Chapter 928

Although the old man in front of him is already a man who has stepped into the coffin, his momentum of standing in the top position for a long time makes everyone present a little scared. I think so. Several old masters are all men who have served in the battlefield all their lives. How can they be scared by these local ruffians?

Wangdabiao on the other side was really afraid to take risks. Although these minions were not worth mentioning in his eyes, the safety of several old people was the top priority. If something went wrong, even if he had a few heads, it would not be enough.

He took out the walkie talkie at his waist and shouted, "attention, all units. The personal safety of several old leaders is threatened. Everyone should rush to the mountain immediately. Everyone, please pay attention and rush to the mountain immediately."

The guard company accompanied by several old people was always on high alert. Once they received the order, the whole company became nervous. They knew how heavy their task was this time. Not to mention that the personal safety of several old men was threatened. Even if they were knocked down, they would be held accountable when they returned.

As soon as they heard that the safety of several old people was threatened, a whole guard company quickly lined up and rushed to the top of the mountain with weapons in hand.

This time, all the accompanying people were dressed in civilian clothes, and all of them were dressed in black suits. The next scene made all of them smack their tongues. They saw a group of people in black suits rushing up with weapons in their hands.

Most of the tourists here are still wondering what they are shooting. Tut Tut, look at the weapons in their hands. They are highly imitated, just like real guys.

"You, what are you?" The security captain began to realize that the problem was wrong. He was also a soldier. He knew where the murderous spirit of these old people came from.

In particular, Wang Dabiao, with a straight back and thick calluses on his hands, knew at first glance that he was a man who often played with guns. Moreover, these old guys had an extraordinary momentum and had the momentum of staying in the top position for a long time. It was definitely not that simple.

At this time, a group of people with semi-automatic weapons rushed up and surrounded the local ruffians. Some of them were still holding prop guns, which made the guard company nervous.

"Put down all your weapons and surrender your guns." Wangdabiao drew a pistol from his waist and fired a shot into the sky.

This shot scared the little gangsters into a panic. They realized that the guns in the hands of these people in black with unknown origins were real guys. They were scared out of their wits one by one, threw their prop guns to the ground, and then climbed aside with their heads in their arms.

The crisis was soon resolved, and wangdabiao was relieved. In fact, these little gangsters were vulnerable to a single blow. Everyone in any platoon cleaned up. The key is that the identities of these old people are too nervous, so he had to notify his superiors.

A moment later, the army directly put the area under martial law. All the military and police helicopters were sent out, which disturbed the whole area for dozens of miles. The people here wondered what was going on here, and even caused such a big battle.

The directors and security captains who learned of the identity of several old masters turned pale. Well, the crime was really serious. The people they besieged were the only three fruits left in China. They offended all at once. Well, some of them will suffer in the future and wait to go to the military court.

At this time, the leader of the monument scenic spot was shocked when he learned about the situation. He knew that the scenic spot was very chaotic, but he didn't expect that it would be so chaotic. We can imagine the anger of several old people now.

The eight year war of resistance against Japan was fought by countless heroes. Now, in the hands of these directors, it has become an anti-Japanese drama of tearing the enemy apart. A child can play the enemy around. How can such a joke be worthy of the countless martyrs who shed blood for the revolution?

Now, there's no need to play. Several old people went back to China disappointed. For a period of time, the Ministry of culture advocated respecting history and reorganizing Anti Japanese dramas, so that our descendants could know how difficult the war was. Now, several well shot Anti Japanese dramas have been produced. These are all afterwords.

In the evening, yehaoxuan came to his parents' house to have dinner with him. The whole family was happy and warm together.

After dinner, Liu Yun made a pot of tea for the father and son and went to work. After their marriage, she stopped doing other things and took care of yeqingchen's daily life.

"How many old men did you take out today?" Yeqingchen poured two cups of tea and asked.

"Dad, this is what some old men mean. Grandpa is a little bored in the sanatorium in the capital. He may feel better going out for a walk, but I didn't expect such trouble." Yehaoxuan said with a wry smile.

"It's time to criticize you this time. Several old people are self willed, and you're fooling around with them? Their trips have to be arranged in advance. They can't play like this next time. Fortunately, nothing big has happened." Yeqingchen said.

"I see. There will never be another time." Yehaoxuan said with a wry smile that this time he had been exhausted. How dare he have another time? Even if several old people tied him up next time, he would not take a few people out to play.

