Chapter 1748: Trapeze

With a hook in front of the rope, Morris leaned out and shook the rope vigorously, just like a horseback nation was shaking the rope sleeve. After shaking it three times, Morris let go.

The rope was released in circles, and at the same time, the hook in front was also flying forward, flying and flying, and then fell to the roof over there.

Morris slowly pulled back, pulling for about three meters, and the hook hooked a thick tube on the top of the building and supported it strongly, which was quite strong.

The rope here is tied to the handrail of the railing behind the clock tower. Morris holds a smooth iron ring in his hand. There is a sling under the iron ring. Then he buckles the iron ring to the rope and pulls it. Sling, Morris left the window.

When he left, Morris's body was suspended in the air, his legs kicked along the wall of the clock tower, and his body flew through the air whizzing. He was simply a trapeze.

Zipline belongs to an expedition project in later generations. It actually originated from the military. This is also a common penetration device for special forces.

Every soldier of the Griffin Special Forces must undergo rigorous training, including this zipline, and it is the first time that it has been used in actual combat.

If you look from the outside, you can still see the trapeze. However, it is now more than two o'clock in the morning. Although the weather is still in a dull state, this time should be when everyone is sleeping soundly.

The human body needs a biological clock, even in the extreme day and night, there must be a fixed sleep. A few sentinels would not pay attention to the situation in the sky at all.

Morris slid over easily, stepping on the roof with his feet and making a gesture toward the back.

So Nestor's second, following the same procedure, slid over.

The third one is Skorzner.

When Skolzner slid down, Morris and Nestor had established a circular protective position. They aimed at the stairs on the top of the building in front. The crossbow arrow in Nestor's hand had been rewinded. .


When Skorzner got down, he immediately waved his hand, took the two of them, and started walking towards the stairs.

The boots under the feet, stepping on the frozen roof, everyone's heart is quite excited, as long as they can touch in quietly, this decapitation operation is half the success!

Skolzner's foot was about to step on the stairs, and suddenly he gestured to the back and squatted down.

Footsteps came from below.

It's time for the changing of the guard.

An American soldier, rubbing his sleepy eyes, walked up from below, wrapping his coat tightly as he walked.

When his body just exposed the roof, the cold wind blew, and he immediately became completely awake.

Seems something is wrong?

Before he could react, a pair of big hands caught him behind him.

Covering the opponent's mouth with his left hand, and picking up a saber in his right hand, under the shining cold light, a stream of hot blood shed.

Skolzner easily dealt with the opponent, and at the same time, the blood was sprayed forward and did not stain his body at all.

When the opponent stopped twitching, Skorzeny quietly put down the opponent's body and observed it carefully before slowly descending the stairs.

Behind, a famous soldier was still descending through the zipline. Because of concerns about the load-bearing limitation, he could only descend one person at a time. Fortunately, under strict training, they were quite skilled.

One, another, everyone is performing trapeze, except for the whirring wind, there is no audience.

After entering the building, the next thing to look for is the senior boss here.

There are dozens of rooms in the building. If you look for them one by one, it is quite laborious, so you have to judge.

Judgment is also a necessary ability for a good commander.

What to judge?

Of course it is the position of the opponent.

In a five-story building, which floor will the opponent be on?

It must not be the top floor, because the top floor is very cold, and any building structure is like this.

At the same time, the lower floors have poor visibility, so if Skorzner is chosen, it must be the second top floor, for example, it should be the fourth floor now!

Therefore, except for leaving two people with submachine guns in the corridor on the fifth floor, Skorzene didn't pay much attention, and led the team down the fourth floor, intending to look for them one by one from the fourth floor.

However, as soon as he reached the top of the stairs on the fourth floor, Skorzner made a head-on contact with a waiter as he turned. He couldn't escape at all. The other side's footsteps were so light that it was almost silent. sound.

The other party was holding a plate in one hand, and there were four empty wine glasses on the plate, which seemed to be quite sophisticated.

How to do?

Skolzner raised his hand and motioned to the people behind to stop quickly, and at the same time he asked the waiter casually: "Is the governor still there?"

No need to look, the big room in the middle of the fourth floor is still lit at this time, and the curtains are drawn. It is not visible from the outside, but from the corridor, it is quite clear.

Although it is extremely daytime, it is night after all, and the outside is gray, and meetings can only be held when the lights are on.

At this time, there was still a voice from inside, and it seemed that someone was arguing about something.

The waiter said casually: "Yes, it's inside."

"Where is the commander?"

"Also inside."

They all answered casually, but when the answer was over, I felt something was wrong. Why did this person come down from the upper floor? It should come up from below, right?

Looking closer, through the dim light, the waiter saw the terrible scar face of the visitor, and suddenly thought of something.

Isn't this the first villain in Europe?

Ordinary people don't know that the waiter has always followed Greenland Governor Bren, knowing a lot of European news, and he was deeply impressed by this scar face.

Suddenly, the serving plate in the waiter's hand was shaky, his hands shaking, his face was ugly.

Skolzner quickly helped the opponent catch the plate with his right hand, and then his left hand turned into a knife-like shape and slashed **** the opponent's neck.

The other party did not hum, and fell softly.

Putting down the plate, Skolzner stood up again, the expression on his face was excited, it is precisely because of the excitement that made his scar face look even more hideous.

They are all inside. There is not even a guard at the door. As long as the door is blocked, it will block them all, and see who dares to jump from the fourth floor!

Thinking of this, Skorzner was extremely excited. He ran a few steps quickly and walked to the door of the meeting room, then raised his foot and kicked the door fiercely.

"Raise your hands to me!" Skolzner's voice was a little loud.