Chapter 105

Chapter 105

The news of zero critically ill patients spread throughout the city, riding the bustling city guards and the assistants delivering food and firewood, wave after wave.

"Have they all been cured?" Baron Vaughn's cup in his hands clattered and shattered. The personal male servant reporting hastily said:

"No, not all. Only those who couldn't get out of bed have been cured. The ones with milder symptoms are not healed yet."

"...How many critically ill patients are there?"


"Quickly go find out!"

The servant dashed away. Baron Vaughn looked regretfully at the broken pieces on the ground and muttered:

"So soon... Holna doesn't have this ability. If it's true, I'll have to donate more to the Temple of the War God."

"So soon?"

Viscount Joane, in his estate outside the city, received the news not too late. "Good, good. I'm tired of this wretched estate. Hey, someone! Pack up, we're heading back to the city! Oh, and do you want to come?"

"I want to go back! Of course, I want to go back!" Lady Deya teared up. "My lord, please intercede for me! Roman has been dead for so long, and the temple won't let me collect his body! My lord, please have pity on this son, help him one last time!"

The carriage rumbled from the estate outside the city, streaming towards the Spring Goddess Temple inside the city. Meanwhile, at the helm of the temple, High Priest Holna was troubled by the news from the Radiant Church.

The increased healing capabilities of those two families were not good for the Spring Goddess Temple. To put it lightly, he would overshadow the bald-headed archbishop; to put it heavily, the temple's influence and future donations would decrease.

"How did they manage it? Do we have more detailed information?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" The messenger nodded vigorously. "According to the information we received, that young man called a jeweler, concocted something, and then used that thing to see... see...

We didn't have a chance to get close, and we don't know what it is, but it seems like after the elders saw it, they gathered a group and whispered. Then, today, those critically ill patients were all cured..."

"Is that so?" The high priest pushed up his round-framed glasses on his nose. With his hands behind his back, he paced from east to west, then back from west to east. Thinking and contemplating, his brows furrowed:

"I need to go see for myself. Someone!... No, forget it, bring that jeweler here first!"

The jeweler came trembling. Gesticulating, he explained for a long time, but failed to clearly convey what Garrett had him create the only useful information was that with that thing, one could see very small things!

"How small?"

With a wave of his staff, the three gems on the staff's head simultaneously lit up with a shimmering light, apparently preparing for a divine spell.

"Holna." Elder Elwin sighed. The bald-headed archbishop also walked out and stood side by side with him. At the same time, in the darkness, a wave of footsteps sounded, and healers and warriors surged out, facing the Spring Goddess Temple, forming an imposing half-circle.

"What? Do you still want to fight?!"

High Priest Holna was stunned for a moment, then angrily shouted:

"Without evidence, you forced your way to the temple's door, intending to blaspheme the glory of the goddess? In that case, even if the temple is outnumbered, we will fight to the death! Guards!"


With a clang, behind the high priest, the temple knights unsheathed their swords. Elder Elwin tapped his oak staff, the bald-headed archbishop raised his right hand high, and the warriors silently stepped forward. At the tense moment

, as swords were drawn and crossbows were cocked, a clear voice suddenly rang out in the background:

"I have evidence."

Garrett walked out slowly. Elder Elwin quickly glanced back at him. Trying to stop him again, but it was too late: Why are you coming out? Why are you coming out? If you insist that the temple's fountain also needs purification, fine, let the teacher speak for you. Why did you jump out yourself?

You're just a level 1 novice priest, offending the high priest won't benefit you! In the flickering flames, Garrett appeared calm and composed. Only his black eyes, gazing at the high priest, flickered with flame-like radiance. He didn't necessarily want to take the spotlight, but for the relationship between water quality testing, bacterial reproduction, and the epidemic, Elder Elwin only half understood. Letting the teacher argue for him would certainly not make it clear...

To eliminate the source of the infection as soon as possible, this matter required him to step forward. If the high priest resented him, so be it! He raised a small glass bottle high:

"We tested samples of water from the entire city. This fountain, as well as other bodies of water connected to the fountain source, all revealed the source of the epidemic. Even the mouth of the water outlet wasn't spared; we have reason to suspect that the fountain was contaminated before the water emerged."

"Garrett Nordmark!"

High Priest Holna stared at him, syllable by syllable grinding out the name of the youth through his teeth. With the new silver crown, a strand of flower-white hair not tied up almost stood straight:

"The source of the fountain is the deepest part of the temple, the sacred spring bestowed by the goddess! It has undergone prayers and blessings before emerging; how could there be a problem before it comes out?"

"I have evidence." Garrett calmly repeated: "Your Excellency High Priest, if you want evidence, I can show it to you. But the situation is urgent, the plague is still spreading throughout the city. For the well-being of all the people in the city, please let us purify the spring water first"

"Oh? Evidence?" A voice abruptly interjected. At the same time, outside the circle of people facing each other, a long shout echoed:

"His Lordship the City Lord has arrived"


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