"A proposal has been put forward on the opening of TCM courses in primary schools. I think it will be implemented soon. Teaching materials and teachers are the top priority. You need to check these." Yeqingchen said.

"I know this. I have compiled the teaching materials. As long as the bill is passed, these can be printed immediately. Teachers and talents need not worry. Some excellent graduates of the College of traditional Chinese medicine can be competent." Yehaoxuan replied.

"That's good. The capital plans to arrange five primary schools as pilot schools. Now the news of the basic class of traditional Chinese medicine has been spread. Because of you, there are many interested parents." Yeqingchen smiled.

"We can increase the publicity. From the second grade of primary school, we can teach some simple Qigong. However, it is not as mysterious as in the novel. It is just some basic needling skills. Although it has no great effect, it can greatly increase the physical resistance of primary school students. I think many parents are willing to see this." Yehaoxuan smiled.

"Yes, today's parents are afraid that their children will suffer from a little illness. That's a good idea. I will ask the publicity department to include these in the publicity work." Yeqingchen nodded. He pondered and said, "now president Shao is all right. If you have nothing to do, you should go to the Yang family."

"I know. I'll be there in a minute." Yehaoxuan nodded slightly.

In the backyard of the Yang family, Yang Jian and his son are sitting in a wheelchair at the same time. Yang Jian looks up at the stars and habitually looks at the stars in the sky.

"Dad, since you moved to the backyard, you have watched the stars almost every night. I want to ask, are the events in these years the same as the celestial phenomena you have seen?" Yangruiming asks.

"The theory of astrology and numerology is that if you believe it, you will have it. If you don't believe it, you won't have it. What I have got is the inheritance of the destiny of the Tianji gate. The astrology of these years has been fulfilled nine times out of ten, including this time." Yang Jiandao.

"In fact, did you and your aunt know that the Yang family would be defeated from the beginning?" Yangruiming asks.

"Yes, look at the star on the upper side of the East, which represents the Ye family. The faint star represents the Yang family. Now the Ye family is gaining momentum. Aren't we asking for trouble if we are right with them?" Yang Jian said with a wry smile.

"It turns out... Sometimes God's will is really irreversible." Yangruiming sighed slightly. He stroked his wasted legs and felt a burst of regret in his heart: "before, I didn't believe in life and thought that man will conquer heaven. But this time, I realized that some things can't be violated."

"To disobey or not to disobey is something that needs to be done. No one can swallow the words of that year. It doesn't matter to me anyway. If I am disabled, I will die. But I didn't think it would involve you." Yang Jian sighed.

"What drips in my body is the blood of the Yang family. There is no involvement. I can only say that my ability is inferior to others." Yangruiming shakes his head.

"Ruiming, you have played against yehaoxuan many times. Do you know the difference between yourself and him?" Yang Jian asked.

"Yes, if I don't know the difference between myself and him now, I yangruiming will live in vain."

Yangruiming sighed: "I can see that yehaoxuan is a man of forbearance. He cares about the overall situation in everything. He also has great ambitions and serves the country and the people. The people above like such people most. In contrast, xuehongyun and I are just in vain. We have nothing to lose. All we want to do is fight for face. We never care about anything. That's the biggest reason why I lost to him."

"What else?" Yang Jian nodded.

"What's more... I don't have his rebellious medical skills." Yangruiming smiles.

"Ha ha, you have seen it thoroughly. Ye haoxuan, the medical sage, is definitely not groundless. He subdues people with virtue in everything. The difference between you and him is not just his medical skills. Therefore, you should know how to do it in the future." Yang Jiandao.

"I understand that over the years, I've been fighting around in the capital circle under the name of ruizi, and I'm still complacent about it. But I haven't found how naive and ridiculous I am until now. Although yehaoxuan is also a member of the circle, he never wanders around in the circle. He disdains it, because he has a greater ambition."

Yangruiming looked up to the sky and sighed: "his ambition is to promote traditional Chinese medicine and drive down the national medical expenses. He is an enemy of the national medical system. I just want to say that he is very courageous. I would never dare to change me."

Yang Jian nodded and said, "yes, it will touch the interests of many people. I'm afraid he is the only one who dares to do so, but this is the general trend. The medical industry should not be a profiteering industry."