CH 21

A day ago.

As I finished searching for ‘Ilsan’ at the library, I also finished digesting the ghost’s thoughts that had possessed the moon bear.

And then, a vague memory came to mind.

Fortunately, it was “information” that had a connection with the cores.

As expected, the moon bear was not a monster from the rifts, but a creature of earth that appeared as a “spiritual being” in the old stories.

And among the two cores, the one that emitted a bright white light was the moon bear’s inner core.

But what was the rainbow colored core?

The nine-tailed fox!

Surprisingly, that was another spiritual being’s inner core.

“Well…it’s not even a legendary hometown.”

It was really unexpected information.

Although the moon bear and the nine-tailed fox had a strained relationship and often fought, the ghost moved immediately after their battle.

The ghost waited for them to fight and possessed the exhausted moon bear to control both his spirit and body.

“It wouldn’t have been possible under normal circumstances.”

But it was a battle between beings of the same level, and it was possible because the moon bear was exhausted.

Why did the ghost choose the moon bear instead of the nine-tailed fox?

‘Because the nine-tailed fox’s mental defense was too strong to challenge.’

To use a metaphor, it was easier to possess the “physical fighter” moon bear, if you will.

Although the ghost’s level was only mid-tier, by swallowing a high-level spiritual being like the moon bear, it could forcibly raise it’s strength, and then it captured the nine-tailed fox and ate its inner core.

“Too greedy.”

It was also known as the “Philosopher’s Stone” over there.

“How could it be digested so easily.”

Even with the shell of a high-level spiritual being called a moon bear, the pure energy was not easy to handle, especially since it had to handle two of them.

That’s why the ghost began the task of claiming the inner cores as its own during the long hibernation period like the bear.

But with an unexpected situation, it came down from the mountain and even the part where it were hunted by Baron was vaguely recalled as stored information in its mind.

When this sorting of thoughts was over, an unexpected encounter was Baron’s way.

“Woo woo woo…”

Among the two cores inside his stomach, Baron wondered if it was Nine-tail’s core that caused the sudden outcry. Soon after, the space in front of him rippled, and a small fox with two tails appeared.

“A cub… Nine-tails?”

The young fox raised its small front paw in what seemed like a threatening gesture, but its gaze was fixed on Baron’s abdomen, where the core resided.

Instinctively, Baron knew that the dead Nine-tails must have been the mother of this little fox, who had been killed by Ghost and moon bear.

Honestly, he felt it more as a sensation coming from his stomach rather than a clear understanding.

Moreover, the fox’s two tails emitted a familiar energy flow like one from his belly, making it easy to connect the dots.

There was also one more thing he could discern:

Ghost had difficulty absorbing the Nine-tail’s core, to the extent that it was unusual.

‘There are thoughts of the Nine-tails contained within it’s core!’

That hindered its absorption by the Ghost, and even at this moment, it was causing a discomforting presence within his stomach.

“Ha… this is unbelievable.”

Although it would take time to digest, the fact remained that it’s core had entered his stomach and was acting on its own accord.

Furthermore, amidst the faint reverberation, the thoughts contained within the core were shouting.

“It wants to go to its child?”

Was it because it read the energy emanating from his stomach? The small fox that was just threatening him with its paw moments ago came to him and rubbed it’s head against his leg, purring.

Should I say a fox is indeed a fox?

Baron chuckled and rubbed his chin, lost in thought.

In reality, considering his physical condition and the Samshinki, it would be an unlikely and far-fetched scenario.

“I’m a penny short, and yet you’re demanding a bill. Huh…”

Yet, despite this, what is the reason for his hesitation and why does he hesitate?

There are probably two reasons that can be pointed out.

The first was the trigger that awakened the thoughts inside the Nine-tails core.

“Tsk! Such a hassle…”

His gaze flicked briefly towards his left chest, more accurately towards his heart.


There was a single treasure, brought here after avoiding the goddess’s gaze, hidden in there.

‘I was going to fight over it if she tried to take it away.’

As if unaware of its embeddedness in his heart, the goddess left it alone, and that is how it was brought to Earth.

The treasure had awoken the thoughts within the Nine-tails core, and together they were causing him discomfort.


With a sigh, he recalled the second reason.

To be honest, this was the decisive factor.

“Hmm… one Philosopher’s Stone would be enough.”

When he objectively assessed the situation, it didn’t seem particularly efficient to use both of the inner cores.

‘Keeping a flame burning in Energy Channel won’t require more than one stone.’

Moreover, considering the abilities of the Nine-tails core, it felt unsatisfying to merely rekindle the embers and call it a day.

“Wind, earth, lightning, and poison.”

Just considering the properties he had confirmed made four types.

‘Besides….that’s not the end of it.’

The abilities of the Nine-tails, discovered through the Ghost’s thoughts!

‘Gulp! Nine different properties.’

He recalled the spirits whose contracts were forcibly terminated by the goddess. The properties he had managed to get in that world were not as numerous as this, and he swallowed his saliva at the thought.

‘If I do it well, I can solve it all in one go.’

If the effect of absorbing the inner core of the Nine-tails was 1, what would the effect be if he used it in the other way he was planning now?

‘At least four to five, I guess.’

If you count the number of properties, it seemed that much more was possible.

It was a moment when warmth was added to the gaze that looked at the little fox.

For some reason, Baron rubbed both his hands together and said.

“O~K! Let’s make a big deal out of it.”

He agreed to give up the inner core.

‘In return, let’s use only one seal. Hehe…’

There was only one small condition.

A contract!

This was the moment he would have his first familiar on Earth.


Baron reminisced about the previous day as he gazed at the young fox, Miho.

[The day you have nine tails, I will call you by your last name].

