CH 68.1

The book was stuffed in the gap between the clothes and the box, only the spine was exposed, but it attracted Lu Gu to look at it all the time. He remembered that after Lu Wen bought a new book, he had to read it first before studying it carefully, as if he wanted to recognize the words in it first.

But Lu Wen had already attended school at that time, and could read a lot of characters. He only knew two, and couldn't even read other characters, so he couldn't do it.

He put the clean quilt on the bed first, and when he came to close the box, he hesitated for a while, and the joy of being able to study made him stretched out his hand.

Touching the hard spine of the book with his fingertips, Lu Gu was both curious and apprehensive, and couldn't hold back the desire to open it and take a look.

Pinching the spine of the book with his fingers, he could pull out the book with all his strength, but in the end, Lu Gu was still timid.

The books were something he didn't understand at all, and they were precious, and it would be bad if they were damaged.

Like many people in the countryside, although Lu Gu was very far away from the word "learning", he respected and envied people who could sturdy in his heart, so he didn’t dare to move around.

Besides, when Shen Xuanqing gave him money, he also bought food for him. He could move the food, but such rare things as books were different from other things.

The box was closed again.

In the evening, Shen Xuanqing came back with the big dogs. Today he wanted to catch a stupid fox with mixed fur, he wanted to gather a few pieces of fox fur to make a quilt, but accidentally missed it. A hardwood branch poked out and broke his sleeve.

The foxes in the deep mountains who could eat themselves well were naturally more refined, and it was not easy to catch them. As for the ones that had been caught with great effort, one was that he was lucky, and the other was that his ability to track and distinguish was more sophisticated than before, and he was even lucky enough to kill two rare silver foxes.

But good luck didn't come all the time, even if the old hunter, who had been hunting all his life, if he got distracted accidentally, he would miss it sometimes.

As soon as he came back, Lu Gu saw that the sleeve of his left arm was missing, and asked quickly, "What's the matter?"

Not to mention hunting in the mountains, even Lu Gu would suffer minor injuries when doing normal work, and his hands would be scratched. It was common to scratch the skin or have small cuts, but most of them were minor injuries and there was no need to make a fuss.

It was rare for Shen Xuanqing's sleeves to be directly torn like this. Before, the sleeves and trousers were at most torn a little, just pinched the torn part and sewed it up with a needle.

"It's broken, and the torn part was too cumbersome, so I tore them." Shen Xuanqing unloaded the bamboo basket, and took out the torn sleeve from inside.

Seeing that Lu Gu was still looking at his arm, he smiled and said, "No injury, but the sleeve is torn."

Lu Gu took the sleeve, nodded upon hearing that, and then looked up at Shen Xuanqing's left eyebrow, where there was a scar on it. A red mark drawn out, although not bleeding, but the trace was very obvious.

"Above your eyes," he said, still pointing his fingers in the air.

"There are many branches in the forest, you accidentally will get scratched, it won't get in the way." Shen Xuanqing said with a smile.

After being scratched above his eyes, he touched it with his hands, but he didn't even bleed, and he didn't take it to heart at all. He often ran in the mountains and forests, and minor injuries were inevitable.

There was a rabbit and two fat bamboo rats that were killed in the bamboo basket. The bamboo rats caught today were quite fierce, with sharp teeth, but they were used to hunt and were not afraid of them.

Shen Xuanqing came back early today, before Lu Gu cut the vegetables and the dried tofu, but the rice porridge and steamed buns were ready in the pot.

He was busy in the kitchen, and Shen Xuanqing also came in after washing his hands. Seeing a plate of hot steamed buns on the chopping board, he took one to eat. White flour steamed buns tasted different, much finer than miscellaneous flour steamed buns.

The dried tofu mixed with pepper and fried it with sesame oil, the taste became more fragrant. Qiucai and mushrooms were fried, and garlic slices were added. The dishes were lighter, but they were oily and salty, and the taste was very good.

They ate stir-fried dishes almost every meal, which was better than many other families in the village.

After eating and drinking, the sun hadn’t set yet, Lu Gu cleaned the kitchen and remembered that he needed to mend the outer clothes that Shen Xuanqing had taken off, and he should do it earlier while the sky was still bright.

He went into the room to get the sewing basket, and felt that it was getting colder and colder. Shen Xuanqing had to wear thicker clothes even if he ran outside, so he opened the big box containing the quilt to take out the thick clothes and winter clothes that were pressed underneath. If it was cold, he could wear more warm clothes, and it wouldn't be troublesome to take it off for a run in the middle of the day.

The three quilts were all outside, so when you opened the box, you could see the clothes and the book inside.

Lu Gu paused again, the joy and anticipation of being able to read made him unable to hold back, apprehensive and hopeful, he carefully pulled out the book.

He didn't dare to move around when Shen Xuanqing was away, but now that Shen Xuanqing was back, he wanted to ask if he could teach him to recognize a character or two today, even if he only recognized the first character of these three haracters in the cover. One was fine, and it was also the beginning of his study.

After getting along for so long, he knew that Shen Xuanqing treated him well, so he was no longer as overly cautious as before.

Holding the book in his hand, Lu Gu suddenly remembered the saying that if you didn’t ask, you were stealing, but he thought again, now that Shen Xuanqing was here, he didn’t steal it behind his back, and he would turn the book after asking. Not too late.

Just like buying Tang Pozi before, he was looking forward to be able to read and write, and he couldn't hold back.