Chapter 935: Roaring artillery

"Rely! Shooting stone guns?!"

In that moment, Owen, who was already aware of what had happened, violently sweared on the spot.

But then he realized what he was doing and quickly licked his head.

"Impossible, according to the power of the normal stone gun, it is impossible to smash the armor of my armored car with one shot!"

The weapon of shooting a stone cannon is obviously no stranger to players who have developed into the black iron segment.

According to their technical strength, combined with the advantages of modern players, it is not difficult to create.

It’s just that they don’t have to.

The accuracy and range are better than the three-bow bed, and the cost is still high.

It is impossible for the artillery to replace the position of the three bows on the battlefield before the next stage of development.

However, what is now in front of Owen is that the artillery is obviously used on the opposite side.

And the power of that shot is amazing!

I don't have time to let Owendo think that the defending troops in Gaoling City will not wait for the opposite side to understand and continue to do it!

At this moment, I saw the back of the gates of Gaoling City. The muzzles of the three artillery pieces were all in the direction of the city gate. The gun on the left side of the cannon was still slightly smoked. A blow is its masterpiece.

Under normal circumstances, the power of the stone gun can certainly not reach this level.

However, the artillery development of the Wanxiang civilization has already entered the field of 'line guns'.

However, it is probably a technical force or a design problem.

The range and power are obviously far worse.

The effective range is about 350 meters, the power of the shells is still being adjusted, and the cost is placed there. I want to completely replace the three bows, I am afraid there is still research.

At the same time, it is precisely because of this range problem that they have not set the artillery on the wall for the time being as a defending device.

However, when the city gate was blocked, it was unexpectedly put to use.

The armored car that rushed in at that time was only a short distance of thirty or forty meters from the muzzle of the artillery.

What is this concept?

Basically equivalent to firing the muzzle on your head!

The power of shelling at this distance can be imagined.

At the same time, from the car that was completely smashed by the gun, Guo Zhen also found that inside the armored car, there were still soldiers hidden!

The soldiers were very unusual, all wearing silver-white full-body armor, armed with the same iron bucket.

This kind of attire reminds Guo Zhen of the elite troops of their Wanxiang civilization, Xuan Jiajun!

This time, Guo Zhen can be said to have reacted at once.

This is a routine!

They hid a heavy armored soldier in the armored car, and then let the ordinary soldiers push the armored car into the city gate and rush into the city.

At that time, the door of the armored car opened, and a large number of heavily armed heavy armored infantrymen were killed from the car. In the face of such a wave of unprepared attacks, with the strength of their gates near the city gate, it was estimated that they had to be defeated by the opposite side. .

Thinking of this, Guo Zhen’s face is also showing a trace of embers.

Then I quickly ordered it...

"Open the gun! Give me the gun!!"

The three artillery fires were fired in sequence, and the hot weapons were officially on the stage of the battlefield.

The cumbersome armored car, in the face of the artillery attack, does not have any ability to evade, basically the same as the target placed there.

The thick armored deck faces the shells that are fired from the air and cannot provide any security for the internal Europa heavy infantry.

A few blink of an eye, they followed the footsteps of the first armored car.

The Europa heavy armored infants hidden in the armored car, even after what happened, they were still unclear, and they were rushed out of the car.

Even if you are lucky, you will have to be shocked by a serious concussion in the face of such close-range shelling.

At this moment, Owen only felt that his whole heart was bleeding!

The armored car did not say that the heavy armored infantry from the weapons and equipment to the daily training were all thrown out by him, and he was also the trump card in his hand.

Now that he has not played any value, he is planted under the gun of the opposite side. This cruel reality has caused his whole brain to linger for nearly a minute.

Then, in his voice, he brought a clear exhaustion...

"Crash in! Come in and rush in!"

In Gaoling City, after the three cannons opened fire, there was one left in the armored car.

The armored car is driven by manpower. At present, if you turn around and escape, it will only completely become the target of the opposite cannon.

Heading in and rushing in, the success rate of a slap in the face of the next round of fire in the cannon is higher!

And they have lost to this point, do not grab the resources of his city back, can he swallow the next breath? !

For the hot weapon of the cannon, the Europa bus soldiers under Owen are obviously no strangers.

After being shocked by the opposite attack, it would not be completely messed up like an indigenous one.

One by one, the scalp quickly rushed up, pushing the last armored car and rushing inside.

Guo Zhen, who perceives the intention of the other party, will naturally not let them succeed.

"Fast, let go of the city gate!"

The opportunity to rush in the last armored car was not given, and the gates that crashed down made the rear of Owen almost angry.

"The armored car is gone, all down from the top, the ladder, the wall!!"

The opposite of the city gate is equivalent to breaking Owen’s thoughts.

When it is time to open again, the cannon at the end of the city gate must have been re-cooled and filled.

In other words, that is already a dead end.

Fortunately, his strength is still strong, and the strength is still not low!

One after another, the ladder quickly climbed up.

Standing on the wall, Du Yuanzhi, who was in charge of commanding the battle, quickly signaled a communicationsman next to him to rush to the following address Let Guo Zhen take a part of the soldiers and quickly return to the wall!

This whole process undoubtedly takes a certain amount of time, and the rolling wood and the meteorite on the wall have already consumed a lot of time.

This led to the garrison force on the wall, which could no longer effectively prevent the forwards of the enemy Euro bus.

A large number of enemy soldiers began to rush to the wall, realizing that the situation was not good, Du Yuanzhi, and quickly signaled that the rear troops and goblin soldiers separated from the wall area from the retreating stairs on the other side.

The team of soldiers who are responsible for protecting the safety of Du Yuan will naturally not let their unscrupulous staff stay on the wall and take risks, escorting Du Yuanzhi to the bottom.

This one after the other, the conversion of the situation can only be said to be too fast.

When Guo Zhen returned to the wall with his armored infantry units, the wall of Gaoling City had already fallen into half.

A large number of invaders madly slaughtered the soldiers of his majesty, and the one that rushed to the front was the enemy heavy armored infant who was armed like a barrel!