Chapter 2290

After listening to the equation, xingyulou seemed to want what he said not long ago!

"You said, 'in the historical changes of all dynasties, there will always be a great man to speed up the long river of history. This is an inevitable process, because only in this way... People will cross the better and continue to multiply for a long time. Otherwise... What awaits them will be a cruel death!'"

At this moment, Xing Yulou could not help showing a slight blush on his face and nodded involuntarily!

"Yes, don't you understand everything? Madam Xing, I can only trust you to say that if you compare me to the 'great man' in this passage, then... Your son songyuancheng will also become the 'great man'!"

Xing Yu Lou was slightly stunned when he said this. She looked up at the equation and opened her mouth slightly to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything!

Seeing Xing Yulou's expression, he smiled faintly.

"If Yuan Cheng has any shortcomings now, the only one is that he has not received enough experience. But he is young, and this is a very normal thing. Slowly... He will grow into a towering tree to shelter more people from the sun! Madam Xing, do you want your son to grow into a big tree, or do you need to hide under the tree to hide from the cool flowers? Think about it for yourself! ”

With that, the equation nodded slightly towards Xing Yulou, which clearly means that today's conversation is over!

Watching the equation go to the front hall, Xing Yu Lou suddenly stopped him!


What she called this time was the equation, not the frontier master!

The equation turns its head to look at Xing Yulou!

"Can you tell me... What do you want Xiao Si'er to do?"

Xing Yu Lou asked directly. It seems that He is the one who intends to accept that his son may leave his name in the long river of history in the future!

"Lord of the world of gods!"

Xing Yulou was stunned by the equation!

Since he talked with Xiao Si'er that night, Xiao Si'er has worked harder. He has asked equation and Li Zhaowen more often, whether he is studying in the spiritual cultivation college or when he encounters some difficult problems and puzzles! The two of them are naturally willing to answer for it. As long as they have time, they will take Xiao Si'er to the suburbs and the mountains to carry out some "field operations".

Of course, Xiaofei, baizhanyu, Bai Zhanyi and Xiaobin will also be brought here! Anyway, it's also a field practice. You can't favor one over the other.

In fact, after that night, equation also asked these people to talk. According to their own ideas and the characteristics of each person, they also told them their own ideas on what position they were suitable for!

Song Yuancheng is fit for the position of world leader. This is the decision that the equation has been considered well from the beginning. Bai Zhanyu of the Bai family Equation wanted to let the other party inherit the position of Bai's family leader, but because of his own talent and after equation's observation of him, he felt that Bai Zhanyu's ability was enough to hold the position of broad sea Xinjiang leader! however...... Because there is no specific information about the Lord Mo, Mo Lang and Mo yuan, Bai Zhanyu will receive training from both sides - the Lord of the vast sea and the master of the Bai family.

However, the equation does not intend to let Bai Zhanyu bear the two burdens alone. He accepted the two appointments without any means, but Bai Zhanyu is not necessary! and...... He is still young and has given two heavy loads at once. I'm afraid that his young shoulder can't bear it! If Lord Mo returns safely at that time, Bai Zhanyu will become the master of the Bai family, but Once Lord Mo had an accident, Bai Zhanyu would take over the position of Lord Kuo Hai, the master of the Bai family Find someone else!

Then the equation will match song Yuancheng and Bai Zhanyu with two assistant ministers of one Wen and one Wu respectively. Song Yuancheng has Xiao Fei and xujunxiu, Xiao Fei Wu and Xu Junxiu! Bai Zhanyu's literary minister is xiaozhiheng, the son of deputy Xiao, and Wu Chen is Xiaobin. These two children are still young and need to be cultivated. Therefore, Xiaofei and xujunxiu may have to work harder in the early stage. They probably have to run at both ends to help song Yuancheng and Bai Zhanyu!

However, there are many talents available in the Spiritual Cultivation College of equation. He will add many functional departments in each territory of the entire god world, thus completely changing the situation that only the Lord is in power in the main hall of the realm, and only the three departments of city patrol, an Jiangwei and the bodyguard of the Lord's residence are in power in each territory! For example, in the future, the city patrol team and an Jiang Wei may be merged into one department, which is specialized in people's security and case detection. In each territory, five functional departments, namely, the property department, the education department, the medical department, the transportation department and the people's livelihood administration Department, will be added! The Lord hall will also select five ministers responsible for these five deployments to distribute, publish and integrate the results of daily work and report to the Lord, so that the Lord can clearly understand the people's livelihood and the actual situation in various places!

The equation tells these children all the things. First of all, let the children have points in their hearts. The current efforts are for tomorrow's goals. They should know that what they shoulder is the future of the entire universe! One world, one country, one territory, its future and tomorrow must be in the youth! Let them understand that a strong youth makes a strong country. This sentence is really true!

Secondly, he likes fixed-point training. He believes in his own vision of people. Of course, he is not blind self-confidence, but really has a good eye for people! The people he likes are hardly out of sight, so these children are the excellent talents he found among many children. Maybe There are still better people in the world than them, but The equation can't be read by everyone and can be encountered by him They are the people who are predestined by him, and also the people who are most predestined by these responsibilities and obligations, so Identify them in the heart of the equation, that is them!

So Teenagers are teenagers. Since the equation told everyone the long-awaited plans in his heart, he found that the action and execution of these teenagers are more powerful. Equation seems to be a stimulant, hitting their young, enthusiastic and hard-working blood vessels!

Equation is very satisfied with his decision. As expected, tomorrow with a goal can stimulate the children's potential. These days, Xiuling college is organizing a field war against Japan. The children are full of vitality. Seeing that equation, they shake their heads. They think that they may not have half the momentum of others now!

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