Chapter 686 The Thirteenth

Chapter 686 The Thirteenth

After that, they watched fellow students from the College Of Magic win and lose their bouts, which was entertaining. One person who caught Archer's attention was Kassandra Tidewater, the Kraken Princess, who was approaching him with an adorable smile after winning her first fight.

Kassandra stopped before him with a glint in her beautiful blue eyes, ''It's good to see you again,'' she greeted him, then asked. ''Can I join you, please?''

Archer nodded with a charming smile, which caused Ella to jump onto his lap, making room for Kassandra to sit beside him. While doing that, she commented, ''Too many weak people competing. It's a shame they aren't as strong as you, Arch.''

He grinned in response to the compliment, his attention drawn to her natural beauty, which he hadn't fully appreciated. Her jet-black hair was pulled back into a sleek ponytail, accentuating her slender neck.

Kassandra's black eyes exuded an air of depth and mystery as pools of infinite darkness flecked with glimmers of unseen secrets. Their obsidian depths seemed to hold untold stories and hidden emotions, drawing others in with their enigmatic allure.

However, he saw the gills beneath her ears that distinguish her from other humanoids—a captivating feature that suggests her Kraken heritage. They enhance her already enchanting presence with an otherworldly charm.

Despite her soft features, her muscular frame speaks of strength. Well-defined muscles sculpt her arms and legs, while her giant boobs and slim waist create a harmonious balance of femininity and power.

Her thick thighs ooze power, indicating a life of activity and vigor. With each movement, she exudes confidence and poise. She embodies a rare blend of beauty, strength, and charm—a mesmerizing sight that leaves a memorable impression on all who see her.

"When are you going to stop staring at her husband?'' Ella commented with a giggle when she saw him staring at their visitor. ''She's not a piece of meat, you know."

When he heard Ella's words, Archer was about to speak, but Kassandra said reassuringly, ''It's okay. He's strong enough to do so, and my kind love strength, especially a powerful surface dweller.''

''Oh yeah. I forgot Krakens are all about strength and conquering innocent kingdoms,'' Teuila sarcastically said.

Kassandra laughed, ''You have a point there. But like I've told you, we needed breeding pools to help our race. Anyone would have done the same thing as us,'' she commented with a neutral expression.

Teuila huffed but stopped short of arguing and chose to ignore Kassandra, who wouldn't stop talking, ''We don't have to be friends, but can we be civil?''

''Return our lands, then we can be civil,'' The blue-haired girl snapped back before she turned to Archer. ''You can talk to her, but don't expect me to. There's too much bad blood between our races.''

Archer nodded, ''Okay, Teu. But you know the Mid-Rift surrounds Draconia?'' He smiled before offering her something she couldn't refuse. ''I may be able to help your people set up a colony there. I'll make sure to capture some sea monsters to protect it.''

A pair of ocean blue eyes turned to him with a look of hope and asked in a hopeful voice, ''What will stop the Krakens from attacking again?''

Once Teuila said that, Archer turned to Kassandra with a grin and replied, ''Because she won't allow it, will you?''

Kassandra watched Teuila with a thoughtful expression, her blue eyes holding a glimmer of understanding. Archer saw the look of honesty in her gaze and waited for her to speak.

"You know," she began, her voice calm, "in Kraken society, love is not something that strikes like lightning, nor can it be forced. It's a slow, steady burn, cultivated over time."

Teuila raised an eyebrow, her expression skeptical. "What do you mean?" she asked, her tone guarded.

"Well," Kassandra continued, "we believe that love is something that grows as a couple spends time together, shares experiences, and faces challenges side by side. It's not about grand gestures or passionate declarations; it's about the quiet moments, the everyday interactions, and the unwavering support that two people offer each other."

Teuila considered Kassandra's words for a moment, her expression softening slightly. "So, you're saying that even if a couple barely knows each other at first, they can still grow to love each other over time?"

"Exactly," Kassandra confirmed, a small smile playing on her lips. "It's about building a foundation of trust, respect, and understanding. As time passes, that foundation becomes stronger, and love blossoms naturally from it."

Archer watched as Teuila started nodding slowly, absorbing Kassandra's explanation. "I suppose that's a different approach from what I'm used to," she admitted, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

"It may be different," Kassandra acknowledged, "but it's no less valid. Love comes in many forms, and each culture has its own way of expressing and experiencing it. The key is to embrace those differences and find common ground."

When hearing the girl's explanation, Archer found it rich, "They believe love should be nurtured over time, through shared experiences, allowing it to grow strong," he summarized, reflecting on Kassandra's insight.

But soon, he gazed into Kassandra's blue eyes and decided to ask, ''So you want to be in a relationship with me? You do realize what that means?''

Kassandra nodded as she spoke, her eyes fixed on Archer's with unwavering determination. "Yes, I know. You're a greedy dragon who will claim me for life, and I've happily accepted that."

Archer's gaze softened as he reached out to gently touch her hand, a flicker of emotion crossing his features. "And I, in turn, have accepted the responsibility that comes with claiming you," he replied, his tone sincere.

After that, Kassandra questioned in a hopeful voice, ''So that means we're lovers now?''

He nodded, ''Yes, and you will forever be mine in this life and the next Kassandra Tidewater.''

Teuila huffed in his ear, saying, ''I'll try my best not to argue with her, but you need to talk to the others to see if they accept her.''

''Okay. Let's do it now,'' Archer replied.

That's when Teuila got up and sat down next to Kassandra, who smiled at her. Archer turned to the other nine girls and spoke, ''I've claimed Kassandra. Does anyone have an issue?''

[Please let me know if you spot any mistakes, and I will edit them. Thank you]