Chapter 225

"Oh, senxia Jun, good morning Ah, naissaint is here too When the three of them were having a good chat, Qianjia came up with a smile. Then she found that the person sitting opposite the mushroom didn't know him. He thought it was Wu Nei before, but when she came to see the face, she found that she had guessed wrong. This person was not from Wu Nei.

Does mushroom change love?

This is a big deal!

Qianjia seems to be able to feel the big green hat on Wu Nei's head Well, this view is the same as senxia.

NTR, sleeping, yellow hair Anyway, all kinds of words are in the head of Qianjia.

Eh, it's strange that they are two big men, but why do you have this feeling?

Strange, not harmonious, but it seems reasonable

"Oh, this is Hotan, the fan I mentioned to you before. He has a pseudonym called xuyuanxuan. By the way, he wants to join our club Sen Xia introduced Hotan to each other, "Xu Yuan sang, this is the thousand best sister I once told you on the Internet."

"Hello, I'm Qianyu Qianjia."

Qianjia Xuejie sits beside Sen Xia with a smile.

"Nice to meet you"

they said hello to each other.

Sen Xia looked at Qianjia strangely: "sister, you seem to be in a good mood. What kind of good things have you met?"

In other words, Qianjia seemed to have been doing something with hulixiang before. How can I feel a full of malice when I think of this thing now

"It's OK. It's just in a good mood." Qian Jia waved her hand. Then he moved his eyes to Xu Yuan Xuan's body, "Sen Xia Jun, you seem to like this one very much."

Senxia smiles, then pats each other on the shoulder with her hand: "this one may be the one after us. There is a commotion outside the door. Senxia looks over there and sees the auspicious academy standing there, and the members of the student union are standing next to him.

"It's like a student union patrol." Senxia explained to mushroom and xuyuanxuan.

The auspicious people were standing at the door of the courtyard.

Sen Xia smiles at the mushroom and Xu yuanxuan, and then goes with Qianjia.

"Haven't you been to the theatre yet?" Auspicious courtyard glanced at two people on the table, and then asked curiously.

"Press, it's still early. I have an hour to go. I'm receiving friends." Senxia replied.

"It's you. You're still patrolling at this time. Can you wait a minute?" Qian Jia asked.

"It's OK. I've arranged everything. After turning around here, I'll leave for the theater." The auspicious courtyard had a plan in mind and arranged everything well. "Then I'll go on patrol now. I'll go to the theater later. Qianjia, you'd better go there earlier and have a look at the lines."

"Well, good." Qian Jia nodded.

After the auspicious courtyard left, Qian Jia said to Sen Xia, "what the auspicious courtyard says is also reasonable. I'll go to the theater and read the lines again. If you're OK, you should come as soon as possible. You are a screenwriter and director. It's better to comfort everyone before the opening."

"I see. I'll get out of here after I talk to the mushrooms." Said senxia.

Qian Jia nodded and left. Sen Xia returned to her seat and asked, "our play will start at about 9:30. There is still some time before that. What do you want to do?"

"If only we could look around. The kauno School Park is so big, it seems that it can inspire my creative inspiration." Mushroom is very interested in the wild School Park.

"Well, I'll go with the mushrooms." Xu Yuan Xuan said.

Senxia nodded: "OK, I'll first introduce you to the places worth watching here, and then I'll go to the theater."

"I don't know how the two hosts feel about the poor reception?" Just at this time, hulixiang came over with a smile.

"Well, it's great. The maid's coffee shop is a great idea. It's amazing." Mushroom was very happy to see such a lovely girl shaking and the maid coming towards him.

"Yes, it's really amazing!" Xu yuanxuan also praised, "this kind of creativity is very interesting. If you can see it on weekdays, it seems to be very interesting!"

"As a matter of fact, I'm going to open a maid's coffee shop in Akihabara. If you're interested, you can come here." Erika smiles, her hands drooping in front of her, like a maid and a prim lady.

"Oh, Akihabara? Really? " These two people are very interested in the appearance, but Sen Xia at this time suddenly thought of Akihabara there is a shop that is being decorated, that shop is just under the floor of senxia's office. Yulixiang said that his coffee shop was over there. Was it that place?"By the way, this idea and let me open a shop in qiuyeyuan is Sen Xiajun. He is very good ~" he said, and at the same time he turned his eyes to Sen Xia.

Mushroom looked at Sen Xia, and then looked at hulixiang. Then he seemed to understand something. At this time, he suddenly came to Xu yuanxuan's side: "it's really worthy of being a teacher of Xiasen. This should be two boats?"

Xu Yuan Xuan Leng for a moment, then nodded.

Senxia didn't know what they were going to do, but when it came to coffee shops, she asked by the way: "by the way, lilixiang, things about coffee shops..."

However, before his voice dropped, his mobile phone rang. He said sorry and picked up the phone.


"Moriha? It's not good. Come to the theater There is Qianjia's voice. She seems to be very impatient


It's hard to get up early Orz

and then because of the rain, the external unit of the air conditioner was short circuited and tripped. I was going crazy.

I wanted to ask for a monthly ticket QAQ (to be continued) , the fastest update of the webnovel!