Chapter 1242: Can't provoke and hide

The brutal bombing of Petersburg made the Soviets once again aware of the toughness of the Germans, and such a tragedy could not happen again.

If the Germans want to hit a city and just use bombers to bomb it, then the Soviet Union doesn't need to fight this Great Patriotic War, just surrender.

They must fight back!

One of the most needed is the high-altitude fighter. The MiG-3 was blown up at the base last time, indicating that the Germans were also afraid of this fighter. So now in the rear, the MiG-3 is being produced at full capacity by the factory. During this war, there were still many material delays.

They need the support of the United States. This fighter jet given by the United States does not dislike the difficulty of driving or the way the cockpit is opened. They only dislike the lack of superchargers.

It must be able to fly high and intercept German fighter jets!

With the insistence of the Soviet side, the United States finally began to help the Soviet side by installing a supercharger on the engine.

In fact, this aircraft engine is relatively well-known in the United States. It originally comes in a variety of models, some with superchargers, and some without, but the flying snake is designed to focus on low altitude. It's not a high-altitude fighter.

The Soviets wanted it, so they installed it, but if there were any flight quality problems at high altitudes, then don't blame the U.S. planes.

Greenland Sea.

This is already in the Arctic Circle, and large pieces of floating ice can be seen at any time, floating from the north, and those floating ice are a huge threat to ships sailing here.

"Attention, ice floes are found ahead, slow down." Captain Chris called to his crew on a cargo ship.

The entire hull of the Patrick Henry is quite new. It can be said that this cargo ship has only been launched for more than a month. Although this is not its maiden voyage, it is only the third voyage.

Now, their cargo ships are being built in large numbers by American shipyards. In the United States, there is a unified name, they are all called freeships. And now this Patrick is the first ship of Liberty.

The United States is surrounded by the sea on both sides. For the United States, if it wants to communicate with the outside world, it has to rely on the sea. In the current war period, almost all shipyards in the United States are working at full capacity to build various warships for the U.S. Navy. .

But the United States not only needs warships, they also need a huge fleet of transport ships.

Under this demand, the United States placed an order for its own small shipyard to build cargo ships. One of the most emphasized is to shorten the construction time and mass produce in batches.

At this time, an outstanding figure, Henry Kaiser, appeared in the United States. He proposed the use of assembly line method to build, and multiple departments work at the same time. A freewheel requires an average of 500,000 man-hours, first using the method of segmented assembly.

Shipyards that build freewheels usually include steel plate workshops, steel truss workshops, brass casting workshops, cable workshops, wood workshops, plumbing workshops, parts (pumps, etc.) workshops, rigging workshops and paint workshops.

The marine main engine and boiler are transported by rail from the subcontractor’s factory. All workshop products are transported to the pre-assembly area for assembly, and then transported to the final assembly area by crane or flatbed heavy truck.

In the initial construction, the current Patrick Henry took 244 days, and the Oregon Shipyard’s first free ship "Oregon Star" took 232 days.

A year later, the Oregon Shipyard's "Till" was launched in 10 days. The total construction time of the "Robert Peiry" built by the Richmond Shipyard was only 4 days, 15 hours and 29 seconds, creating a miracle of industrial production.

Historically, from 1941 to 1945, a total of 2,751 free ships were built in 18 American docks.

This kind of cargo ship has a displacement of 7,000 tons and can carry more than 10,000 tons of cargo. It is the most suitable for the United States now. Unfortunately, its appearance is quite ugly.

The bottom of a general cargo ship is U-shaped, but now the bow post is indeed tilted forward, and the bottom of the ship is V-shaped. This type of ship can reduce resistance and increase the speed of the ship when ordinary main engines are installed.

After it was built, Time Magazine called it the Ugly Duckling.

Roosevelt valued these freighters very much. He knew that only strong maritime transport capabilities could enable the United States to win this war. Therefore, when the first ship was launched by the Patrick Henry, Roosevelt himself personally hosted Launching ceremony.

"Freedom or death, these ships will bring freedom to Europe and freedom to the world." Roosevelt borrowed Henry's words back then, which became the origin of the name Freewheel.

Now, this Liberty ship is full of cargo, including trucks, grain, high-grade fuel, and some disassembled Flying Snake fighters, sailing towards the port of Murmansk in the Soviet Union.

They have no choice.

Although the Germans claimed to have set up the European Maritime Joint Law Enforcement Commission to carry out maritime inspections here, and made it clear that the route was to be blocked, but they were already full of cargo It takes time to unload the cargo. It would take many more months if they circumvented to the Pacific Ocean, so they could only take the risk and continue on the planned route.

At the same time, for safety, they deliberately moved the route north.

Originally, they planned to walk the slightly warmer Norwegian Sea, but now they crossed the Danish Strait to the colder Greenland Sea, planning to go east from here, around the northern part of Jan Mayen Island, and reach the Barents Sea.

Can't mess with it, can you avoid it? Going around all the way, the Germans really don't give people a way to survive?

Navigation in the Arctic Circle is full of risks. The wind here can sometimes exceed twelve levels. The ubiquitous ice floes are a huge threat. Just facing these natural problems is enough to make people nervous. At this time, The Germans will definitely not make trouble, right?

Chris is wearing the thickest clothes, his beard is all frozen, almost everyone in the cockpit is the same.

There was heating on the ship, but I don’t know what happened. If they heat up the cab, the glass in front will quickly frost, and nothing can be seen.

But now, they can only open the windows to keep the cockpit and the outside at the same temperature, so that the glass in front is finally clear, and they are all shivering from the cold.

If they wear another hat, they all look like Santa Claus.

Holding the telescope and placing it in front of his eyes, Chris continued to look at the route ahead, as if the front was much better and no more glaciers were found.

"Go forward three, speed up!" Chris said.

At this moment, his almost frozen ears heard some extra movement, he raised his head and saw a bright spot in the sky. ()

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