Unfortunately, there was no one around who could object to the use of the name Nine-tails(Gumiho), so the young fox’s name became Miho.

However, what was important here was not that fact, but what followed next.

[Until you can transform into a human, go into the mountains and train.]

Although it seemed that Miho understood his words, it attempted various transformations to become human, but all it encountered was consecutive failures.

Because it was still a young Nine-tailed fox, it’s understanding and abilities regarding disguise were lacking. However, when seen in it’s child form, there seemed to be some progress through the use of it’s mother’s core.

Suddenly, at this moment, Baron was slightly taken aback.

It was because the process of transferring the inner core came to mind.

Pouring out the core that was in the midst of digestion from his throat wasn’t exactly a pleasant sight, and just recalling it made his eyebrows furrow involuntarily.

As if misunderstanding the crease on his forehead, little fox Miho shrugged it’s shoulders, but Baron didn’t pay much attention. There was something else that caught his gaze.

‘Well, it seems like the transformation hasn’t been fully achieved yet.’

Seeing the tail swaying behind the fox, it definitely seemed like more time and effort would be needed.


Glancing at Baron’s reaction, little fox Miho added a word as if to defend itself.


Although it had acquired some knowledge through the inner core and could speak human language with some difficulty, it was still at a rudimentary stage, only consisting of vague and short word combinations.

As a result, Baron had to strain his ears and rack his brain to understand it’s words.


And he understood.

“Are you afraid because of the monsters in the mountains?”



With a groaning sound, Baron massaged his temples.

“Just find a mountain without monsters and carry on your training there.”


As if repeating the same phrase, miho suddenly clung to his leg. It was the moment when the back of his neck tensed up.

There was no other choice.

Miho had lost it’s mother at an early age and had to hide in the mountains, trembling with fear. It was a daily life where everything in the world seemed filled with terror.

If it weren’t for being able to use the secret fox path inherited from it’s mother, it might have faced the worst outcome long ago.

[The Fox Path!]

It was a kind of safe haven that it had inherited from it’s mother, a tail that allowed it to shield it’s tiny body. It allowed it to protect it’s small body even amidst the gaze of countless monsters and endure each day with great difficulty.

Was it because of the challenging and arduous daily life?

It constantly longed for it’s mother’s scent and could only spend nights imagining the warmth of it’s embrace, shedding tears.

It was a day like any other.


Was it the scent of it’s mother flowing through the Fox Path?


With a glimmer of hope, it rushed towards the source. Carefully opening the door of the Fox Path, ensuring it could escape at any moment if a moon bear was waiting.

And there, it came face to face.

‘Who are you?’

Instead of the moon bear that always targeted Miho, it was a human man standing at the end of the path.


Fear suddenly engulfed it.

Was it because of the scent of it’s mother emanating from the man’s embrace? Despite it’s wariness, it couldn’t retreat or run away.

As time passed, the scent grew stronger.

Perhaps because of that, instead of withdrawing, it approached and playfully nuzzled it’s head against his leg.

From then on, it entered into a strange “contract” with the human man.

When the human contractor suddenly started vomiting, it was alarming at first, but it had to widen it’s eyes when it’s mother’s inner core emerged. And when it eventually returned to it’s possession, tears streamed down it’s face.

In that moment, the human contractor became the “benefactor.”

It wanted to stay together.

It wanted to follow.

But there was a condition.

‘Transform into a human?’

Fortunately, thanks to the tail it received from it’s mother, it was able to understand some of the human’s words, and through that, little fox Miho realized what it had to do.

[Disguise magic!]

Just like the moon bear and Baron, absorbing the inner core was not an easy task.

‘But I have to do it! I can do it!’

Perhaps due to the inherenting it’s mother’s tail, or maybe because the inner core didn’t resist, the absorption happened faster than expected.

Simultaneously, it’s understanding of disguise magic increased significantly, allowing it to appear before Baron in a human form.

The contractor was not without apprehension.

‘But at least he returned Mom.’

A good person, a grateful human.

The child tightly grasped Baron’s sleeve and struggled to speak.

“Uhh… Ber… Burydima… Dev… Gati ga…”

Deep wrinkles were etched on the contractor’s forehead.


It was an unexpected contact.

[Let’s meet for a moment.]

Baek-Hwa-Seon swallowed her dry saliva and rushed to the meeting place.


She didn’t know how he obtained her contact information, but she couldn’t ignore his summons.

[Are you above the superhumans?]

Her previous question,

[It’s just a matter of skill, Is the correct answer.]

The response he gave!

During the Bukhansan incident, he proved this extravagant statement.

Although it was a low-quality recording, why did she spend considerable time pondering over it?

She recognized the mysterious man in the video.

Of course, she didn’t recognize him at first glance. However, amidst her lingering suspicions, after repeated replays, she could grasp his identity.

‘I never thought he could surpass superhumans.’

Among the S-Ranked individuals with abilities, there were rumors circulating unnoticed.

[We are not real superhumans.]

[We are merely standing at the edge of human limits.]

Despite that, the world still referred to and revered them as superhumans. For there is no one above them.

Because of this, she rushed to his summons as if she were flying.

‘A real… superhuman!’

There were so many things she wanted to ask that extraordinary being. However, from the moment they faced each other, he shut her mouth.

“I have a favor to ask.”

The child was barely around four years old, if that.

With chubby cheeks, the child abruptly embraced her with it’s right arm.

But the problem arose afterward.

“What… is this?”

She asked in confusion, and he answered.

“A tail.”

“…Excuse me?”

His continue saying.

“You know about nine-tailed foxes, right? Think of it as taking care of a pet dog for a while.”


It went beyond being speechless; it was a breath-stopping moment.