
Maybe she was scared because of Xu Ziqi capturing her.

"Alright, so many people are watching."

Jin Weiwei was mistaken, when he realized that there were people already paying attention to them, he immediately became embarrassed and reminded Little Rich Son in a low voice.


Only then did Little Rich Son let go of Jin Weiwei's hand and pulled her up the stairs.

In that moment, Jin Weiwei had an illusion, and it seemed … It seems like this for the rest of my life will be good …

On the third floor, Jin Weiwei brought Little Rich Son to a row of machines that were covered by a long cloth.

Seeing Little Rich Son's doubtful expression, Jin Weiwei smiled mysteriously and in one breath, he removed the cloth covering the machine, revealing a row of weirdly shaped machines.

"What is this?"

Little Rich Son frowned, he seemed to have seen this thing before. The officials of the imperial family in charge of the seas seemed to have brought this item to the little emperor before, but they had still given it to their father.

"This is a treasure. In the future, I'll have to rely on it to earn big money and reach the peak of my life."


"Yeah, I'm going to use it to squeeze oil, but the time is not right, I'm going to do it in the beginning of next year."

Jin Weiwei sighed, she still had to wait for a long time. Her current Lishui County could be said to be similar to a patient who had just recovered from a serious illness.

"I still have more."

Little Rich Son suddenly raised his head.

Jin Weiwei was surprised, he had initially thought that this thing would only be used by a few people, he did not think that it would be used in the capital, but upon thinking about Little Rich Son's identity, he was relieved.

"There's not much more to it. We can talk about it next year. Let's start with the rice noodles this year."

Jin Weiwei laughed, patted the machine and pulled Little Rich Son downstairs.

She still had to go to the banquet that Cheng Yu was hosting in the evening, and she needed to dress up properly.


"Young Master Cheng, you are really silly. That girl is just a silly little girl. Where did she get the qualification to enter the merchant guild?"

An old man stomped the cane in his hand with a face full of grief.

"That's right, Young Master Cheng, this girl did not pay. How did she get into the Chamber of Commerce? When did it become so easy to enter?"

Another person said.

Cheng Yu sat in the seat of honor, and ignored them. He understood the intentions of this group of people.

The Lishui County Chamber of Commerce had a large ship to set out to sea, and the size of each merchant's space depended on their position and the amount of money they paid.

Now that there was one more person, not only did it threaten their position, but it also occupied the territory of the ship. Of course they would be anxious.

As soon as Jin Weiwei came up, he heard that the people inside were dissatisfied with her, and he could not help but smile. Her guess was right, this group of people did not welcome her.

With the two Pearl Jadeite Servants by her side and Little Rich Son, no one would be able to come to a banquet like this one.

But since Little Rich Son insisted on following her, she had no other choice.

If they wanted Little Rich Son to guard the carriage, they would have to act as doormen.

Since he could not change her mind, Jin Weiwei decided to just let her be.

When the argument inside was extremely intense, Jin Weiwei first knocked on the door, and a moment later, a attendant came up and opened it.

"Everyone seems to be very dissatisfied with me entering the Chamber of Commerce, huh?"

Jin Weiwei also did not hide anything. Today, she was wearing a light blue, waist-length jacket, and the other hairpin was the jade hairpin Little Rich Son had given her.

It was a luxury that kept a low profile. If she was not being filial, Jin Weiwei really wanted to change to red, to look even better while wearing red. It would have intimidated this group of people.

The people who said Jin Weiwei just now had their mouths shut, but their faces were not looking good.

Walking to the only empty chair, Jin Weiwei was surprised to find that it was beside Cheng Yu's. Did he want her to sit as second in command?

Cheng Yu really dared to praise her.

"Don't know the rules!" This is improper! "

"Oh? Boss Wang, are you talking about me? "How can I not understand the rules and become unruly?"

Heh, she wanted to show her that these people were not qualified enough. Before she came, she had already made clear all of the people's eight generations of ancestors.

"Not just anyone can sit on that chair. When Madame Jin came in, he did not even greet the seniors of the Chamber of Commerce, he just did not understand the rules, that's not proper at all."

After Boss Wang finished speaking, he heard Jin Weiwei's cold laugh: "Today, we're not going to discuss matters concerning the merchant guild, right?"

Everyone looked at each other. It wasn't true.

"So what if that's not the case? Doesn't that mean you don't need to understand the rules?"

"Since it's not about the Chamber of Commerce, and Young Master Cheng is welcoming me into the Chamber of Commerce for today's banquet, then, what's wrong with me sitting here? If Boss Wang does not know how to treat guests, I can teach you. "

She was the guest today, and the banquet was originally organized for her. If she really sat at the end of the table, then she would be the laughing stock.

Everyone's face turned red, today's banquet seemed to be held by Cheng Yu to welcome Jin Weiwei, the place that Jin Weiwei was sitting at was extremely reasonable, it was truly impossible to find any problems with it.

"In that case, why haven't you paid your respects to all of you?"

Hearing that, Jin Weiwei laughed: "Greeting? What was a gift? They stood up and looked at each other with respect. I have been in here for so long, who among you all besides Young Master Cheng has gotten up? To put it bluntly, anyone who can enter the Chamber of Commerce and sit here is of equal status. Since all of you do not have my relatives, why would I lower my status? "

The words were logical and logical again, causing the faces of everyone to turn purple. Jin Weiwei no longer looked at them with contempt, nor did he look at them with contempt.

Jin Weiwei was very happy to see such a gaze, because by doing so, it meant that she was a threat in the eyes of others, in other words, a person with ability.

"Madame Jin, you have just entered the merchant guild today. This old man will first have a cup with Madam."

The one who stood up was a big fellow, but his eyes revealed a sense of shrewdness. It was clear at a glance that he wasn't someone to be trifled with.

Jin Weiwei searched through his mind, only to realise that when she came in, he was just sitting and watching the other people argue, and just now, he had only been staring at her.

A feeling of having been seen through made Jin Weiwei feel bad. She did not like the look of this uncle!


Jin Weiwei laughed, and then signaled the pearl behind him to fill his cup, and then drank the wine in front of everyone.

The scene was indescribably grand and graceful.

Everyone looked at Jin Weiwei in a new light. This was not the first time for them, there were a lot of girls that came out to do business, but the women who knew how to drink were different.

This kind of woman was either raised by a merchant family to succeed him, or she was extremely ambitious. Since Jin Weiwei had no powerful background, it was natural for him to be classified as a second person.

Everyone felt threatened once again.

"Young Master Cheng, I would like to thank you for your welcome today, I hereby toast to you."

Jin Weiwei poured another cup of wine and stood up to face Cheng Yu.

Cheng Yu was surprised, she usually only saw Jin Weiwei who was sly, fickle, and extremely intelligent, this was the first time he saw someone as mature and steady as Jin Weiwei.

Really … Very interesting.

After drinking, Jin Weiwei poured another cup and looked at the crowd with a faint smile.