Chapter 275

Chatting record is sometimes a sad thing. Looking at how good they used to be and how strange they are now, Jin Beisen once said to Zhou Manchun that you don't need to say thank you to me.

Open the drawer, Zhou Manchun put the brooch in, and then slowly closed the drawer, the heart of an unspeakable taste, this game, it's time to end.

Jiaru hospital.

Zhou Manchun sat at her desk, staring at the computer screen carelessly, holding her head in one hand, holding the mouse in the other hand, her eyes narrowed slightly, and her mind was blank. She actually started a small business during working hours.

In the morning, Zhou Manchun's mental condition was not very good. She sat absent-minded for a long time. When she held an early morning meeting for cardiologists, she also said a few words at will. Everyone saw that she was not right today, but no one dared to ask her a question.

The breakup between Zhou Manchun and Jin Beisen has been spread in Jiaru hospital. Someone saw Zhou Manchun and Jin Beisen arguing outside the operating room that day. Usually good things don't go out, but bad things spread for thousands of miles. The breakup happened very quickly.

Doctors and nurses in other departments are talking about it. Some people say that Zhou Manchun and Jin Beisen are not from the same world. Others say that Jin Beisen just plays with Zhou Manchun. Now that he is tired of playing with Zhou Manchun, he naturally jilts her. There are rumors everywhere. Zhou Manchun has an extra screen in his brain, which automatically filters the garbage.

She recalled that night's event with Xu Ningsheng. It was like a nightmare. Zhou Manchun couldn't help but shiver.

Suddenly, a middle-aged woman burst into the doctor's office, feeling excited and criticizing Zhou Manchun fiercely.

"Director Zhou, my husband has serious coronary heart disease. Why didn't you mention it in the medical records? How did you become a director? You're young, it's not that material at all! " The family members of the patient in room 2203 stood in front of Zhou Manchun in a bad voice, saliva froze all over the sky.

"Mrs. Li, I'm sorry about your husband's condition, but when you were in hospital, we asked you to fill in the past case history. You didn't write it out, which is your fault." In the face of the patient's family members' unpleasant words, Zhou Manchun stood up calmly and said.

She is young, but she can't deny her professional level. Zhou Manchun is a very smart woman. She has been learning very fast since she was a child. No one knows how hard she worked in college. They are more tired than normal people. Zhou Manchun reads books day and night, and goes to the operating room with her tutor. Naturally, she learns a lot.

In city a, Zhou Manchun is absolutely the youngest and most outstanding cardiologist. She published five papers when she was studying in University and got very good results, which is undeniable. So as soon as she returned to China, she immediately went to Jiaru hospital and became a deputy director doctor.

"Even if I didn't write it, but as a doctor, it's your fault that you didn't check it out. What's your attitude now? Believe it or not, I'll go to the dean to complain about you." Mrs. Li was even more annoyed when she saw Zhou Manchun's high spirited appearance.

"Whatever you want, besides, I haven't done the operation yet, so you don't need to be so fussy now. Let other doctors do this operation, I won't do it." As soon as Zhou Manchun's violent temper comes up, she can't care about other people's mood at all. She is in a bad mood these two days. In order to earn this salary, should she bear to apologize to others?

If it's Zhou Manchun's fault, Zhou Manchun will definitely recognize it, but it's not her fault now. She even hasn't seen the patient for several times, so she has such trouble. Zhou Manchun is really a headache.

"Well, just wait. I'll go to the dean and complain about you." Mrs. Li said, gnashing her teeth, thinking that this attitude is not good enough to be a doctor.

Zhou Manchun doesn't know what's wrong with her. Today, she's very upset, as if something important is going to happen.

Mrs. Li shook her hand, gave Zhou Manchun a look of anger, and left

Zhou Manchun is still sitting on the chair with a indifferent face. Looking at the calendar, today is August 28, which is a special day.

Patting his head, Zhou Manchun wakes up relieved and breathes heavily in his heart. Fortunately, it's too late.

In the afternoon, Zhou Manchun asked for a holiday. When she drove by the flower shop in the center of the city, she bought a bunch of stars, and then ran to the cake shop to buy a birthday cake.

Blue Mountain Cemetery is one of the four major cemeteries in a city. The people buried here are ordinary people.

Zhou Manchun looks up and looks at the sky as gloomy as her mood. In the afternoon, the sun that should have appeared is hiding now. Maybe, even heaven hasn't forgotten what day it is.

When he reached the third tombstone, Zhou Manchun stopped looking at the familiar face.

Looking at the young smiling face, her eyes were suddenly wet with tears. Zhou Manchun's eyes were confused and noticed a bunch of stars beside the tombstone. It seems that someone came here earlier than her.

Man Tianxing is Lin Xingyan's favorite flower before her death. Like Lin Xingyan, this kind of flower has no beauty of roses. Maybe it's only a supporting role all her life, but it silently plays its role. It's pure and beautiful.

"Xiaoyan I came to see you. " Zhou Manchun's voice choked a little hoarse, squatted down silently, put down the blue sky star in his arms, and put it next to another purple sky star.

"Xiaoyan, today is your birthday. Let me talk to you. How are you doing there? I miss you so much. I broke up with Zhao Tianyu. He went abroad. Maybe in this life, we won't see each other again. " Zhou Manchun said here, already full of tears, she inhaled nose, eyes a sad.

Just like the solemn atmosphere in the cemetery, Zhou Manchun's heart is very heavy. She is not afraid of here, because in the future, everyone will sleep here, it's just a matter of time.

Lin Xingyan is her best friend. They are the same age. When Zhou Manchun was five years old, she met Lin Xingyan when she went to the City Concert Hall to participate in the competition. Both of them enjoyed each other's musical talents, so they became the best friends.

After that, for a long time, Zhou Manchun and Lin Xingyan practiced together every day. Zhou Manchun played the piano, accompanied by Lin Xingyan. They went to the same primary school, junior high school and senior high school

However, the time just stopped abruptly. Shortly after graduating from high school, Lin Xingyan had a car accident and died in an accident. Zhou Manchun couldn't accept the fact. She decided not to play the piano again in this life, because once she played the piano, she would think of Lin Xingyan, so young a life, so she left.