Chapter 346

The doctor walking ahead automatically gave Jin Beisen a way. Zhou Manchun's communication with Jin Beisen has been spread in the hospital. Even the cleaning aunts and nurses in the hospital know that they are together.

Seeing Jin Beisen holding a bunch of lilies in his hand, Zhou Manchun's eyes were stunned for a moment. Why did he send his flowers again? What's the rhythm of sending roses in the afternoon and lilies in the evening? Jin Beisen recently invested in a flower shop?

The doctors on both sides are like air, which is automatically ignored by Jin Beisen. At this moment, only Zhou Manchun is in his eyes.

Seeing the little woman in a white gown and standing there with a dull expression, Jin Beisen couldn't help laughing.

This smile, also got, a lot of female doctors are looking at him bravely peach blossom, at the same time more profound understanding of a word, a smile.

It turns out that this word is not only used to describe women. A man looks so delicate. Just looking at it makes people feel pleasant.

Jin Beisen extended his hands slightly, handed the lilies, Zhou Manchun took the ninety-nine flowers, lowered his head and sniffed. It was really fragrant

The eyes of the female doctors all showed envy and jealousy. They looked at Jin Beisen's beautiful face. The eyes of the male doctors were not clear. Apart from envy or jealousy, Jin Beisen was rich and beautiful. He was the perfect God in the eyes of thousands of women.

"Xiaochun, let's go home." Jin Beisen waits for Zhou Manchun to take over the lilies. He takes a big hand and puts it on Zhou Manchun's waist. He also helps Zhou Manchun to take the flowers. There are ninety-nine lilies, very heavy.

In the envious eyes of the people, Jin Beisen and Zhou Manchun got on the elevator. The others dare not take the same elevator with them to destroy the atmosphere.

"Beisen, why do you always send me flowers?" In the elevator, Zhou Manchun glanced at the lily with clear eyes and said with a smile.

"Where always? Do you like flowers? If you like, I will send you a bunch every day. " Jin Beisen doesn't think so. What's wrong with sending a bunch of flowers every day? Good things are with Zhou Manchun. He also wants to give them to Zhou Manchun.

"No, it's a waste of money." Zhou Manchun smiled and narrowed his eyes, but in his heart he decided on an answer. It seems that the bouquet of roses in the afternoon was not sent by Jin Beisen.

It's embarrassing, so who sent those roses?

Jin Beisen's eyes were warm. He suddenly lowered his head. He gently raised Zhou Manchun's chin with one hand. His lips kissed her without hesitation. The tip of his tongue reached into her mouth flexibly and greedily absorbed something.

Zhou Manchun also enthusiastically responded to his kiss. During this time, Zhou Manchun felt that he had been trained as an old driver by Jin Beisen, so he connected kisses, which made perfect practice.

Car out of the hospital, starlight sprinkled on the top of the two people, the night is thick, neon lights streamed the whole city.

"Hungry or not?" There is a red light ahead. Jin Beisen slowly steps on the brake and turns to look at Zhou Manchun.

"Well, a little." Zhou Manchun felt his shriveled stomach. He was really hungry.

"What would you like to eat?" Jin Beisen asked with a smile.

Zhou Manchun looked around and saw a KFC in front of her. She immediately smiled and said, "Beisen, I want to eat KFC."

"Eat junk food again." Jin Beisen frowned unhappily, but still drove to the KFC gate.

Zhou Manchun smiled and his eyes lit up with a brilliant smile. The perfume lily behind the carriage was secretly revealing its fragrance, which was very intoxicating.

After getting off the car, Jin Beisen went around to the front passenger seat, opened the door, and led Zhou Manchun out.

With their fingers clasped, Jin Beisen pushed open the door of KFC. At this time, KFC's business was booming.

There are a lot of children in the shop. Just after Zhou Manchun entered, a little boy ran backwards and almost ran into Zhou Manchun.

Jin Beisen quickly protects Zhou Manchun. His indifferent face reveals a trace of unhappiness. He doesn't know whose bear child is. His parents don't care. They just let him run around.

Zhou Manchun didn't think so. She liked children very much. She let go of Jin Beisen's hand and crouched down. She smiled at the boy and asked, "are you OK, little friend?"

The little boy looked up at Jin Beisen. His cold and bloodthirsty eyes made him frightened. He was afraid subconsciously. He shivered and said, "beautiful sister, I I'm fine. "

"It's OK. What about your parents?" Zhou Manchun asked with concern. He reached out and touched the little boy's watermelon head.

Jin Beisen looked at Zhou Manchun's behavior coldly, and suddenly found that Zhou Manchun's hobby. She seemed to like touching other people's heads, and she didn't know where to learn the bad habit.

The little boy reached out his finger and pointed to the woman standing in line. He said childishly, "she is my mother."

"Go to my mother quickly. I'll be in a hurry when my mother can't find you." Zhou Manchun smile, smile like marshmallow soft, once again pet touch the little boy's head.

"Beautiful sister, the uncle next to me is so fierce. I'm so scared." The little boy's face was dejected, and he was about to cry.

Uncle? Jin Beisen stared at the little boy with an unhappy face and said coldly, "why do you call her sister my uncle? Why not call him brother? " The tone was clearly full of discontent.

The little boy hid in Zhou Manchun's arms. He was obviously frightened and did not dare to answer.

Zhou Manchun laughed and hugged the little boy and said, "little friend, don't be afraid. My sister will help you to break my uncle. You see, he is very nice."

However, the little boy still did not dare to look up at Jin Beisen. His eyes were as cold as hell in the past day, which was unforgettable, and almost made the five-year-old child have psychological shadow.

Zhou Manchun's laughter was very happy. She seemed to forget that at the beginning, she was so afraid of Jin Beisen.

The little boy put his arms around Zhou Manchun's neck and said with milk in his voice: "sister, uncle is really fierce. Is he your boyfriend?"

Zhou man's pure face is helpless. Although she knows the ghost of children now, she didn't expect to be precocious to this point, and she also knows the word boyfriend.

"It's not my boyfriend, it's my husband, little thing. Let go of my wife." Just when Zhou Manchun wanted to answer, Jin Beisen said first.

With Zhou Manchun protecting him, the little boy suddenly grew more brave. He even put out his tongue at Jin Beisen and made a face.

"Bad uncle, how does a beautiful sister like you?"

Zhou Manchun was so amused by the child that he couldn't close his mouth. However, Jin Beisen had a black line on his face. He wished he could throw the boy into the garbage can at once.