Chapter 587 Certainly Not From You

Chapter 587 Certainly Not From You

Zarina looked at him and nodded in acknowledgment before standing up and following him back to the three waiting girls.

When they saw the redhead, they greeted her with smiles as Nala spoke inquisitively as she approached Zarina. ''Why do you look so moody, girl? Do you need cheering up?''

''No. Certainly not from you.'' The moody girl replied.

Nala was annoyed and about to say something, but Archer whispered into her fluffy lion ear. ''She's lonely, and no one speaks to her. Give her some breathing space, my lioness.''

She nodded before turning to talk to the other two. Archer led them out of the room after telling Samara they would complete the quests. The older woman was happy with their enthusiasm.

After that, the four left the college and decided to travel from the road outside. When they arrived, Teuila was the first to talk. ''So what's the first quest?''

Archer thought for a second and remembered the five last quests. There was the one north of Starfall, where they had to hunt down the Swamp Drake terrorizing the people.

Once deciding on the quest, he spoke to the girls. ''We'll deal with the Swamp Drakes, then investigate the Bugbear ambush near the Shadowleaf Forest in the south.''

All three agreed while he transformed into his dragon form and lowered a wing so they could climb up. Zarina was hesitant, but Nala grabbed her arm and pulled her onto him.

Once everyone was settled, Archer started to flap his wings before taking off. The group started their journey north to Riverwatch Town and ended the Swamp Drakes.

After flying for a while, Archer spotted a town on the horizon. He descended to the ground and landed with a thud before returning to his humanoid form after the three girls jumped off him.

They were a mile away from the town and started walking toward it as the sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm golden tint over the vast farms and grasslands that stretched out on either side of the road.

Archer led the four girls toward the town as they?enjoyed the tranquility of the countryside. The air was filled with the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers and the distant sounds of birds chirping.

As they strolled along the road, they noticed the rhythmic clip-clop of hooves and wooden wheels creaking. Turning a bend, the group saw a line of merchant caravans traveling toward them. Follow current novels on novelb((in).(com)

Colorful banners fluttered in the breeze, and the merchants shouted greetings to one another as they moved their goods to market.

The caravans were transporting various wares and commodities. Barrels of ale, crates of fruits, and bundles of cloth were neatly organized on the wagons.

With weathered faces and cheerful expressions, the merchants engaged in friendly banter as they walked alongside their caravans.

Archer grinned at the sight, appreciating the bustling activity. "Looks like the traders are heading to the market. Always a good sign for the local economy."

As the group continued along the road, the landscape transitioned from open fields to clusters of farms. The gentle hum of life surrounded them, with farmers tending to their crops and children playing in the meadows.

Archer gestured towards the fields. "My kingdom will be just like this but even better."

Electric currents surged through the beasts, momentarily stunning them and disrupting their predatory instincts. But Archer didn't give them a chance to attack, so he acted first.

After that, he turned to the four girls looking at him with the same expression, except for Zarina, who looked tired due to supporting everyone.

''I'll deal with these beasts,'' Archer smiled.

All four girls agreed with a step back before casting his spell. The mana erupted with blinding brilliance, transforming the once-calm lake into a storm of electrified chaos.

A roar accompanied the power surge, echoing through the surrounding landscape. The shockwave rippled across the water, sending waves crashing against the shores.

The Flesh Eater Komodas, caught in the explosion's heart, thrashed and convulsed as the overwhelming energy coursed through their monstrous forms.

The explosion subsided, leaving behind a transformed scene. Once a serene body of water, the Lake now crackled with residual energy.

Smoldering remnants of the Flesh Eater Komodas floated to the surface, their threat extinguished in the wake of Archer's powerful display.

As the electric charge in the air gradually dissipated, Archer stood amidst the aftermath, his breathing steady.

The girls and Zarina cautiously approached, their expressions mixed with amazement and gratitude. The Tressyms circled overhead, their feline forms undisturbed by the earlier spectacle.

Archer offered a confident smile, his eyes reflecting the residual glow of the elemental surge. "That should take care of the Flesh Eaters. Let's proceed with caution, though. There might be more danger ahead."

As the group continued their adventure, Archer killed many beasts until they arrived at the Tressym's point.

The forest embraced the group as they ventured deeper into its heart, shadows dancing on the path beneath the dense canopy of towering trees.

The air was thick with the scent of moss and earth, and the occasional rustle of leaves echoed through the tranquil ambiance.

Archer, leading the way with confidence, navigated through the labyrinthine trails. The girls followed closely, their footsteps muffled by the carpet of fallen leaves beneath their boots.

The sunlight filtered through the leaves above, casting a dappled pattern on the forest floor.

As they ventured further, the sounds of the forest transformed. The distant croaking of unseen creatures replaced Beast roars and whispers of the wind.

Teuila, ever watchful, spoke up. "Archer, I sense a change in the atmosphere. We might be nearing a swampy region."

He nodded before looking around them and realizing they were approaching the swamp.

[If there are any mistakes, point them out, and I'll edit it. Thanks]