Chapter 227

Jin Shuwen smiles brightly in front of the camera, with exquisite makeup and smart facial features. A beautiful picture without any decoration is born.

Zhou Manchun took a camera to take a lot of photos for them. Jin Shuwen is like a professional model. She is born with a poss and changes her actions one by one.

The cherry blossom in the fake Cherry Blossom Park is very lifelike under the camera, and even the soft lines of the petals can be seen.

After taking photos for Jin Shuwen and Xu Ningsheng, Jin Shuwen offered to take photos for Zhou Manchun. Zhou Manchun agreed with a smile. When taking photos, it's a good tool to record memories and leave some souvenirs.

In the process of taking photos, she saw Xu Ningsheng standing behind Jin Shuwen smiling at herself all the time, which made Zhou Manchun unable to concentrate, so she could only close her eyes and not look at the camera.

A beautiful picture under the cherry tree was born, and Jin Shuwen helped Yu Yina take a lot of pictures.

In the morning, almost all three women were taking photos. Finally, Xu Ningsheng acted as a photographer to take pictures for them.

At lunch time, people sat in the cherry blossom restaurant.

There are a few scattered guests in the hall. There are not many people. Zhou Manchun doesn't like the place with many people either.

"I'll go to the bathroom." Jin Shuwen stood up and smiled.

"I want to go, too." Yuina also said.

Zhou Manchun and Xu Ningsheng are left in the cherry blossom restaurant with exquisite decoration. Zhou Manchun looks at the menu, but his mind is not on it.

All of a sudden, she raised her head, moved her finger from the smooth menu to her palm, and slowly squeezed it

"A Sheng, do you like Wen Wen or not? You can't hurt her. " Zhou Manchun's tone was very serious, and he looked at Xu Ningsheng meticulously.

"Xiaochun, didn't you let me try with her?" Xu Ningsheng said with a smile on his face.

"I have this idea, but you can't play with her feelings. Wen Wen is very simple."

"I have my own measure." Xu Ningsheng said lightly.

"A Sheng, I hope you can face your feelings bravely. As for us, it's impossible. If you don't love Wen Wen, please tell her clearly. I can see that she likes you very much." Zhou Manchun's Apricot eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a worry in her eyes. She seemed to be more and more unable to understand Xu Ningsheng.

"I don't care what others are like, Xiao Chun. As long as you remember, I will never hurt you." Xu Ningsheng looks at Zhou Manchun sincerely, and his tone is very serious, but Zhou Manchun feels uneasy after listening.

Zhou Manchun doesn't speak. He looks down at the menu. He really doesn't know how to deal with Xu Ningsheng. What does Xu Ningsheng want to do? For a while and a half, she didn't know at all. She could only let time prove it.

Yu Yina takes Jin Shuwen's hand and goes into the restroom. They go to the restroom respectively. When they come out, Yu Yina sees Jin Shuwen repairing her delicate face with a powder puff.

Yu Yina seldom sees this scene, because Zhou Manchun seldom makes up. Except for important occasions, she usually looks up to the sky and doesn't even rub BB cream.

Jin Shuwen is born with white skin. Why make up? Yuina couldn't understand.

"Sister Wen Wen, you are already beautiful." Yu Yina walked to Jin Shuwen and said with a smirk.

"Is it? But I want to show my best in front of him. " Jin Shuwen said as she gathered up the air cushion BB and picked up the lipstick on the counter.

The power of love is so great, yuina thought.

"In fact, our teacher Xu has always said that plain women are the most beautiful, because there are many girls in our class like make-up, and Xu taught us a lesson. He said that as long as women have self-confidence, they can radiate halos all over their bodies. Big stars like sister Wen, even if they don't make up, are already perfect."

Jin Shuwen is said by Yu Yina. She stops her lipstick hand and frowns. "Is that right? Is that what he really said? "

"Yes, Mr. Xu also said that there are additives in cosmetics, which are not good for skin."

originally Xu Ning likes a woman with a beautiful face and love to the sky. Jin Shuwen regrets herself. She quickly takes out a wet napkin from her bag and wipe the foundation of her face. After finishing her face,

washed her face again, and Jin Shuwen felt more relaxed without the thick foundation.

She is a star on weekdays and lives under the spotlight all the time. So Jin Shuwen has been used to the day of making up. In fact, there is not much difference between Jin Shuwen's making up and not making up. It's just that after making up, she looks a little cold and gorgeous. Jin Shuwen, who doesn't make up, looks very pure, which makes her eyes bright.

"Nana, thank you for your warning." Jin Shuwen packed up her make-up tools and hid them in her bag. She decided to come out and see Xu Ningsheng and never make up again!

"Sister Wen Wen, you are so natural and fresh, very beautiful." Yu Yina couldn't help but exclaim that it's no wonder Jin Shuwen can be a star. After removing her makeup, she is also so perfect. It's really different from their ordinary people.

Jin Shuwen looks at herself in the mirror. Her skin is delicate and flawless. Her lips are red with natural luster. As expected, the natural woman is the most beautiful.

After dinner, Jin Shuwen talked about a hundred year wish tree in the back garden of the resort.

Legend has it that two people who love each other hang the wishing bottle on the wishing tree, and they will be together forever.

Zhou Manchun only remembers that he played wishing bottle in primary school, but never did again. Generally, the wishing tree is hung with Baoji. The wishing tree here is hung with wishing bottle, which is also fresh.

People came to the back garden of the resort with great interest. Looking from a distance, there stood a banyan tree with a hundred years old standing on a green lawn. The banyan tree was very big, and its branches and leaves were scattered. There were many kinds of wish bottles hanging on it.

Behind the wishing tree is a pure natural stream, very narrow, only one meter wide, but across the whole resort, the villa group and the wishing tree are divided into two parts, most people can cross it.

The stream is very clean, the water source is well protected, and the tourists are also aware of it. Behind the stream is a large fountain. On both sides of the fountain are villas with fairy tale architectural style. The main colors are light blue and pink, giving a romantic and warm feeling.

It's just that the consumption in the resort is very expensive. It costs more than 20000 yuan to stay here for one night. The average people can't afford it. Only the rich people come here to have fun.

Zhou Manchun selects a star shaped wishing bottle, which is designed to be sealed. Once the bottle is closed, it can no longer be opened, which also ensures the safety of tourists' secrets.

Everyone sat at the table and wrote their wishes. Everyone was mysterious.