Chapter 1727: Large number of goals

The threat came from the west, the Canadian aviation base and the aviation base in Greenland. Therefore, after taking off, Haiyan 1 flew forward, along the front of its own route, and flew back and forth 100 nautical miles away from the aircraft carrier formation. A patrol route.

The HS129 body is actually not the most perfect. If there is a larger body that can provide more fuel, it should be left empty for longer. Now, they can only be 100 nautical miles in front of the aircraft carrier formation after takeoff. Besides, after patrolling for an hour, it is time to return.

The weather conditions in the last few days are good. The waves on the sea surface are less than one meter high and will not interfere with the radar echo. The eyes of the radar operator have been watching the screen in front of him.

His cockpit was originally narrow and small, but after turning on the radar, he covered the top visor, and the entire cockpit became almost black, only the screen was shining with green light.

Time passed by little by little.

"Prepare to fly back for the last time." The pilot in front said: "We are running out of fuel and it is time to return."

He raised his head and looked at his surroundings. Two FW190 fighter jets passed by at high speed.

After all, AWACS is a new thing, and it may malfunction. It is absolutely unrealistic to put all the warnings on the AWACS. Therefore, around the fleet, there are escorting fighter jets that continuously conduct combat patrols.

Now it is in a high latitude zone. The sunlight here is quite dazzling, which has caused a big problem for the pilot. Looking down, there are sparkles everywhere, and it is difficult to distinguish the aircraft from the distance.

Lieutenant Colonel Emile Lange drove his FW190 fighter plane and looked at the early warning aircraft flying by with a special eye. The thing, which looked bloated and bloated, brought a rapid decline in flight performance. It was sluggish. It's like a clown.

Is that thing really amazing? After I go back, I can chat with my friends, feel about myself, and give it a good nickname as a pregnant woman.

Thinking about it, Lieutenant Colonel Lange shook the wing and signaled his wingman. No problem was found in this airspace. Let's look for it in another direction.

At this moment, suddenly, the radar operator saw numerous bright spots on his screen, approaching from the front of the screen towards the center of the screen.

Is it floating ice?

In the North Atlantic, ice floes from the North Pole often appear. Because of the huge volume of ice floes, they will appear on the radar screen, causing erroneous judgments.

No, it's not ice floes, if it is ice floes, it can't move so fast!

Thinking of this, he pressed the radio call switch on his chest: "Haiyan No. 1 report, Haiyan No. 1 report, 200 nautical miles away from our fleet, right in front of the route, a large number of aircraft groups appeared, repeat, six o'clock direction , 200 nautical miles, a large number of unidentified flying fleets."

Sea Eye No. 1 spotted a large number of flying targets, and the other party actually flew at a super low altitude!

Moreover, as the other party continued to fly and appeared within the scanning range of the radar, there were more and more bright spots on the screen, and soon they were densely packed and could not be distinguished on the screen.

For radar, in addition to being able to see, the more important thing is the radar's data processing capabilities. Many countries in later generations failed to develop early warning aircraft because of insufficient data processing capabilities.

And the early warning aircraft of this era has no data processing capabilities at all. In fact, it should not be called an early warning aircraft, but an airborne radar warning aircraft, which just lifts the radar into the sky without any control ability.

At present, the Navy’s data link system is still under development. If there is a data link, the data link through the UHF band can be transmitted to the intelligence processing center of the surface warship, and then the commander on the ship will read the radar data and guide the aircraft. It is obviously faster to intercept the target, but unfortunately, there is no such ability yet.

At the same time, this kind of radar has only two-dimensional detection capabilities and cannot obtain target altitude information. It only saw a large number of targets flying over. Such obvious targets, if they are flying at high altitude, must have been detected by the fleet. Now that the fleet did not respond, it definitely flew over at low altitude.

As long as it is not ice floes, it is definitely an enemy plane!

Through radio, the early warning information of Haiyan 1 was quickly transmitted back to the fleet, and at the same time, the fleet responded quickly.

Immediately send the fighters on patrol nearby to make visual judgments. At the same time, the aircraft carrier is ready to release the carrier-based aircraft!

The sharp sirens sounded on the aircraft carriers one after another. When they heard this sound, all the pilots were inexplicably excited. They were on the bridge, and they had already put on their flight equipment. With the sound of the siren, They ran to their landline.

The highest level warning signal will be dispatched at any time, and they must be prepared!

He rushed to his own fighter plane, and then, with the help of the deck personnel, started his own engine. The front propeller turned quickly. The entire deck was filled with black smoke from the engine start, and there was a huge roar everywhere.

As long as the command comes from the headset, they can release the brakes ~ ~ full throttle and take off from the angled deck of the aircraft carrier.

"Isn't my illness serious?" Alcatel asked Lisa on the Munich ship. After a long time, he remembered that he was coming to see the doctor.

At this time, Lisa has also returned to normal. She gave Alcatel a simple check: "It's not serious and won't affect your flight. Just pay attention to rest and drink plenty of water."

At this moment, the alarm sounded.

As soon as he heard the sound, Alcatel was just like a different person. He walked outside, opened the door, and disappeared like a wind.

Looking at Alcatel’s back, Lisa’s eyes flashed a little disappointment. No matter how sweet the words were, as long as the battle order came, he would immediately turn around and leave without hesitation. His feelings for him were far worse than right. The fighters have deep emotions, even if they say goodbye to themselves, or even make eye contact!

Thinking of this, Lisa couldn't help but stomped her feet, hum, next time she came to find herself, she had to talk to him, and she just said she was going to get married, so she forgot about herself in a blink of an eye, this wouldn't work!

Of course Lisa was angry at this time.

She also missed Alcatel every day. Now that she sees Alcatel, she is also extremely happy. Who knows, this happiness is so short.

Lisa's feeling at this time was that of a sorrowful woman.

Alcatel ran up the bridge and changed into a flight suit. When he ran to the deck, he had already seen a large number of fighter planes flying up from the angled deck in turn.

American fighter!

Lieutenant Colonel Emile Lange took his wingman, and immediately flew forward at full speed after receiving the news. Soon, he caught clear bright spots from the sparkling sea, and they really belonged to the Americans. Fighter force!