Chapter 1637

Equation and others are holding their breath to listen to the story of seventh uncle. When it comes to the most critical point, they are all silent. Their eyes are staring at seventh uncle's face!

"I was a little kid among them at that time, and I was a child who didn't do anything. So when they were studying how to get the trapped wheel out, I just strolled around to see the situation around me! But as soon as I turned my head, I saw the dark shadows coming out of the woods. One by one, they appeared in the woods around us. Just as I shook my mind, they had occupied the woods around us. At that time, I was so scared that I felt my legs softened. Although the fog filled me, I couldn't see what the black shadows were, or... They might be other things, but can you imagine that strange scene? Black shadows came out of the woods around me... So I didn't think about it at that time. I was so scared that I yelled out - something! All of us were shocked by my words. At the same time, those shadows were also shocked by me.... "

At this point, everyone was also shocked by the story of Uncle Qi. When the three girls thought of the scene described by Uncle Qi, they could not help feeling chilly. They felt that the scene was really weird.

But at the moment, a kind of emotion gradually rose on Uncle Qi's face. It was a kind of emotion called "self blame". Maybe... It was his voice that alerted those shadows, which led them to attack, or lead them to attack ahead of time, and didn't give the escort any time to prepare, So the tragic results after... May also have his responsibility!

"After that..."

The voice of the equation is reduced, so that your words will not stimulate uncle Qi as much as possible!

"After that, there was a scuffle. I still don't have the memory of that fight. I only remember that master yelled at me," climb up the tree quickly. "Then I climbed up a big, thick tree very mechanically! I didn't go out of my way to train to climb a tree, but I climbed very smoothly that time. After a few times, I climbed to a stout branch on the tree, and then... I held that branch, and held it all the time, until... There was no more fighting under the tree... "

Seven uncle's voice is more and more weak, more and more weak, until finally almost can't hear the voice!

"And... What about them? What about the... Escorts? "

Li Zhaowen swallowed his saliva and asked Uncle Qi carefully!

"They're... Gone! When I climbed down the tree, I found that all the people had disappeared. On the ground... Were pools of red blood, and... There were also some very small, very small human tissues, including fingers, toes, some hair and ears. I knew that they were not disappeared, but... Eaten by those wild animals! The beasts are full now, so... Leave! "

Seventh uncle sat there, looking at his hand, for a long time, then slowly raised his head and looked at them!

"Then... I left the cheetah forest by myself, pushing the nearly fragmented escort cart in a mess. Then... I went to the post station of the escort agency and entered the door... I fell asleep and woke up after three days and three nights of sleep! The doctor said I've had a fever for three days and three nights. If I don't wake up again, I'm afraid it's a lot of bad luck! "

We can understand the stress response of the body under extreme fright at that time, so many people who are scared will have a serious illness later. That's the principle!

"For a long time after that, I can't remember what happened. I only remember that I followed my master and they went into the woods, and then I remembered the moment when I woke up three days after my serious illness! Many details... Are slowly remembered in the years after! Since then... I left the escort agency. Before I left, the boss of the escort agency wanted to give me half of the profit of the escort, that is, 25 gold ingots. But I didn't ask for it. I just took one and left. In my life, I haven't stepped into that forest, until now... "

Uncle Qi finally finished his story. He felt relieved, as if he had experienced a disaster. Then he looked at them seriously.

I saw that they were looking at themselves very seriously, especially the little boy named Xiaofei, with a look of curiosity and excitement.

"So... Don't go into that forest without anything, especially the cheetah forest. You can't go in, absolutely not, as long as you don't want to commit suicide!"

After listening to Uncle Qi's warning, he hesitated for a moment, but still asked the question he wanted to ask!

"Seventh uncle, since cheetah forest is so dangerous, is there any hermit living in it..."

"How could it be?"

Did not wait for the equation to fall to the ground, seven uncle directly denied his view!

"That place... Only ghosts can live there! People... When they enter, they will be torn up by those strange and terrible beasts! "

Words just said here, seven uncles seem to be suddenly thought of a possibility, slightly some hesitant looking at the equation.

"If you say there must be people living in it... I guess it can only be the owners of those wild animals. Other people are... Unlikely!"

Seventh uncle shook his head, then looked at the sky, this just some surprised stand up.

"It's almost evening. I've talked a little too much today. I'm afraid I'm tired of listening to you for so long."

He was a little embarrassed to pull his sleeve, and then restored the appearance that he didn't care about anything and looked very sophisticated in the main hall!

"Anyway... You'd better not go to the forest. There are many other sights in the beast city for you to watch. If you need, I can recommend some to you!"

Don't mention the appearance, the seven uncles are not the same as what they just said. They look like senior shopkeepers, which makes them a little uncomfortable. Li Zhaowen can't help but feel happy!

"Well, I'd like to thank uncle Qi first. I'll come to you if I need to!"

Equation nodded to Uncle Qi, then turned around and wanted to take the people to the direction of the room, only to find that uncle Qi was still in the same place, hesitating to walk towards the door of the yard, but his eyes had been aiming at the equation, as if... There was something that he wanted to say and it was hard to say!

As soon as he thought about it, he immediately understood what he meant, so he suddenly realized that he took money out of his pocket with a smile. He originally took out some silver ingots, but when he got them, he shrank back. Thinking about it, he changed it into a gold ingot, and then handed it to the seventh uncle! , the fastest update of the webnovel!