Chapter 1784

The screen on the opposite side looked at the equation and walked towards him. He couldn't help smiling. He felt that the equation couldn't be pressed at last and came towards him actively!

Equation went to the screen holding the Lord. First, he looked at the Lord's eyes. The Lord's eyes were full of expectation and hope. In his opinion, equation is a capable person who can rescue himself!

Then, the equation's eyes fell on the screen's eyes, which were filled with an undisguised smile!

"You've done so many strange things. What do you want to do?"

The equation finally asked Pingyi what had been hidden in his heart for a long time!

"Did you do all those things in the vast sea?"

When Pingyi heard his question, he couldn't help laughing low. For a long time, he seemed unable to control himself. He changed from a low voice to a high pitched laughter. The kind of crazy laughter made everyone present feel a little terrible!

Even looking at the screen of laughter in front of him, he felt that he did seem a little crazy!

"You can't help asking me at last!"

Screen Yi finally stopped his smile and looked slightly gloomy at the equation!

"At the beginning, I wanted you to be discredited and despised by the people of the Pantheon, but I didn't expect you to solve things so perfectly, and honestly admit that all things may be caused by your own reasons, so you should help them. They don't have to thank you! Your move is really powerful! Those stupid people I don't think you are a bad person or a disaster star. Instead, I think you are honest and powerful. I regard you as a god! And they even say that the bad people are not you, but those who want to do bad to you. They are powerful... It's so powerful! I never thought that your highness Fengshen looks honest and is still a good hand to win people's hearts! "

When Pingyi said something, the expression of the equation didn't change, but he still looked at each other without emotion!

"I never wanted to win over any people! Unlike you, the rain god, I have great ambitions and always think that I can help your Highness the God of war to ascend the position of the master of the world. I'm not good at lying, so... I'm just telling the truth!"

The equation showed no weakness and said faintly!

"Besides, what's wrong with the words of the people? It's not me, but you people who make trouble. Is this... Wrong? I feel guilty because these disasters are brought to the people by myself, so I must help them as much as I can to reduce the harm and loss brought to them by these disasters, but my guilt is related to your sins There is no contradiction or conflict, so... I have no problem with the people, and you have the problem! "

The tone of the equation was firm and resolute. Pingyi didn't respond too much, just shrugged his shoulders.

"Yes, you're right! So... Later I changed my strategy! I want you to have a good reputation and get the so-called popular support of the people. Then I'll capture you and let you or Li Chou ascend. Isn't that logical? But later I discussed with Li Chou that you are still not suitable to be the superior, so we finally negotiated, He helped me catch you, and I helped him... Ascend to the position of the Lord of the world of gods! "

Pingyi told the equation all his tricks. It was precisely because he felt that he would be able to win the equation at one stroke today, so he had nothing to hide at this moment!

After hearing what he said, I couldn't help feeling very much! When he left the world and came to the world of gods, everything he experienced echoed in his mind. When he came here, he created blessings for the people here, but also brought disaster to them. All these... Were caused by the man in front of him! He thought this man was dead, but he never thought he would meet him again here!

At this moment, the equation thinks of only one thing, that is, he must try his best to kill him, so that he can return a stable environment in the Pantheon and a safe world that will not be filled with the unknown forever!

"Screen, do you know how annoying you are?"

I stare at the screen and speak slowly!


Pingyi didn't expect that he would say such childish words to himself. He couldn't help but be a little stunned. It seems that he didn't understand what he said!

"You are like a dirty dog skin plaster. People have hated you to a certain extent and will tear you off your skin and throw you into the trash can with severe pain! But you still stick to other people's skin and refuse to come down, which makes the owner more painful! Even if you die and tear you off later, you still stick to others I would rather be trampled under my feet and rubbed desperately on the ground. It is covered with more disgusting garbage on the ground than let go and be thrown into the trash can you should go! You are so difficult that everyone will feel extremely disgusted and disgusted when they see you... "

The equation rarely says such vicious words, especially for screen!

The previous equation always felt that what he had done before had a little impact on the screen, so he would never say too cruel words to him even at the critical moment of life and death.

However, after such a long time, too many things have happened in the middle. Among them, there are many things that Pingyi has repeatedly wanted his life. He feels that even if he has been so sorry for Pingyi, he has been wiped out by his inhumanity to himself so many times.

In particular, they have come to the world of gods. I feel that the previous things in the world have ended! Now I don't need to feel sorry for what happened before. I don't know what life it is! And then review what you have done to yourself, enough to repay him thousands of times!


For the first time, Pingyi heard such vicious words in the mouth of the equation. For a moment, she was really shocked. She didn't know what to say to reply to the equation. She was just staring at the equation!

"Brother, that's very good!"

Li Zhaowen behind him said loudly to the equation while greeting the dead and gods!

"But, brother, these dead men seem endless. When do we have to fight?"

Then he complained to the equation., the fastest update of the webnovel!