C116 Liu Xianfei's plan

"What trouble did your sister run into?" Zhu Xingxing turned his head to look at her, and touched her lips with his lips. With one breath, he covered her small mouth and let go, causing her to moan softly before falling into his embrace.

Zhu Xingxing was a little surprised. This little girl was seducing him like this, she was actually still an inexperienced kid. She didn't even know how to kiss as she almost knocked her teeth.

Whether or not he had the experience could not be hidden from Zhu Xingxing, his current experience was even richer than that of many old drivers. Since he was released from prison, he did not have any window of opportunity, he was surrounded by beautiful women everyday.

Since the little girl had delivered herself to him, Zhu Xingxing was not a righteous man either. His hands quickly slipped into the bikini, causing Lv Wen to tremble slightly.

This little girl was still a virgin.

After Zhu Xingxing ate enough tofu, he stopped and whispered, "Did your sister let you seduce me?"

"I'm not trying to seduce you. I'm afraid of being overheard from a distance. Opening a room is too obvious." Lv Wen felt wronged, and her eyes started to redden. She said embarrassedly and angrily, "I thought you were a righteous man, but who knew you were a rogue."

"Aren't all your models very open? I find you have no experience at all. And you're a girl? "

Zhu Xingxing continued to eat his tofu. She struggled for a while but to no avail as he gave up. He glared at him fiercely: "There are random people in every circle, and there are also people who stick to it. My family isn't short on money, why would they sacrifice themselves for a job? Do you think that only Nie Yilin is the only one who is a white lotus, and everyone else is just tofu? "

"Oh my god, you dare to compete with my Lin Lin?" Zhu Xingxing gently bit her ear. "I'll turn you, this little girl, into my little wife right now, and see if you're still as cocky as I am."

"No, let me go." Lv Wen looked at him with teary eyes: "You already took advantage of me, what else do you want? There are so many beauties by your side, you don't need someone like me. "

"That's all I want from you." Zhu Xingxing realised that she was extremely cute and teased her intentionally: "Didn't you want me to save your cousin? If you don't let me eat it, I won't save her. "

"You saved my cousin, and my cousin helped you. Is that not enough?" Lv Wen's face reddened, her eyes blurred. Her mind was still very clear, but her instincts were already reacting.

"What kind of joke is this? If I need this kind of exchange to become a dragon head, I might as well not be a good servant!"

Zhu Xingxing sighed softly, "I will give you three seconds of choice now. Either save your sister or not. Three, two, one! "

"Zhu Xingxing, you are not a man." Lv Wen's tears fell, "Don't say anymore, you just want me, don't you? I'll just give it to you. Is it here? "

She reached out her hand to unravel her bra, but Zhu Xingxing smiled and held her small hand: "Even if I wanted you, I wouldn't let others appreciate my things. Alright, I'm just teasing you, who did your sister offend? "

Zhu Xingxing didn't stop there and instead hugged her closer as he sat, "Tell me more about it, I want to know more about it."

"Can you let me go?" Lv Wen stared at him with her beautiful eyes: "Is there any meaning in bullying a girl like me?"

"Hmm, interesting." Zhu Xingxing nodded his head vigorously, and asked back: "Wenwen, do you think there are many opportunities to bully an international supermodel like you?"

"F * ck off." Lv Wen was so angry that she laughed. After laughing, she felt that she did not hate him at all, or perhaps she had some good feelings towards him.

Zhu Xingxing laughed, then turned serious: "Tell me about your sister, what happened?"

Lv Wen recounted the entire matter under Zhu Xingxing's harassment, with the details being very detailed.

Liu Xianfei had always been busy with work and had no time to talk about relationships between men and women, so she was still single even now.

There were many men pursuing her, all sorts of people, but she ignored them all.

Not long ago, a man who had been wooing her for a long time came up with a trap for her to invest in a project. That man had always been very decent, so she was tricked and invested all her free money into it.

In less than a month of investing, Liu Xianfei had already obtained a large dividend, and her principal amount.

After a few days, the man said again that the project required a large sum of money, and that it could be returned in half a month.

Liu Xianfei looked around and found no problems. Not only did she put in all her spare money, she even mortgaged all of her assets and invested everything in it.

In the end, this money would not come back anymore. In addition, Liu Xianfei's mortgage was made by that man, so there was still a big problem. The current situation was that the man did not return the money, and the lending platform had to accept her business.

Moreover, the businesses that Liu Xianfei had mortgaged were not even enough to repay the debt, and not only did they not return any interest, they were even more terrifying than usury!

That man had a wide range of connections. Even if Liu Xianfei went to the police, they would not file a case against him.

