Chapter 270

"I don't have any good explanation. At the beginning, when Xiaochun knew you had a good feeling for me, she specially looked for me. I hope I can give you a chance to have a try with you." Xu Ningsheng sips his lips and recalls those things. In fact, Zhou Manchun always hopes that Xu Ningsheng can try with Jin Shuwen, hoping that he won't hurt her.

Zhou Manchun is so kind-hearted. She conceals it carefully. She just doesn't want to hurt Jin Shuwen's self-esteem. She doesn't expect to be misunderstood by Jin Shuwen in the end, which is quite innocent.

"Oh? Is it? She's looking for you. I hope you can give me a chance? What am I then? Xu Ningsheng, what am I in your eyes? Am I just a doll? Can I let others control my love? I like you so much and show so clearly, but you pretend not to see. Don't you think you are cruel? You are so funny! " Jin Shuwen said in a hoarse voice that she didn't feel proud of the incident. Jin Shuwen couldn't let go of it, so she went to the hospital again to hear Xu Ningsheng's explanation.

In fact, Jin Shuwen didn't give up Xu Ningsheng at all. She didn't know what happened to her. She just loved him. She couldn't believe that Xu Ningsheng's kindness to her was for one purpose, which made her hard to accept.

"Zhou man is pure and kind. She said to me, I hope I don't hurt you, Wen Wen. Now calm down. You really shouldn't blame her. She will be very sad if you do so." Xu Ningsheng frowned and said very seriously.

When Jin Shuwen heard Xu Ningsheng's words, she thought it was a trap, but she was very contradictory. Now, the more Xu Ningsheng said good words for Zhou Manchun, the more Jin Shuwen hated her, maybe because of her jealousy.

"She's sad, what about me? Xu Ningsheng, do you think that if I didn't, I would not be sad? I Jin Shu Wen deserve to be hurt by you? Have you lied to me for so long without a trace of sympathy and guilt? " Jin Shuwen suddenly seemed to be crazy. Her eyes looked angrily at the plate of apples that man Chun cut for Xu Ningsheng last week on the bedside table. She suddenly reached out her hand and even bowled the apples and smashed them against the wall of the hospital.

The pots are broken, the glass scraps are scattered on the ground, and the apples are all on the ground, as if looking at Xu Ningsheng innocently.

Xu Ningsheng, who never easily gets angry, finally gets angry. He reaches out his hand to catch Jin Shuwen's slender arm. He looks angry and asks, "Jin Shuwen, have you done enough?"

"No, Xu Ningsheng. From the beginning, you shouldn't have lied to me." Jin Shuwen also did not struggle, let Xu Ningsheng grasp his arm, still emotional attack, because she knew that Xu Ningsheng would not hurt himself.

Just now, Jin Shuwen has been watching outside the ward for a long time. She saw Zhou Manchun cut the apple for Xu Ningsheng, and then fed the apple into his mouth. All these aroused her strong jealousy.

Jin Shuwen's beautiful eyes turned and her chest was ablaze with anger. She couldn't swallow it!

"Jin Shuwen, please calm down. Zhou Manchun lied to you. I hope I can be with you. I hope you don't have any pimples in your heart. If you know I like her, what will you think? She doesn't want to make you sad, doesn't want to disappoint you. It's so simple. What's more, the person she loves is not me at all! " Xu Ningsheng was completely enraged by Jin Shuwen's unreasonable appearance. He said in one breath, panting one after another in his chest.

Suddenly, he took a breath of cold air and felt a pain in his skull. The doctor said that he had a slight concussion. Before that, his body had been stable. Now it is estimated that he was stimulated by Jin Shuwen.

"What's the matter with you?" Seeing Xu Ningsheng's painful eyes frown, Jin Shuwen immediately reaches out and unconsciously reaches out to hold his hand.

Xu Ningsheng's long and beautiful fingers rubbed his forehead and closed his eyes without saying a word.

Jin Shuwen panicked, hurriedly "pedals" to run out, mouth shouting: "doctor, where is the doctor?"

When the doctor on duty heard Jin Shuwen's call from the office, he thought something was wrong. He hurried to follow the call.

Jin Shuwen saw the male doctor in a white gown, grabbed him by the arm and said, "doctor, my friend seems to have something wrong with him."

The middle-aged doctor rushed into the ward, saw Xu Ningsheng curled up in bed in great pain, and immediately checked him.

About ten minutes later, the doctor opened his mouth cautiously and said, "the patient has a slight concussion, so he needs to rest. Pay attention not to talk too much with the patient, and let him have a good rest."

"Well, thank you, doctor." Jin Shuwen was in a trance, but there was a sense of guilt in her heart. She blamed herself for being too impulsive.

However, when she saw Xu Ningsheng lying on the hospital bed, she was very upset. She secretly cursed Jin Beisen and ye Junwen. It was so heavy!

"Are you ok?" After a few minutes, Jin Shuwen felt embarrassed. She frowned and began to sweat. Nunu asked.

"Wen Wen, what I said to you, I hope you can think about it well. Zhou man has no bad heart at all. You misunderstood her and me I never thought about cheating you or anything. " Xu Ningsheng said sincerely, although he hated Jin Beisen very much, it had nothing to do with his feelings for Jin Shuwen.

"Really Really? " Jin Shuwen was silent and hesitated.

"Well, really, the words are true, so, some things you still don't know, you will have pimples when you know it. Zhou Manchun knows that you love face, so he conceals it." Xu Ningsheng's very rational analysis shows that he is a mathematics teacher himself, and rational thinking is greater than perceptual thinking.

After this incident, Xu Ningsheng made up his mind to go to the gym to exercise after he was discharged from the hospital. He accompanied the children day and night at school. He was not as agile as he used to be. He could not fight with others. He was really ashamed.

"I I don't know what to say. " Jin Shuwen panted a little, biting her lips and measuring her face, feeling ashamed of Xu Ningsheng.

"It's OK, everyone will be impulsive, including me, so will I." Xu Ningsheng smiles, he will not care about Jin Shuwen. Jin Shuwen is pure in mind and is not a bad girl. He likes her and appreciates her, even if it is not the kind of love between men and women.

"I apologize to my brother for beating you. I hope you don't pursue him." Jin Shuwen suddenly turned her head and said calmly.