Chapter 1818

Song qingran looked at the equation that still kept a smiling expression. Then she turned around and looked at the young and old players on the side. She looked back and forth several times!

"You make them forget other things, only remember that they were attacked by the big snake?"

Song qingran asked in a very low voice. Her tone was still incredible and incredible!

The equation didn't speak, just nodded gently!

"How is this possible? This..."

Song qingran felt that this kind of thing was far more surprising and unbelievable than their defeat of those monsters!

"I also deepened his aversion to 'greed' in the young player's mind, so that his only little greed will disappear! So you can rest assured!"

Hearing what the equation said, song qingran flashed a trace of fear in her eyes, and such a little emotion was captured by the sharp equation!

"Lord song, don't worry. I won't use these moves at will! I can only use them on people I think can be saved, evil people... I can't use them, good people like Lord song... Naturally, I won't use them! This time I just used them to erase their memory!"

Listening to the equation so simple, song qingran only felt that her three views seemed to have been refreshed again!


At this time, Captain sun came to song qingran!

"It must be very dirty when sealing the hole here. I'll stay and watch the sealing of the hole. Go back first!"

Seeing this, Song Qing really didn't have anything to do with him, so he turned to the equation, which meant to ask him if he needed to stay here!

He nodded, then turned around and looked at the hole that had begun to be sealed with big stones by the team members, and finally turned his eyes to Li Zhaowen!

"Zhaowen, you stay here and look after it. After all, there are still some things in it. I'm afraid you'll take care of it in case something happens!"

He charged Li Zhaowen.

"No problem. After the hole is sealed, I'll add some materials to it to ensure that the things inside won't come out!"

Li Zhaowen replied naughtily!

Equation stared at him helplessly, indicating that he didn't play too much. After all, people's gold eating beast didn't kill those people subjectively. It just killed some outlaws who wanted money but didn't want life in order to protect its own rations! If he really seals them all, it's like killing them!

"I know. Leave them a way!"

With that, Li Zhaowen walked towards the hole in the big hole. It seemed that he regarded himself as a contractor, and began to give advice to others!

So song qingran, equation and Qian Yuyang went down the mountain together, along with the young team member and the old team member who went down to the bottom of the cave with them, and Zhao Heng who made bone ornaments!

The party first came to the entrance of the mountain, took a carriage and left the mountain. First, they wanted to send Zhao Heng home.

Back to the alley where Zhao Heng's family lives, as soon as we got off the bus, we saw Lao Zhao tou standing at the entrance of the alley and looking around! He saw his son come down from a very luxurious carriage, hurried forward, took his son's hand, and then looked at the others who came down from the carriage!

"My lord..."

He said respectfully!

"After investigation, there is no evidence to prove that these people's bones have anything to do with your son Zhao Heng, so... Now he is allowed to go home, but... If we still need to ask questions, we still want your son Zhao Heng to cooperate!"

Song qingran said directly to old Zhao tou!

"Really... Really?"

Old Zhao's head was so excited that he burst into tears and hugged his son in his arms.

"Great, you're all right, all right!"

Lao Zhao said loudly!

"Well, I'll go back and pick up all the bones in the house later. I'll send someone to the alley to take them away later. These have to be kept as evidence..."

"OK, the grass people know. The grass people will go back and clean up now!"

Before Song qingran finished, Lao Zhao took his son to the alley.

While Zhao Heng was dragged inside by his old father, he looked back at Song qingran and them with respect and a smile.

"Grass people, thank the city Lord and childe Fang for their insight. Thank you..."

With that, Zhao Heng was dragged into the depths of the alley by Lao Zhao's head!

Old Zhao tou and his son depend on each other. This son is his life. Now Zhao Heng is found innocent by song qingran. After feeling lucky, old Zhao Tou is also afraid. Therefore, for fear that song qingran will regret taking his son Zhao Heng away again, he hurriedly pulled his son into the Wang family!

Song qingran and equation stood at the entrance of the alley and couldn't help smiling at each other!

"Mr. Fang, I was supposed to entertain you today to show my gratitude, but now it's so late. I don't think it's possible to come. Tomorrow... Tomorrow, I'll invite Mr. Fang and you to come to my humble house and taste simple food! Of course, please invite Mr. Fang to help Mr. Song. Let's... Eat and drink together!"

"OK, that's settled!"

The group had to postpone their journey for another day. Fortunately, this little episode did not delay their journey too much, and everyone who was eager to return home delayed their journey for another day.

When they returned to the inn, equation and Qian Yuyang went back to their rooms to freshen up, and then found Xiao Qi and Xiao Fei who were having dinner with a large family in the lobby of the inn.

"Childe Fang is back! Has it been done?"

Wan Changxing listened to Xiao Qi about what happened during the day, so he asked if it had been solved!

"Well, it's done!"

Equation nodded and didn't say much. Wan Changxing, who was knowledgeable, naturally wouldn't ask more.

"Mr. Fang and Mr. Qian didn't have dinner! I asked the waiter to add some more wine and vegetables!"

Wan Lin looked a little.

"Then trouble young master Wan!"

He smiled at Wan Lin.

"What's the trouble..."

Wan Lin said and asked the waiter to bring some new wine and vegetables to them!

"Brother, where's Li Zhaowen?"

After watching for a long time, Li Zhaowen didn't come in. Xiao Qi not only asked the equation.

"He has something to do and will be back in a minute!"

The equation didn't want more people to know that there were monsters in the big hole, so he replied very vaguely!

"Oh, OK!"

As soon as Xiao Qi heard that the equation didn't say the actual thing, he knew it was not suitable to say it in front of everyone, so he stopped asking! Instead of worrying about Li Zhaowen's safety, she is worried about others and the danger he brings to others!, the fastest update of the webnovel!