instead?" Lory shouted from behind while raising her hand like a good student.

"No!" Ming Yue Yin rejects her swiftly without bothering to look at her. Lory's mouth pursed, she had no choice to becomes aunty at the aged seventeen how sad, she leans his head at Zhao Li Xin arms lazily while he stroked Lory head gently, Bei Li Yan giggles while Jin Hao rolls his eyes with an amused expression.

"I m not alone anymore, I can do this!" Ming Yue Yin takes a deep breath her eyes filled with determination.

"Oh, I have an idea" Lory suddenly raise her hand again "While you all gather people, evidence and whatever, why don't you let me search the ancestor crystal?"

"NO!" Ming Yue Yin, Zhao Li Xin, Bei Li Yan, and Jin Hao said at the same time.

Lory slouched on her chair and pout her mouth "Why not?"

"Because it's dangerous, you want to infiltrate the palace? if that so I'm more suited for the job because I know every nook and cranny of the palace" she raised both her hands on her waist.

"That stupid, you just got out why you enter the palace again, people also know your face beside you need to practice your martial art, your cultivation may be high but you know nothing about fighting" Lory raised her eyebrows, her words are right Ming Yue Yin tongue-tied.

"No, I won't let you!" this time Zhao Li Xin interferes.

"Why… all busy and have a lot of spare time," Lory said casually "Just think about it, I can pretend as a maid 'again' and snooping around, I have averaged face no one would notice me even in Lao manor I remain low key"

"But you look more beautiful than the last time you work there" Zhao Li Xin remain firm.

She just changes her slanted eyes into her former double eyelids then returns the size of her eyes to her normal eyes then she makes her skin lighter and transforms her flat body to her original body, she can't change that much….

"But my face still averaged compare to a beautiful girl around here, no one would see me twice" she coaxed him.

"But I look at you all the time" Zhao Li Xin said with a serious face.

"Awww…." Lory's face flustered "Wait, that's not what I mean!" she almost falls in his trap.

Jin Hao can't stand it the flirting anymore, he drags Bei Li Yan who watch excitedly and other people to get out of the room, Wu Tian Zi and others are conservative men, of course, they run from the room in haste while Zhang Yu Hong gently nudge Ming Yue Yin who is grinning ear to ear watching them flirting to get out of the room too.

While outside the room Fu Xiao Jin asked Bei Li Yan "What about heavenly jade pavilion?" no one discusses how to handle them.

Bei Li Yan waves his hand carelessly "Don't worry, they are SO DEAD!" Bei Li Yan laugh freely, Fu Xiao Jin becomes stiffed he doesn't know if Bei Li Yan serious or not, he glances at Jin hao but his face remains flat so Fu Xiao Jin can't discern what they think about, not only Long Ming even his subordinated is hard to read.

Meanwhile, inside the empty study room who only left with two people sit on the arhat chair, both of them start staring contest, none of them realizes everyone already left, well for Zhao Li xin....he just not care.

"Please…..I will be careful" Lory pleads pitifully.

"The last time you said that I lost you inside the tomb, you know how many times I thought I lose you?" Zhao Li Xin crosses his arms on his chest.

"How many times?" Lory pout.

"Countless…" he said sternly.

"But….this is not the tomb it's only a palace" Lory still not given up, being stubborn is one of her virtue afterall.

"It's worst than a tomb and the human it's cruelest than a beast" this time he unyielding.

"Send Mong Yi to protect me then"

"He can be at two places at the same time"

"Then send Mong Ki too"

Mong Ki is busy!" he said cooly

Lory slouched on her chair, this Demon Lord has learned to defense but she not given up, she stares at Zhao Li Xin with her big doey eyes, she blinks her eyes to make it look sad.

"It's no use looking at me like that" Zhao Li Xin hardened himself.

Lory makes an expression like an abandoned puppy.

"Stop it is no use!" Zhao Li Xin glared at her.

Lory blinks her eyes again her eyelashes fluttering like a butterfly, she looks like a bullied wife.

"I FORBID YOU TO ENTER THE PALACE!!" Zhao Li Xin said with a resolute expression.