Chapter 1957

He can't go!

No matter what happens to the Ye family, he can't go now!

His mission is here, his brother is here, he can't leave!

But the more clearly you understand this, the more uncomfortable Ye Zian is.

He suddenly stretched out his arm and hugged Xiao yunning and Chenxi tightly. He was very glad that Xiao yunning was by his side, otherwise he would really go crazy.

"Does the wound hurt?"

Xiao yunning didn't ignore the urgency and discomfort at the bottom of his eyes, but she couldn't ask. On the one hand, ye Zian didn't know that she had recovered her memory, on the other hand, she was afraid that the wall had ears.

Ye Nanxian shook his head, suppressed all emotions and bitterness, and held Chenxi from Xiao yunning's hand.

"Daddy, are you in a bad mood?"

Although the dawn is small, her childhood experience makes her watch her words and colors too early, which makes people more and more distressed.

"It's all right. Daddy just feels a little uncomfortable. Are you better?"

"It's much better. Daddy should get better soon. Mommy said that when daddy is ready, we'll go out to play with a family of three!"

The smiling appearance of dawn made Ye Zian think of his responsibility again.

He nodded and said to Xiao yunning, "I suddenly want to eat your dumplings."

"I'll do it for you."

Why can't Xiao yunning Hear ye zi'an's intention to support her?

She took Chenxi's hand and said with a smile, "how about making dumplings with mommy for daddy?"


After all, Chenxi is a child. As long as she is with Ye Zian and Xiao yunning, it doesn't matter what she does. She feels happy.

Ye Zian called whales when they left.

The whale dodged when she saw Ye Zian, which made Ye Zian squint.

"Why are you hiding from me? What have you done to me?"

"Boss, what are you talking about? What can I do to be sorry for you?"

The whale laughs and laughs, but he still doesn't dare to look directly into ye zi'an's eyes.

Ye Zian suddenly knocked on the table. The sound seemed to knock on the whale's heart, which made him shiver involuntarily.


With Ye Zian's cold hum, the whale couldn't stop.

"Boss, I said, I said not yet?"

He looked out and didn't find Xiao yunning's figure. Then he quickly closed the door and said with a sigh of relief, "boss, you have to save me, or I'll die."

"What did you do and you're dead?"

Ye Zian turned and sat on the sofa.

The whale quickly followed.

"Boss, do you know? Who is the patient your girlfriend asked me to check?"


Ye Zian has never paid much attention to such a person. Now he is a little interested to hear such a question from the whale.

The whale sighed and said, "that person is your sister, yelolo! And the condition is very serious. This hospital has no way at all, but the most conservative anti-inflammatory treatment."

Ye Zian's hand suddenly stiffened.

"Who are you talking about?"

"Yeluoluo, I even met her not long ago. She threatened me not to tell Miss Xiao about her here, or I would be abandoned. Boss, you said your sister was on the left and your girlfriend was on the right. I still have to protect you. What should I do?"

The whale's words gave Ye Zian a slight meal.

"Wait a minute, who do you say is on the right? Did arning threaten you?"

"Didn't I tell you?"

The whale looked at Ye Zian in surprise. The innocent eyes made Ye Zian really want to slap him.

"What did you tell me?"

Ye Zian's eyes were cold, and the whale immediately counseled.

"Boss, is it still time for me to confess and be lenient?"

"Say it quickly!"

Ye Zian vaguely felt that ye Nanxian's letting him go home might have something to do with Ye Luoluo.

And when yelolo said he wanted to go to the global world, why did he happen to be here?

What if one or two people meet?

Others don't recognize him as ye Zian, but ye Luoluo grew up with him from his mother's womb. I'm afraid he can't get familiar with him himself. In case

At the thought of this, ye Zian was really flustered.

Seeing ye zi'an's face was bad, the whale quickly restored Xiao yunning's memory, but threatened him not to let him Tell ye zi'an everything.

Ye Zian was silent.

No wonder Xiao yunning is different these two days. It turns out that she has recovered her memory. With Xiao yunning's intelligence, what should I guess? That's why I tried to cooperate with him.

That's good!

Ye Zian has always felt a little guilty about Xiao yunning. Now he is relieved. He is still worried about ye Luoluo.

I don't know what's wrong with Luoluo's disease now?

Although he let yeluoluo leave at the beginning, he also knew that yeluoluo had a secret connection with Su Qing and left with Su Qing's medicine. However, because of a car accident, everyone thought that ye Zian had become a vegetable, and Su Qing naturally could not spread the news to him again. So, does yeluoluo know that Su Qing came here?

Is the medicine in her hand useless to yelolo's body?

Otherwise, why did yelolo seriously come to the hospital here for conservative treatment?

Ye Zian felt something was wrong.

If yeluoluo had an accident, her mother Shen mange would surely collapse. Once her mother collapsed, her father would naturally feel heartache.

He has worked hard for the country and the Mohist school all his life. Now his wife will definitely compete with Mo Shao for Shen mange, so his message to himself is the result of coming out of the Mohist school?

Ye Zian could not help frowning.

If Uncle Mo agrees with him to go home, naturally there is a paper order, rather than ye Nanxian looking for himself through the dark net to let him go home.

Ye Zian's heart is a little confused.

"Find Luoluo's whereabouts for me. Now, now!"

The whale was stunned.

"Boss, it's not good for us to look for Miss Ye's whereabouts for no reason. It will easily expose us!"

How could ye Zian not know that he would expose himself and his brothers? It is even possible to abort their plan, but now he is very afraid, really afraid.

If yeluoluo's disease was not under control, she would not come to this ordinary hospital. If she was not dying, her family would not know the whereabouts and telephone number of Luoluo unless Luoluo was explaining the future

At the thought of this, ye Zian couldn't calm down.

"What do you mean without reason? Zhuo Jiuye wants to make the eldest miss of the Ye family get into trouble. Can't you do it? I don't care what you think. I need to know Luoluo's whereabouts before noon today! Otherwise I'll find it myself!"

Ye Zian seldom has such a restless time. Now his nervousness and panic completely flustered the whale.

"Boss, is something wrong?"


Ye Zian gave a low roar, and hit everything at hand on the ground, making a crisp sound. Immediately, Xiao yunning, who was going to ask Ye Zian what dumplings to eat, was startled.

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