Chapter 686

The main roads of Guyun City are criss-crossed, and the rice paddies are moderate, and the bustling streets in the past are even worse now.

Vendors selling flowers, masks, snacks, and handicrafts abound. The streets are full of people, mostly young men and women walking together, and there is a cheerful and ambiguous atmosphere everywhere.

"This custom is really lively and interesting." Landa subconsciously touched the mask on her face, and glanced at the people around her with a smile.

"Today, the saint is going down to earth, to experience the happiness of a secular woman."

The woman's slender and tall body was perfectly covered by the huge ink-colored cloak, and only a ray of fairy white was revealed in the thick ink as she walked. She was low-key and at the same time more mysterious.

The woman raised her head. Under the cloak, the mask of the fox fairy perfectly covered her face. Behind the long and narrow fox eyes, there was a swath of darkness, which aroused infinite reverie.

Tian Wu followed behind him not far or near, with a mask on his face, but his eyes were always firmly locked on Ming Jing, not daring to relax for a moment.

"Today you are not a saint, but an ordinary woman who has the freedom to choose her lover."

Landa smiled and took Ming Jing's hand, leading her through the crowd.

Suddenly, a person blocked their way.

Landa took a closer look, it was a young man wearing a grimacing mask, but the clothes indicated that he was from a wealthy family. It was just the eyes behind the mask, which turned around on the woman in the black cloak, and finally settled on Landa's mask There was a bit of lust in the depths of his eyes.

The woman in the black cloak was so tightly covered that she couldn't see anything, and her temperament was far less bright than the woman in red in front of her.

He observed on the street for a long time, only this woman in red had an extraordinary temperament, so he couldn't help but block the way.

"What do you want to do?" Landa said with a smile.

That voice was extremely charming, light and airy without the slightest hint of anger, but a little more leisurely, with a catchy ending.

The man couldn't help but take a step forward: "Can the beauty show her face and dance with me?"

At night, there is a dance party in the square, and young men and women who see each other can go to it.

"It's not impossible to dance with Miss Ben, unless..."

There was a bit of complacency in the man's eyes, it seemed that he was no match for this young master's charm.

"Unless you learn how a dog crawls."

Even though he was wearing a mask, Landa could feel the man's face change instantly, and he glared at Landa angrily: "This young master thinks highly of you, don't be shameless."

Landa put her hands on her hips, her imposing manner was not in the slightest, "My lady thinks highly of you for letting you learn how to crawl like a dog. Don't be shameless."

" are simply hateful. How can there be such a vicious and savage woman like you in the world? Men in this world will not look at you even if they are blind."

"Heh... What kind of good is a man, and you want them to look up to them? Please take a piss to reflect on your own virtue? Are you worthy of carrying shoes for this lady?"

The angry man blushed at Landa's arrogant words, pointed at Landa and couldn't hold back a word for a long time.

Landa snorted softly, grabbed Ming Jing and left arrogantly.

"You let me choose the freedom to love, but you sneer at men in the world, so why?"

The girl's gentle voice was like a stream under the moon, quiet and clear.

"Most men in this world are unlucky. Finding a consistent good man is harder than reaching the sky. Women are inherently weak. If they lose the bet, it will be tragic, but you are different."

Landa turned her head and looked at her: "You are the best woman in the world, you should be matched with the best man in the world, love and pleasure, and human nature, if you don't experience it, what's the point of this high life ?”

Landa smiled, her eyes sparkling, her tenderness was unbelievable.

"One has to be willful once in one's life. I look forward to you finding your destined lover."

"Destined Beloved...?" The girl's soft murmur came from beside her.

As the sun slanted towards the west, Guyun City ushered in the busiest night.

The square is crowded with people, young men and women dressed in colorful brocade, dancing to the music.

Landa took the mirror and walked into the sea of ​​people, stepping on it with the beat of the drums. Landa had never been so happy. It was the first time seeing the mirror that didn't eat fireworks, showing embarrassment for the first time, and she couldn't straighten up laughing.

"It turns out that you also have such a day, I am really happy."

It's not that Ming Jing can't dance, it's just that those hard-working skills have long been thrown away in the deep sea of ​​time. She thought that she would never regain it in this life, but after the initial embarrassment, she quickly found the feeling and was able to dance with ease. Blend in with the crowd.

Landa realized that she underestimated the mirror again, and couldn't help laughing at herself.


Someone stepped on the cloak, the place is narrow, and it cannot be used. Ming Jing couldn't bear to hurt the innocent, so he prepared to have a close contact with the ground.

Her slender waist was pinched by a pair of big hands, and in the blink of an eye, she fell into a generous embrace. The strong hormonal breath of a young man rushed towards her face, and she was suddenly at a loss for a moment.

Those big hands pinched her waist, with some force, with a bit of domineering and calm.

Bright mirror fetal eyes, the young man is tall, covering the waning moon behind him, she sees the pair of eyes deeper and more turbulent than the night behind the mask.

Ming Jing thought of Ah Qing complaining to her when she was chasing dramas, how blind are those characters in film and television dramas who can't recognize people after wearing a mask.

Wearing a mask is nothing but self-deception.

There is a kind of person who can be recognized in the crowd at a glance even if his body and appearance are covered up.

Ming Jing suddenly realized that she had become so familiar with him before she knew it.

Behind him were bright lights and loud voices, and the hustle and bustle seemed to have gone away all of a sudden.

Between heaven and earth, there are only the two of them.

Ming Jing suddenly heard the words that Landa just said, destined to be a beloved...

The thunder exploded in her mind, she suddenly came back to her senses, and took a step back calmly.

"Why are you here?"

This sentence seemed inappropriate, Ming Jing realized it was too late, she simply kept silent.

"When I saw the customs and features of Shendu Kingdom in a geography book when I was in school, I was full of curiosity about this country. Now that I can witness it with my own eyes, it is a worthwhile trip."

The young man has a great bearing, and his gestures are calm and calm, as if he is facing an old friend who has not reunited for a long time.

Ding Jing took a serious look at him, but he hadn't seen him for a few days. It seemed that something had changed in him. Perhaps Ding Jing would never understand what that meant.

He breathed a sigh of relief quietly in his heart, and when Ming Jing realized that she would be subconsciously nervous when facing him, he silently recited the Qingxin Mantra in his heart.

"In fact, there are still many interesting places in this country. I will tell you in detail when I have time..."

When he said this, the man paused for a moment, his starry eyes seemed to be covered by dark clouds in the blink of an eye.

"I'm going back home."