Chapter 938

When the camp leader opened his eyes again, it was just dawn outside. The magpies were chirping happily on the branches. He was slightly stunned and suddenly sat up.

He remembered that yesterday when he walked into the villa with the equation, the night had passed before it was dark?

The camp owner stretched out his body in a hurry, got out of bed and walked back and forth. Must has no feeling to come back! He only felt that his original aura was no longer swallowed by something! He could feel that the aura of the elixir field was very full. He did not know how many times the pure aura was wrapping the elixir field, making his body full of strength!

But... The only drawback is that this aura does not seem to be exerted, and can only be suppressed in the elixir field!

"Camp master, are you awake?"

Yu Yien came in and saw the camp leader wake up and said hello.

"Oh, yes! Mr. Fang, where is he now? "

The camp owner nodded in a hurry, with a little excitement on his face.

"The equation is still resting! Because in this mirror world, his aura can't be exerted. Therefore, he needs to strike his elixir field with a spirit stick to stimulate a trace of aura to cure you. Last night, he used a spirit stick six times to dispel the aura of the dominant mirror master in your body. So... The loss is too large, and the time needed to be eased will be longer. "

Yu Yien's tone is not cold or hot, it is obvious that the camp owner tired up the equation like this!

When the camp owner heard Yu Yien's words, he could not help but be a little surprised. The original equation had to pay so much in order to cure himself. He quickly turned his head and walked out of the room.

"I'll see him!"

His voice came to Yu Yien's ears from outside, and Yu Yien could not help but shriveled his mouth.

"I hope you can do something good!"

As soon as the camp owner went out, he smelled a smell of boiled Chinese medicine. It seemed that... It was those precious tonics he had brought yesterday. He estimated that it was Wu Yun who was cooking those tonics for the body.

Sure enough, just walked to the door of another room, Wu Yun came over from the direction of the kitchen with a bowl of dark medicine. The taste of that bowl of medicine was so familiar to the owner that he had to drink a large bowl of that stuff every day before!

"Wu Yun!"

The camp leader saw Wu Yun and said hello in a hurry.

"Oh, the Lord of the camp is awake!"

Wu Yun said while walking into the room, the camp owner also quickly followed in.

The equation on the bed is still sleeping, and his face is slightly pale. It seems that... It really consumed the spiritual power and mind!

"Equation, wake up! Drink the medicine first

Wu Yun came to the equation with medicine and called him gently. Equation obviously heard Wu Yun's cry in his sleep. He frowned, rubbed his face, and then opened his eyes reluctantly.

Wu Yun saw that he opened his eyes and handed the medicine to him in a hurry.

"Take the medicine before you go to sleep. It's 700 year old Ganoderma lucidum and the velvet antler of the old deer fairy. If you drink it, you can use it more or less!"


The equation got up a little laboriously, frowned and drank the bowl of medicine with one mouthful. Then he picked up the paper towel and wiped his mouth. Then he found that the camp owner was standing at the door. He was surprised.

"The Lord of the camp is awake?"

He said.

Seeing the equation and noticing himself, the camp owner stepped forward and looked at the young man in front of him gratefully.

"Hard work..."

he said softly. The equation can't help laughing at the look of the leader's filial piety wings.

"The camp master doesn't have to be like this. I'm fine! It's only in this mirror that I am like this. If I were outside, I would not be so weak! Take a rest and I'll be fine! "

The equation paused, and then continued to say,

"but... I have fulfilled my promise and healed the camp leader. Please don't miss your words

He said, half jokingly, half seriously.

"How could it be?"

The camp owner shook his head in a hurry,

"my husband is going to do what he says. I will prepare a car to go to the town Lord's house to persuade Weizhi. Mr. Fang will take a rest in the camp. After I persuade Weizhi, the three of us will carefully study how to act!"

"Good! Then I'll wait for the good news from the camp owner! "

Equation nodded, and the camp owner turned around and walked to the door. As soon as he got to the door, he turned his head and looked at the equation,

"Mr. Fang... Please have a good rest!"

Finish saying, this just turned head to walk out, equation looks at his back, can't help but smile.

Wu Yun looked at his appearance and could not help asking.

"That's how you believe him?"

"Well, I may not believe those who have no desire or desire, but both he and town master Gu have desires. Before being suppressed by the mirror master, they are also hot-blooded men. I believe... They will understand it!"As Fang Cheng was saying this, he heard Gu Huan's voice coming in from outside the door.

"Brother Fang, brother Fang, where are you?"


the equation replied, in a short time, Gu Huan rushed in from the gate,

"how are you, brother Fang? I just met the camp owner at the gate. I heard him say something about you. Now he's going to take care of my father

Gu Huan was very excited,

"you said you were so busy yesterday, why don't you call me? How many wonderful things I have to miss

Looking at Gu Huan's playful appearance, the equation can't help but harden his face.

"Gu Huan, you need to know that this is not a joke! If you don't pay attention, you may die at any time, so... You must correct your attitude! "

Hearing the equation, Gu Huan immediately shrunk his smile and showed a serious and serious expression.

"brother Fang, my character is that I can put it away. Don't worry. Although I'm usually confused and careless, I'm smart. I'm not careless when I should be serious and use my brain. You can rest assured! "

Hear Gu Huan say so, equation nodded. Gu Huan is really smart. When he should be smart, he is also smart. This... The equation is very reassuring!

Equation looked at Gu huangang to continue to say something, heard a noise at the door, equation frowned and listened, it seems that Yu Yien's voice, he seemed to quarrel with someone.

"Is it an en?"

The equation looked at Wu Yun, who was still sorting out the medicine bowl,

"it seems to be, I'll go and have a look!"

Wu Yun put down his things and went out the door,

"Wu Yun, be careful, don't do it easily!"

The equation hastily ordered.


Wu Yun nodded and went out!

Equation a little worried to listen to the sound outside the door, after a burst of noise, the outside seems to be quiet down.

After a while, the door was opened. The equation thought it was Wu Yun or Yu Yien. Just about to speak, he saw a strange man coming in from the door.

I saw that this man was about forty years old. He was elegant and elegant. He looked like everyone. The equation gave a little pause. Just about to ask who the other party was, he saw that he was followed by several attendants, and what the attendants held in their hands was Yu Yien. Wu Yun didn't move behind them. It seems that... It should be a security threat from them.

Equation frowned. Then he got out of bed and got up. He looked at the man who was the leader. As soon as he was about to open his mouth, he heard Gu Huan speaking slowly.

"You... Are you the master of the mirror?"

As soon as his words were uttered, the heart of the equation immediately "cluttered", and his eyes immediately looked at the person in front of him, and his two hands dangling from his side clasped tightly.

It turns out that the man who is smiling at himself is the legendary "mirror master"! , the fastest update of the webnovel!