Chapter 1341: Foodie's comment

The water friends suddenly laughed and made fun of them.

"Yue'er, don't be jealous, I want it together."

"Why is the jealous Yue'er so cute?"

"If you want Yue'er's water friend, wait a moment, do you think about how old Yue'er is?"

"A, right?"

"Puff, too sad, I guess there is a B!"

"Puff, this can't feed the child."

"Stop it, don't do it, I want Qin'er, Qin'er can support it as soon as I see it."

"Qin'er Qin'er!"

The barrage is hot, and they are all talking about whether Yueer can feed the child or Qiner can feed the child.

This made Lin Yue's face look black, and when he looked down at his airport, his face became even darker.

Hua Qin hid her mouth and snickered, unconsciously puffing up her chest.

But on the surface, the anchor still has to do. Lin Yue smiled and ignored the barrage that said she could not support the child, cleared her throat and said: "The theme of today's live broadcast is food. Guess where I am now. Reminder. , Linhai University."

"Look at this environment, is it a cafeteria?"

"What kind of food can there be in the cafeteria?"

Lin Yue said with a mysterious face: "Is there really no food in the cafeteria? I think you all guessed wrong. Do you remember where I was broadcasting last time?"

"Oh, I remember, Canteen No. 7 of Linhai University!"

"The anchor, why did you go again? That place is delicious?"

Then a student from Linhai University jumped out and roared: "The food in that place is really good. After I visited last time, I have been going to Canteen 7 every day. But why do you look like Yue'er? So few? No, I see a lot of people, they are all queuing."

Lin Yue smiled and said, "I'm on the second floor. The two floors are the same canteen."

"There is this kind of operation? I'll come up quickly!"

"I'm coming too!"

Many water friends who were waiting in line saw this and hurried upstairs. Seeing Lin Yue's eyes lit up here, they hurriedly said hello, and then they bought food at Lin Yue and Huaqin. Sat down.

"Yue'er, what are you eating?"

Several water friends greeted Lin Yue and Huaqin enthusiastically, when they suddenly saw what they were drinking slowly and looked content, so they asked curiously.

When Hua Qin heard this, he said casually: "Oh, the new product launched by this canteen, medicated diet."

"Medicated diet?" The water friends were suddenly surprised, "Is it delicious?"

"not bad."

Hua Qin nodded.

"Then let's try it too." Those water friends bought another medicated diet, and when they tasted it, they all exclaimed: "This tastes really good."

Lin Yue smiled and said, "Yes, we also think it's good."

Seeing this scene, there was another wave of barrage in Lin Yue’s live broadcast room——

"I was caught off guard by this ad."

"Anchor, you won't charge money anymore?"

"What's good in medicated diet is the taste of Chinese medicine."

The water friends frantically raised the barrage, asking if Lin Yue had collected money for advertising.

Lin Yue looked speechless: "Have I ever collected money for advertising?"

A water friend named Feilong Zaitian suddenly jumped out and said: "Medicated diet is our traditional diet culture in China. It is necessary to strictly abide by the formula when configuring it. Otherwise, it will cause big problems if you eat randomly. Yueer, you should be careful. point."

Lin Yue hesitated when he saw this message, "No, I think it tastes good, and it's nothing unusual. What I want to say... Yes, I just feel that my stomach is warm and comfortable."

Feilong Zaitian: "This may be an adverse reaction. Ask other people."

Lin Yue asked several friends next to him, "What do you think?"

Who knows that those few water friends, just eating vegetables, didn't even lift their heads.

Lin Yue's face is black, and a little bit wronged. Nima is not as important to me as good food?

This scene also made the water friends in the live room laugh.

"I actually ignored Yue'er."

"Deserve to be single for a lifetime!"

"I rely on my talents, so why do you call me a straight man? Haha."

Lin Yue looked speechless.

When the few water friends finished eating, they didn't know enough to say: "This medicated diet tastes good, and I feel quite comfortable after eating it."

Another water friend also said: "I originally felt my body was hollowed out, but now I am full of energy."

Upon hearing this, the flying dragon said again in the sky: "Then this response, it seems that this medicated diet works well, Yue'er, how much is this medicated diet?"

When Lin Yue said the price.

Feilong sent another message in the sky: "..."

15 yuan?

15 yuan for a braised chicken rice is almost the same, isn't it a joke to ask for a medicated meal?

At this time, in a hotel in Linhai City.

A middle-aged man sitting behind the computer screen, with a mustache on his mouth, looked at the live broadcast room and meditated.

He is called Chu Fei, and his net name is Feilong Zaitian. He is actually a gourmet. Recently, he just happened to be here in Linhai City. He wanted to see what kind of food there is. He also likes to watch Lin Yue’s live broadcast. It is diving.

It wasn't until Lin Yue said that he was taking medicated food just now that he couldn't help but speak.

"The 15 yuan medicated diet, you can't be kidding, right?"

"Advertising? Yue'er shouldn't do this kind of thing." Chu Fei thought of this and made a decision, so he went to see it today.

Lin Yue is broadcasting live here.

Then the system suddenly prompted that Feilong had rewarded a rocket in the sky.

"666, Feilong Great God will give a reward if he disagrees!"

"Damn, who is this big man?"

The water friends suddenly boiled. Although many people usually give rewards, a rocket is still rare.

Lin Yue looked surprised and thanked: "Thank you Feilong for your reward in the sky."

At this time, the system prompts that Feilong is going to chat with her privately in the sky, Lin Yue hurriedly clicked and said hello: "Feilong is big, hello."

Flying dragon in the sky: "Hello Yue'er, I want to ask where did you eat the medicated diet?"

Lin Yue sent an address: "It's at Linhai University, Canteen No. 8, do you want to come to Feilong University?"

Flying Dragon in the sky: "It's too late to come over now, I will go in the evening, thank you."

Lin Yue: "You're welcome."

The live broadcast of Lin Yue and Huaqin that day brought a lot of traffic to Ye Qiu's canteen, and the 8th canteen has gradually gained popularity from its former deserted situation.

Anyone who has eaten medicated diet is very surprised, because they obviously feel that their physical condition has improved, and the taste is really good, so they all sent me a circle of friends recommendations, let medicated diet in Linhai University a small fire. Put.

But when it comes to night, it gets even hotter.

Suddenly, an article was posted on the Internet, and it attracted attention in a short period of time-"This is the most common and delicious medicinal meal I have ever tasted." The publisher surprised many netizens. It turned out to be Chu Fei, a well-known gourmet and current critic on the Internet.