Chapter 1236: Emotions need to be cultivated

Text Chapter 1236 Feelings need to be cultivated

In a blink of an eye, it was another three days, and the emperor still did not intend to see the envoys of various countries. At this time, the envoys of various countries turned around the places where the capital could be moved, and some places that could not be visited were also observed outside. After arriving in the capital for many days, At first, because of their guilty conscience, the emperor did not see them for the first time, and they were still stable.

Now they are a little unsteady, and hearsay is always without the shock of seeing it with their own eyes, and when they arrive in the capital, they know why the biography will write about the gold everywhere in the ancient country of the East, and how powerful it is.

Now that they have seen the power of Dongfang Shangguo with their own eyes, they regretted the thoughts they should not have, and they really regretted it, especially when they saw the clean streets of the capital, it would not be muddy when it rained, and the drainage was particularly good, not at all. Messy.

This is what they desire, yes, desire.

In the palace, the emperor played chess with Zhou Shuren, and the emperor said, "After three days, it will be the day of sacrifice."

Zhou Shuren said: "The capital knows it."

This is a major event at the moment, overshadowing the visits of embassies from various countries, the emperor is full of the major event that his son will return to the royal family.

The emperor was in a good mood, "It's a loss to you that this child can come back safely. Now I sometimes think about it and feel scared. If you didn't save Rong Chuan, what would happen to Rong Chuan."

Zhou Shuren thought to himself that when he didn't extend his hand, Rong Chuan's result was either death or suffering. Human growth environment is very important, because of the ideological education of two modern people, Rong Chuan, even if he was fostered in Zhou's family. Straighten the waist and work hard to fight for your own future.

Rong Chuan also did it, and the title was Tanhualang on the gold list. This child used his own efforts to prove his excellence.

But without him and Zhulan, even if Rong Chuan was alive and finally returned to the royal family, Rong Chuan would still feel inferior. Environment and education are too important for children.

Zhou Shuren smiled, "After the great sadness, there will be blessings, and it will be confirmed now."

There is no greater fortune in the entire capital than Rong Chuan. These days, Rong Chuan has gradually been in charge of propaganda, representing the royal family, which is the trust of the prince.

The emperor was proud of his younger son, "You taught him well."

In this regard, he is really grateful to Zhou Shuren. The youngest son's abilities are taught by Zhou Shuren. Zhou Shuren is not only a father, but also a master to Rong Chuan.

Zhou Shuren looked at the emperor. Although he didn't want to guess with malice, he couldn't help but think that if Rong Chuan hadn't met him and was not good, the emperor probably wouldn't be so proud.

In the study, Rong Chuan remembered what his father-in-law said. At this time, don't be too deliberate with the prince to abide by the etiquette of monarchs and ministers, but to be closer to the prince. Brothers of a mother's compatriots, as long as they are true princes, will feel it.

Rong Chuan sat casually with a depressed look on his face, "I'm going to be bored to death. The foreign prince blocked me several times in the past two days, and gave me a lot of things. I really don't want it."

The prince looked at his younger brother's sitting posture, but did not reprimand him, but felt that he was much more relaxed, with a smile on his face, "Actually, Gu would like to see you try it on."

Rong Chuan stared, "Are you still your own brother? You asked my brother to wear high heels, those are high heels!"

Prince, "It's better to be alone than to be alone."

Rong Chuan was surprised, "They also gave it to eldest brother."

The prince nodded, "I gave it to the father, and the father turned black when he saw it."

Rong Chuan wanted to laugh, "No wonder foreigners are so obsessed with cement. Every time they see me, they praise and worship the Ministry of Works, and they want to meet the craftsmen of the Ministry of Works!"

The prince took the fruit from Rong Chuan's hand, "Sell it, Gu is still willing."

Rong Chuan was stunned, "I thought the big brother wouldn't sell it!"

The prince will instinctively condone his younger brother. In addition, after the identity of the younger brother was exposed, the intimacy and dependence on him made the prince feel more and more like a brother. This is his own younger brother.

From his disappointment in his backyard, the prince got the brotherhood and explained patiently, "The spy who came back from the ocean has obtained a lot of information. You have been in the hospital for a long time, and you also know that it is easy to get sick if you are dirty. Trade is so prosperous, and the imperial court cannot be foolproof if it is prepared, so it is willing to sell cement alone."

It not only brings benefits, but also eliminates some dangers. He feels good.

Rong Chuan blinked, "Big brother will definitely become an emperor praised by the world."

The prince's eyes were full of smiles, and he rubbed his brother's hair. Seeing that his brother was covering his head with his hands, the prince laughed.

The study is not far away, the prince's laughter is not concealed, Zhou Shuren and the emperor can hear it.

The emperor was in a very good mood, and then said: "I allow Shuren to regret chess."

Zhou Shuren, "..."

Hehe, your father and son are happy, but he is not happy.

But Zhou Shuren touched his beard, and Rong Chuan listened to what he said. No matter if it was a real brother, the relationship also needs to be cultivated. If brothers don't give their feelings, sooner or later, there will be estrangement.

Ever since Zhou Shuren heard his daughter-in-law talk about the prince's backyard, he would talk to Rong Chuan whenever he had time. If he didn't cultivate a deep brotherhood at this time, he would have no chance to cultivate it in the future.

The current prince is still the prince. Once he ascends to the throne, the throne will change. The king will be the elder brother first. Seize the opportunity and Rong Chuan's future will be better.

Zhou family, Xuehan came back from outside and brought back a lot of things.

Zhulan wondered, "You didn't go to get jewelry, why did you buy so many things?"

Look at the exquisite and gorgeous boxes, these are sold by foreigner shops.

Xuehan, "Mother, I didn't buy it. My daughter met a foreign princess, and these were given to her by the foreign princess."

Zhulan blinked, "I've already started looking for you."

Xuehan spread out his hands, "Yes, Rong Chuan didn't respond a few times, so he found his daughter. Mother, see if you like it."

Saying that, the girl has already opened the box.

Zhulan looked at the rows of delicate glass bottles, the perfume flowing in the bottles, and some wines sold by foreigners.

Zhulan shook her head, "No, I don't like it."

The smell was so strong that she really didn't like it.

Xuehan didn't like it either. She liked the light taste, a habit she had developed with her mother for many years.

At this time, the girl opened the last box. There were some interesting things in this box, some exquisite decorations, some of which were selected and received, and Xuehan gave the rest to several sisters-in-law and nieces.

In a blink of an eye, the day of worship came.

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