"Oh, interesting. It's just that the way we eat is too ugly."

Zhu Xingxing thought for a moment, then called Guo Nu: "Guo Nu, help me check on Jin Lifang's background."

"Stars, I don't even need to check to know. Jin Lifang was a disciple of the Shanghai-Luojia. One of them had an outer appearance of righteousness, but in reality, he was a trash that was a male thief and a female slave. "

Guo Nu asked curiously, "They offended you?" If that was the case, then you had to be careful. The Jin brothers' background is very deep, Jin Lifang heard that they have a lot of big crocodiles. Luo Guangzhong is also not to be trifled with, the Luo Family is deeply rooted in the Shanghai, if you offend the Luo Family, it will be very troublesome. "

"You're right, I wonder if killing them will be so troublesome."

Zhu Xingxing seriously thought for a while and said: "If you want to kill them all, don't leave a single one alive, and eliminate the roots. Do you think that it's very safe?"

"F * ck, I feel like you're telling the truth." Guo Nu was shocked, "Boss, you're very strong, but he's not weak either. I suggest you not be so impulsive." It was best to endure a period of calm, taking a step back into the open sea. When we really have the chance to do so in the future, it will not be too late to make a move on them! "

"Guo Nu, help me prepare more information on them. I won't be that impulsive."

Zhu Xingxing said: "No matter what you say, I am still a person with a head full of prestige, and furthermore, I am dragging my family along with me. There is no need to do such a dangerous thing. "

"Alright, it's fine as long as you know what you're thinking. I also know that you're not an impulsive person."

Guo Nu thought about it, "Give me one day, I'll prepare the documents for you."

"Give it to me tonight, I'll treat you to a big meal later." Zhu Xingxing smiled and added: "I'll give you a role to play in the movie."

"F * ck, that's enough. I'll give it to you tonight, haha." Guo Nu hung up the phone excitedly. He had long been thinking about the role of "The Place of Origin of the Star Legend". Now that he finally got it, it would be strange if he wasn't happy.

After hanging up the phone, Zhu Xingxing called Qin Ge again: "Darling, what are you busy with?"

"She's sleeping, I'm still overseas. What's wrong with husband? He seems to be busy." Qin Ge's voice was filled with a sense of laziness.

"There's something I want to ask if you know about the matter between Luo Guangzhong and him." Zhu Xingxing did not hide anything and told his about Liu Xianfei.

He didn't mention this to Guo Nu because it wasn't necessary, but it was necessary to have a conversation with Qin Ge to avoid her misunderstanding.

"Hmm, if I can win her over, it would be a good thing."

Qin Ge became spirited and muttered: "Luo Guangzhong and Jin Lifang, Guo Nu must have told you a few things, these two things are not to be trifled with. It looked like this police department had been planning for a long time. Even the police had already informed them about this. Actually, it's not that there's no way to deal with them, it's just that this method is a bit risky. "

"Speak, darling. If it's very risky, I definitely can't do it. I'm not alone right now, you're all my concern."

Zhu Xingxing drank a mouthful of wine and fed it into Lv Wen's mouth, "It's just a reference. If it's not possible, we have to consider it over and over again, or let her simply give up on those businesses. If you have no money, you can earn more. With Liu Xianfei's popularity, I can help out a little, and it will not even be a problem! "

"Hubby, I don't think this matter is that simple. Since the other party set up this trap, they must have considered all aspects. Unless she gives up everything, including her reputation and status, this matter will definitely not end so easily."

Qin Ge took a sip of water and said, "Hubby, I suspect that the mortgage and investment contracts she signed back then were both tampered with. Under normal circumstances, usury is not protected by law, and there is no problem. Liu Xianfei was a very famous and popular celebrity, the other side would not leave her with such a big loophole to retaliate against. Ask her, there must be such a thing! "

"If that's the case, things will be very difficult."

Zhu Xingxing understood Qin Ge's words, "Unless there is conclusive evidence that the other party committed a scam, she would be completely screwed this time!"

"That's right, husband, you're right. That's what I meant."

Qin Ge sighed: "Liu Xianfei is still too inexperienced, there isn't a reliable person by her side, if not, he would know very easily that the other party is setting up a trap. "Husband, if someone set you up like this, would you get into the trap?"

"I will." Zhu Xingxing laughed: "Not only will I fall into the trap, I will also eat all the bait and pull all the people who are fishing to the water to drown, along with me."

"Hubby, this is the way to take the risk." Qin Ge yawned and charmingly said, "Hubby, I feel it. It's like a dream. Pah pah pah pah."