C186 Demonstration and show-off

"Because after he killed that accomplice, he no longer had any scruples. He's already planning to test out a drug in our country, which will cause great harm to his body. If we don't catch him, many unexpected things will happen."

Zhu Xingxing also took out a cigarette, lit it up, and fiercely smoked: "Director Li, you should report this matter to the authorities, at the very least, you need to go to the Ministry. Li Songyun's father should also have quite a big problem. Putting everything else aside, I'm afraid that it will seriously harm the interests of the entire nation. "

"I'll report it to the higher-ups right now. This matter can't be delayed any longer." Director Li immediately dialed a secret internal number.

The call connected. Director Li whispered: "Old Leader, it's me."

"Little Li, I feel like your mood is very heavy." Old Leader laughed: "Speak, what happened?"

"Old Leader, there is something that I must report to you."

The Director Li explained everything briefly. After half a minute of silence, he asked seriously: "Who is this hypnotist?"

"Boss Zhu, Zhu Xingxing." The Director Li said in a low voice.

"Then there's no problem." Old Leader said resolutely, "Right now, monitor Li Songyun closely and send a special guard to handle this matter. I'll send the team down now, and the provincial team will leave. Do not divulge this information to them, lest it leak out. They have also interacted with Li Songyun's father, so it's not reliable! "

"Yes, Old Leader, I understand." Old Leader thought for a moment, then said: "Is Boss Zhu beside? "If you let him answer the phone again."

Zhu Xingxing heard the contents of the call, walked over and picked up the phone: "Hello, Chief."

"No need to call me 'Chief'. Just call me 'Uncle'." Old Leader sighed: "I'm Xiao Xi's uncle."

Zhu Xingxing was startled for a moment, and then said awkwardly: "Little Uncle."

Director Li opened his eyes wide. Holy shit, why is Old Leader my uncle, what relation does he have with me?

Lan Qing'er's eyes widened as well, but she immediately thought of Cui Xiaoxi. Wasn't her uncle this great leader?

Looks like Big Brother Xingxing has already completely obtained Cui Family's approval, so little uncles have come!

"There's no need to feel awkward. You don't know about this relationship, but you are very good to Little Xi, and your help to Longevity is also very great. It just goes to show that your mind is extremely pure in this area. This is a quality worthy of praise."

The voice of the Old Leader carried a sense of majesty, but it was not arrogant. Instead, it was very gentle, "I asked you to take the call because I wanted to ask you a question. With your current status, you should be suitable to become an advisor to the Ministry. With this status, it will be a very effective protection for you. This time, I will send someone over, and you will receive this appointment. You can sign it and complete the procedures! "

"Thank you, uncle. I'll wait for your signature then, hur hur." Zhu Xingxing suddenly thought of something and asked: "Little Uncle, I heard from Xiao Xi that you and Little Aunt have no children?"

"Yeah, I heard you're a godly doctor, when can you show it to us?" When his uncle heard this, he immediately brought up this request.

"I'll be going to Beijing in two days. I'll be a guest at your place then." Zhu Xingxing laughed, "I heard from Xiao Xi that your stewed intestines are extremely delicious, just that you don't cook very well, I just want this as my medical fee, haha."

"Kid, it seems that you know quite a bit. No problem. As long as you have the ability to heal us, I can teach you the secret recipe. Haha."

His uncle had asked him to go to a meeting, so he only hung up after a few words of advice.

"The team will be here tonight." Zhu Xingxing thought for a moment, then added: "I will be hired as the Department's special advisor, to enjoy the treatment of being in the main hall."

"It's only right. A special talent like you will provide unparalleled assistance in many major cases. One person can be comparable to countless other people. The most important question is, no matter how many people there are, it won't have any effect on the investigation."

Director Li said sincerely: "Boss Zhu, for you to join our team, is definitely a good thing. "For the country and the people, this is a very fortunate thing!"

Zhu Xingxing took a puff on his cigarette and flicked the ash off his cigarette: "This Li Songyun, I will personally watch over him. I definitely won't let him make a move in the next two days, if not someone else will get injured, they might even lose their life."

"Hubby, it's not safe for you to keep an eye on yourself." Lan Qing'er revealed a very worried expression at the side: "You said it already, Li Songyun is a cultivator, he also has extremely dangerous drugs in his hands, and is an expert in hypnosis. This kind of person has a great killing power, with your current identity, you aren't suitable to do such a dangerous thing."

"It's true."

