Chapter 354: Stay Vigilant at All Times

Chapter 354: Stay Vigilant at All Times

"The heads of the four magical schools and carefully selected competitors will arrive in October, and the Champions' selection ceremony will take place on Halloween."

"In addition to bringing honor to their schools, the winners will also receive a prize of one thousand Galleons each."

"However, only students aged seventeen and above are allowed to enter, as the tasks of the Triwizard Tournament remain challenging and dangerous. No matter how many precautions we take, students below sixth and seventh year wouldn't be able to handle them."

"The delegations will be spending a significant portion of this school year with us. I hope you will show enthusiasm and friendliness. For this purpose, we have prepared some exchange activities..."

Dumbledore concluded the dinner amidst controversial and noisy discussions. The students were full of complaints, all due to the seemingly arbitrary age restriction.

"Are we just supposed to sit idly by?" Ron stomped the stairs and headed toward the common room.

Hermione said gravely, "This is for our protection, to prevent us from recklessness and overconfidence that could lead to danger. Remember, the Triwizard Tournament was discontinued in the past because of many deaths."

Ron wasn't really paying attention; he muttered, "But it's a thousand Galleons." He looked at Fred and George, who were walking ahead of them, discussing the effectiveness of Ageing Potions.

"I think a drop or two should do it. We're just a few months away from being of age, George..." Fred pondered seriously.

Ron said sourly, "Still half a year to go, but I do hope they succeed." He turned to Harry, "What do you think? If Fred and George manage it, I mean, I wonder if we've learned enough..."

Harry shook his head, pushing away the vivid images in his mind. He couldn't help but imagine himself fooling the age restriction set by the headmaster, winning the Triwizard Tournament, and lifting the trophy amid cheers and screams...

"Yeah, I think the same. It feels a bit lacking." Ron misunderstood Harry's head shake, thinking he was answering his question. He held up his fingers, "Despite having dueling lessons, study groups, and the Magical Languages Club..."

He sounded somewhat disheartened, "Unless Professor Harp secretly teaches us some powerful ancient magic, there's no way we'll outmatch those sixth and seventh years. We can't just rely on using Lumos to blind our opponents, can we?"

In this discussion about the Triwizard Tournament, Ron talked the most, more like an emotional release. He knew the likelihood of being chosen was slim, but his words silenced Harry and Hermione beside him.

Harry thought of Professor Harp demonstrating the Disillusionment Charm twice in front of him. Once was in second year in the Forbidden Forest; they suspected the new Professor Harp was related to the Chamber of Secrets and followed him to see him practicing magic. Though it had been impressive at the time, it had faded from Harry's memory. The other time was during the Quidditch World Cup, just recently, and it was a real combat situation. Professor Harp used the Disillusionment Charm to trick hundreds of trouble-making wizards, their eyes couldn't follow his movements!

'What if I could do the same? I'm already skilled in Dark Arts Defense, and in terms of Disarming Charms, no student in the school can surpass me. Add the Disillusionment Charm to that...' Harry's heart warmed up.

Meanwhile, Hermione thought of the ancient magic Professor Harp had taught her during the summer break. Golden flames leaped at her fingertips, transforming into a sea of fire in an instant... Of course, it was a demonstration by the professor, she hadn't mastered it herself.

Hermione tapped her head, wondering what she was thinking. She wasn't going to try breaking the age restriction.

On the other side, in the hall, the professors remained.

Dumbledore and Moody were in conversation; Moody answered gruffly, loudly, "Right, Arthur and the others arrived just in time, got up early and scared off the attackers!"

Professor McGonagall looked surprised, "You were attacked this morning?" She suddenly realized, Moody had been facing trouble since his retirement, often suspecting dark wizards were after him. Even if someone walked alongside him for a short distance, he would suddenly draw his wand on them and demand why they were following him.

Dumbledore shook his head slightly, and his silver beard trembled, "Minerva, there are many aspects to compare, not just physical strength. That's the worst option." He smiled and added, "I'm rather welcoming of this. It will give our students a chance to see the world outside and broaden their horizons."

"I remember, seven or eight years ago, we had contact with Castelobruxo Magic School. Many students from both sides formed strong friendships. Felix, you should have some impression of that?" He asked with a smile.

Felix shrugged, "I don't have any pen pals from Brazil."


After the professors dispersed, Felix and Snape left the Great Hall. Snape's face was gloomy. "You have to be careful around that man, don't let him fixate on you."

"You mean Professor Moody?" Felix asked with curiosity. "He seems quite straightforward"

"He's a lunatic, he can hex you on suspicion for no reason at any time." Snape said coldly, "He's never come out of it! He still treats every day as if it's wartime!"

"I don't understand why Dumbledore brought him in. Even another Lockhart would be better than him."

Snape waved his sleeve and walked away briskly.

Felix watched Snape's receding figure. In the distance, Moody was limping forward. Snape was faster, but they didn't meet. In the entrance hall, Snape turned into the dungeons while Moody clumsily ascended the stairs.

As he lifted his arm, aside from the curved flask hanging at his waist, Felix also noticed half a wand sticking out of Moody's sleeve, strapped to his arm.

"Constant vigilance, huh? He really practices what he preaches."


The next day.

The storm had finally subsided, leaving clear skies after the rain. Hogwarts welcomed a new school year.

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