Chapter 2543

"I'm not afraid of them!"

Before Yuan Yue could finish speaking, Meng Qingchen spoke immediately, his face full of determination!

"They killed my father. I must expose their crimes and seek justice for my father! Brother Fang, Miss Yuan, I was actually not very clear about your quarrel with that Yun family or about Yun's family. I'm sorry for what my family did to you, but it's different now! They are the murderers who killed my father, this witness...I must do it!"

After hearing Meng Qingchen's words, Fang Fang and Yuan Yue were naturally happy. They said that before, they just wanted Meng Qingchen to choose by themselves. They didn't want to force others to do things they didn't want to do!

"Well, Miss Meng can take advantage of these few days to rest and rest, and we will set off for Yangcheng after Boss Meng is buried in peace!"

The equation said with certainty!

When he came out of Meng Qingchen's room, it was already midnight! The surrounding area has been quiet for a long time. Although the courtyard of Fangfu is still brightly lit, there is no one else except Yu Yien and Li Zhaowen. Everyone has already gone to rest at this time!

"How is it? Did you gain anything?"

Seeing Fang Fang and Yuan Yue coming out, Yu Yien asked!

"I guess there is! Basically, it is certain that the Yun family was in a hurry, so they did it directly! In fact, this trick of being quick, precise and ruthless is very effective, but they were unlucky, and they survived!"

Fang Fang sneered and shook his head, his tone was full of disdain for the Yun family!

"But... Although Ms. Meng survived, is she still willing to be a witness for us? This is something that will kill people?"

Li Zhaowen asked exaggeratedly.

"She said she would!"

Yuan Yue replied,

"She said that she didn't know exactly why she had to testify against the Yun family before, but now she had to testify against the Yun family, because the Yun family was the bad guy who killed her father, and she had to come out to testify against them! "

After hearing Yuan Yue's words, Li Zhaowen and Yu Yien glanced at each other, then nodded.

"She's still a girl with a backbone, alas, his father didn't die in vain!"

Yu Yien nodded and said!

"Okay, Zhaowen, let's find someone to find a suitable place for Boss Meng tomorrow! Let's let Boss Meng have a good burial the day after tomorrow!"

Fang asked Li Zhaowen,

"Okay, leave it to me!"

Li Zhaowen patted his chest, and agreed immediately!

Everyone had a very hard day, everyone entered a state of rest, and the Fang Mansion also returned to peace. There are indeed a lot of things that happened today, and everyone needs to work hard to digest them.

Early the next morning, Li Zhaowen took Ma Shaowen out to find a suitable cemetery for Boss Meng. Others who had something to do went to do it, and the rest of the people who had nothing to do stayed in Fangfu, even Xiao Si'er and Xiaofei didn't go to the Xiuling Academy, but stayed in Fangfu!

Meng Qingchen is currently staying in the Fang Mansion to recuperate, and the Fang Mansion is obliged to ensure her safety. Let alone the death of Boss Meng, although Meng Qingchen knew it, even if their father and daughter did not agree to testify to Fang Fang, if the members of the Yun family knew that they were still alive, they would definitely keep them alive. But having said that, Boss Meng's death can't be said to have nothing to do with them at all. So even if Meng Qingchen didn't agree to give them witnesses today, the Fang family still had to protect Meng Qingchen's life!

This is the principle of Equation, which cannot be changed.


Yuan Yue rubbed her eyes and walked into the main hall, and saw that Fang Fang and the others were already sitting in the main hall, and they seemed to be discussing something!

"You guys get up so early, I thought I was up early enough!"

Yuan Yue usually likes to sleep late, and she got up early today because she had something on her mind, so although she slept late last night, she still got up early this morning!

"Ms. Meng's there nothing wrong?"

She walked to Fang Fang, picked up his teacup and took a sip.

"It's okay, I'll let Wu Fei watch!"

Fang Fang patted the seat next to him, signaling Yuan Yue to sit beside him.

"Oh, that's good. Boss Meng had an accident yesterday. I didn't sleep well all night. I was afraid that something might happen to Miss Meng! Although it seems that it has nothing to do with us, if it is true If something goes wrong, I still feel uncomfortable!"

Yuan Yue sat on the chair next to the equation very naturally, and was next to the equation. Others have long been accustomed to the habit of these loving young couples in Fangfu showing their affection when they have nothing to do, and they are no strangers to it!

"Well, don't worry, I'll send someone to watch!"

Fang Fang comforted Yuan Yue's little heart.

"Xiao Qi and Shu Qing haven't gotten up yet?"

Yuan Yue looked around, but didn't see her best friend.

"Well, maybe I was tired of saving people yesterday, and these two young ladies are still asleep!"

Yu Yien nodded, even though he said so, but Yu Yien loves Shuqing very much, last night he specially told Shuqing to get up later the next day and sleep a little longer!

"Oh, too!"

Yuan Yue nodded, and when she was about to say something else, she heard footsteps coming from the door. She thought it was Xiao Qi or Shu Qing, but when she looked up, she saw Meng Qingchen taking small steps, in nothing but Accompanied by her, she walked into the main hall gate! I saw that she was wearing a plain white filial dress, with a small white flower clipped on her sideburns, and she looked so graceful that I could feel pity for her!

"Oh, it's Miss Meng, why did you come out? No more rest?"

Yuan Yue was a little surprised when she saw that it was Meng Qingchen. She originally thought that Meng Qingchen would not come out so early. After all, his father had just passed away, so he had to be sad in the house for a while!

"Oh, Miss Yuan! I don't want to rest any more. My father just passed away. What's the matter with me staying in the house all day! I want to set up a coffin for my father and keep him awake!"

Ms. Meng said softly,

"But...I don't want to set up the mourning hall in the Qingchen Winery yet, but thinking about it...Father definitely doesn't want his mourning hall to be set up there!"

Meng Qingchen's helpless appearance was indeed pitiful, and several people in the main hall looked at her sympathetically! Only the expressions of Fang Fang and Yu Yien were normal, and even Yuan Yue who always thought that Meng Qingchen had green tea and white lotus was full of sympathy!

"Don't worry about this, Ms. Meng, we have asked Zhaowen to find a suitable place! We will prepare the mourning hall and cemetery for Ms. Meng for Boss Meng!"

Fang Fang stood up and said to Meng Qingchen seriously!

"Miss Meng doesn't have to worry too much, why don't you...have breakfast first!"