
Jiang Qingshou was almost found out. The fan he was holding to cover his face was also trembling slightly.

Wang Su was simply a useless person. When she met someone who was a little troublesome, she would only ask him for help.

He suppressed the anger in his heart and shouted at the top of his voice, "What lady said is right. Coincidentally, I know Xu Da at the east side of the city. Doctor Xu, why don't you invite him over?"

Since he was crouched behind the brawny man, from Jin Weiwei's point of view, it was as if the brawny man had made a sound.

Xu Da, who was at the east end of the city, was a famous genius doctor in the whole county. Not only was he skilled in medicine, but he was also a kind and righteous man. No one spoke of him without a sense of respect.

"Doctor Xu is the most impartial person. If we really invite him here, we'll definitely be able to get to the bottom of this!"

"Yeah, yeah!"

Many people nodded their heads, showing expressions of agreement.

In the days that Jin Weiwei had been in the county, she had heard of Xu Da's reputation. Alright, it's good to have someone to take care of this trip.

Seeing that Jin Weiwei had not raised any objections, Jiang Qingshu was exceptionally proud of himself. No one else knew this, but he was well aware that Xu Da was a complete hypocrite.

Would he still be afraid of Xu Da disobeying when he threw down several tens of silver taels? Jin Weiwei, oh, Jin Weiwei, you drilled yourself into my palm.

He turned and ran towards the east of the city, a sinister smile on his face.

Xiao Fugui did not ignore every single expression on his face. His sleeve shook and a stone bead rolled on his finger tip. With two flicks of his finger …

Jiang Qingshu felt a sharp pain at the side of his knees as he fell to the ground, his body bent over.

F * ck! It hurts so bad!

He subconsciously wanted to scream out loud. However, he was afraid that he would attract the attention of others, so he could only flop on the ground.

Jin Weiwei was baffled. Why did the burly man who asked for Doctor Xu's presence not move at all? Behind him came the calm and refined voice of the little rich kid, "Why do you need to put so much effort? I also have some skill in the art of differentiation."

Xiao Fugui put away the sharp light in his eyes and walked over calmly.

Everyone looked over. This butcher actually knew the art of Yellow Ox, was it really a fake?

Jin Weiwei was also puzzled. Little Fugui son knows medicine? Why hadn't she heard him talk about it?

When his body passed by Jin Weiwei, she couldn't help but stretch out her arm and grab his hand. She whispered, "Do you really know medicine?"

Little Fugui turned his head around. His long body was jade like a bamboo, and his expression was calm as he said, "Of course …" "No way!"

Why did you jump out?!

Jin Weiwei stared at him, but little Fugui gently brushed her hand away.

"Madam is so ill. Ordinary people wouldn't be able to find the cause of her illness, but I have my own methods."

His harsh gaze on Xu Lan'er's face made her heart turn cold. Her hands under the quilt curled into a ball.

"This diagnosis method of mine is a little painful. Madam, please bear with it …" The words from little Fugui were polite, but the coldness in his eyes was getting stronger. Not to mention Xu Lan'er, even Wang Su could feel the chilliness.

He immediately pointed at the little rich guy and scolded him, "Stop trying to be mysterious. You're just one of them. How would you know anything about medicine?"

These words made a lot of sense. If he was truly proficient in medicine, then why would he bother settling the score in this small butcher's shop?

Everyone's eyes were filled with doubt.

Seeing that they were about to start a war of words, Tao Xiaoqing could no longer hold it in. He could no longer hold it in, and now, at this crucial moment, he could no longer hold it in and ran out to gobble someone up.

"What you said isn't right. Who says that those who know how to settle debts can't understand medicine? Furthermore, your wife is already very ill. Even if you call someone else over, there might not be any result. It would be better to use this unique method to save your wife! "

Tao Xiaoqing's words had reached the deepest part of the group.

It was Wang Su's fault for insisting that Xu Lan'er was very ill, so much so that the onlookers thought she was hopeless. As such, everyone felt that Tao Xiaoqing's words were very reasonable.

"Brother Wang, since it's impossible for ordinary doctors to save your wife, why don't we let this person try his own tricks?" Someone tried to persuade him otherwise.

"That's right! "Most importantly, we should be able to find out whether your wife had eaten this lamb before her condition worsened …" Two or three of them spoke at the same time.

Wang Su's expression almost turned to stone. Xu Lan'er looked at her son with murderous eyes. Her scalp was numb as she looked anxiously at Wang Su.

What was this idiot doing at this juncture? Hurry up and think of a way to chase away the fiend in front of her.

Unfortunately, little Fugui didn't have the patience to accompany them in this kind of farce. He moved as fast as lightning, grabbing Xu Lan's wrist before anyone could clearly see what was happening.

Xu Lan'er's body trembled violently.

Amidst her shock, Wang Su's eyelids twitched — she could not let him diagnose!

He roared and threw himself at Little Fugui.

Seeing this, Jin Weiwei moved her feet and was about to stop him.

Unexpectedly, without even raising her head, little Fugui's hand pressed down on Xu Lan'er, causing her to be unable to move. She then casually pushed her hand out.

It was this careless move that made Wang Su roll twice on the ground like a winter melon. She almost hit the feet of the people beside her, scaring them so much that they couldn't help but retreat, afraid that they would be knocked down.

Wang Su was in so much pain that tears were about to fall from her eyes. She lay on the ground and cried out, "Beat him up! Beat him up! Everyone, please avenge me!"

He had just howled twice when an even sharper, louder sound directly drowned out his volume.

"Oh my —"

Wang Su was so frightened that her whole body shivered. The onlookers were also shocked. One of her aunts almost shrieked as well.

What had happened?

Everyone looked over and saw Xu Lan'er writhing in pain on the cart. Her legs kicked wildly, and the blanket fell to the ground, revealing her embroidered shoes. The embroidered shoes were especially eye-catching. The bright red shoes were embroidered with colorful flowers.

"Aiya, aiya, release me!" Xu Lan'er yelled.

Wang Su crawled up from the ground and shouted with a flushed face, "It's not enough to poison my wife, she actually harmed her in front of so many people!"

Jin Weiwei immediately blocked his way, glaring at him. "F * ck your mother!" Who caused her harm?! "

"Causing her? I'm really afraid of dirtying my hands. " On the other side, Xiao Fugui looked indifferent, which increased the strength in his hands. Xu Lan'er jumped from the pain!