Director Li sternly replied: "Boss Zhu, compared to your identity as a consultant, your identity as an entrepreneur is more important. This was because this matter was mostly related to the life and death of a small group of people. However, your company could benefit a lot of people. That was the true big matter. It is true that all life is equal, but the safety of a few is insignificant compared to the well-being of the masses! "

"If, one day, I am a minority and sacrifice my own interests for the welfare of the majority of people, I will choose to resign myself to my fate."

When Director Li said these words, his expression was abnormally calm: "I know that in the eyes of many, such words of sacrificing a small number of people is highly criticized, but I have always believed that there is no time in the world where one can take care of a hundred percent of the population. If someone obtains it, then someone loses it. If you don't want to lose it, then you have to think of a way to become the vast majority, and not just a few! "

Zhu Xingxing felt that this topic was a bit too heavy. He pondered for a bit, then slightly nodded: "I have thought about the words' Director Li 'before, but I find that I can't understand it. Actually, no one was wrong. What was wrong was that this world could never be maintained in absolute fairness! I am definitely going to do this, I know that Director Li is doing this for my own good, Qing Er, I know what I am doing, you can rest assured that I do not forget that I still have a strong backer! "

"Alright, I'm leaving now." Zhu Xingxing whispered a few sentences into Director Li's ears, causing the Director Li to nod his head repeatedly.

After 10 or so minutes, Zhu Xingxing left the city police station, drove his car to a department store and parked. After a while, he changed into another set of clothes, turned into a normal looking middle-aged man, and drove another car to a clubhouse.

This is a leisure club, open to the public and offering a number of recreational projects.

Zhu Xingxing took a shower, changed into his swimming trunks and went to the hot spring hall.

Ever since he was released from prison, Zhu Xingxing had been to this kind of place the most.

The quality here was not very high, but the environment was pretty good. The business was pretty good, and there were a lot of customers.

Zhu Xingxing did not see a beauty. He saw Li Songyun.

To be able to obtain images from his memories, this hypnotism could probably only be done by Zhu Xingxing.

Actually, the Director Li had always ignored a question. How did Zhu Xingxing know about Li Songyun's past through Liu Heitie and Nie Yifan.

Li Songyun was extremely proud and overconfident; this was his only weakness.

Admittedly, he was a very smart person. He had a high IQ, EQ, and a high level of skill. Having done so many cases, he had almost never left behind any flaws.

The only clue he had was that he had intentionally left behind. At that time, he wanted to be famous, but his father couldn't let him do that. Once the matter was exposed, his father's career as a official would be ruined!

As a police officer, his son was a serial killer. His methods were so cruel that it was possible for him to get rid of public office, let alone have a bright future.

Therefore, Li Songyun's father did not help erase that clue for the sake of his son, but instead did it for the sake of his own future!

As long as he could find conclusive evidence, not only would he be deposed, but he would also be sentenced, deliberately killing and dereliction of duty. He had not exceeded the period of prosecution. In the current situation, no period was basically a given!

Furthermore, there were other things on that person's body, especially the fact that they might have sold out the country's interests.

What awaited him was not only a prison sentence.

Li Songyun was a handsome brother, at that time he was not even 14 years old, but now he was not even 30 years old, and his career was a success, a success, and prosperity, was happening right now!

He was chatting happily with a few seemingly rich second generation and white-rich beauties. He was approachable, had a strong sense of humor, and was generous with his money. No matter how he looked at it, he was a very popular person.

His camouflage ability was too strong, Li Songyun was definitely not an easy opponent.

Back then, when he came to a foreign country, he had pretended to not know his friends anymore. His reason was that he was afraid of giving others a bad impression, and from that moment on, he had already prepared the ground so that no one would doubt him when he killed them.

How many people who had not been in contact with each other for so many years, even if they had been friends for so many years, could have possibly connected the deaths of their friends with him?

Li Songyun removed himself from the group, but did not let his little friends get out of contact, it would cause some people to think about their deaths. This was also done on purpose, to demonstrate and show off, and also to give some people a way to detect and break him. He wanted to have a good game of fun, but he did not know if anyone would be so strong that they could find out about him!

The memories and information in Liu Heitie's and his brain were all deliberately instilled into them by Li Songyun. They were all sealed in the deepest part of their subconscious with an overpowered method.

The reason he did so was to demonstrate and show off. He really hoped that an expert would discover this and participate in this cat and mouse game!

Director Li did not ask about all these, and Zhu Xingxing did not mention it, because there was no need.

Zhu Xingxing was involved in this matter, he did not think that this was a game, using more than three hundred people's lives to make a game, that was not a human's thought, it was a beast's thought!

He was a human, not a beast.