Chapter 497

"Sister Yu, don't worry. It's all right." Liu Xiaoyu looks too young. Zhu Xingxing used to call her aunt, but Liu Yan said she'd better call her sister. She said so herself. So Zhu Xingxing called her jade sister.

"I hope it's all right. I've always been uneasy today. You know, my hunch has always been very accurate. Now with such a hunch, it must not be an auspicious omen."

Liu Xiaoyu frowned: "star, we'd better go back. In case of any accident."

"Aunt Yu, it's all right. You see, those boats are on the water. Nothing happened. How can we carry our backs so much and encounter bad things?"

Zhu Xingguang said, "aunt Yu, you are just worrying too much."


A scream burst out. Put on a nearby ship. A man's head was bitten off by a very terrible monster. The monster swallowed his head in two and lay on the deck covetously. Look at the people on board.

"My God, what's that?" Liu Xiaoyu's face was pale. He looked at the monster in fear.

Zhu Xingxing immediately returned. At this time in the water, there were many dark shadows following him. Suddenly, a dark shadow rose into the air. That's a monster. It opened its mouth and jumped at Zhu Xingxing!


Zhu Xingxing jumped up and kicked the monster's one eye. The one eye was immediately crushed. The monster gave a terrible howl and fell back into the water.


The blind monster was immediately swallowed by several other monsters, but in the blink of an eye!

Taking advantage of this Kung Fu, Zhu Xingxing quickly rowed the boat to the shore, threw the people on the boat directly to the shore.

The monster caught up. Zhu Xingxing took out his belt and pulled it hard twice. Suddenly, the one eye of the two monsters was blinded and screamed and fell back into the water.

It was eaten by the monster soon!

There were many policemen on the shore. Zhu Xingxing jumped on the shore. A policewoman asked, "can you catch the living? We must find a way to find out what these are, otherwise there will be more victims."

Zhu Xingxing said, "give me a rope. It's stronger. Listen to my command. If I ask you to pull it, run back quickly, and that thing can get ashore."

The policewoman immediately asked someone to find the rope. Zhu Xingxing shook off the rope and gave one end to the policeman behind the policewoman. He jumped into a boat and walked towards the lake. Immediately, a monster jumped out of the water and opened his big mouth to bite him.


The rope immediately tied the monster's open mouth. At the same time, he kicked it out. The direction of force was the shore and shouted, "pull!"

The people on the shore immediately ran frantically, whoosh, bang!

The monster fell on the shore. Zhu Xingxing followed him ashore at the same time and hit the depression above the monster's one eye with a hard punch. The monster immediately fainted.

Everyone was relieved, quickly brought an anesthetic gun for anesthesia, and then got a car to pull the monster away.

Zhu Xingxing's family are all right. The policewoman grabbed him and said, "Sir, what's your name? I hope you can help us study this thing and what it is."

"It should be a mutant creature. It's hard to say what it is." Zhu Xingxing said, "OK, I'll go with you to see what it is. But I think the most important thing now is not to do this, but to seal the lake and prevent tourists from entering. So many people died just now. I heard that many people died before. Who is responsible?"

"The boss here has been arrested. The people on the lake and the water patrol have gone to rescue."

The policewoman said positively, "we know too late, otherwise today's things will not happen at all. But now it's meaningless to say these things. I still want to think about how to eliminate these things. I suspect these things are amphibious. If so, the whole scenic spot is unsafe now."

"It's not amphibious," Zhu Xingxing said. "At least for now, these things are not amphibious, but I'm not sure whether they will evolve in the future."

Zhu Xingxing's family followed the policewoman to a place more than ten miles away from the hotel, where there was a police station.

The family rested in the hall. Zhu Xingxing and the policewoman came to a room and saw the huge monster.

Several people in white coats, like researchers, are conducting research.

Seeing the policewoman and Zhu Xingxing come in, one of the middle-aged men said, "director Zhou, this monster is those irradiated dinosaur eggs that hatch and become such a monster."

"You mean, these things are dinosaurs?" the policewoman was surprised.

"It's a dinosaur gene, but it has mutated. It's not entirely a dinosaur. It has become a terrorist creature that we can't understand."

The middle-aged man said, "is this the gentleman who helped capture the sample?"

The policewoman nodded, "Mr. Zhu, what do you think we should do to deal with this kind of thing?"

Zhu Xingxing looked at the middle-aged man: "I'm not a scientific researcher. This gentleman should know better than me, doesn't he?"

"I don't know what to do. If you have any good ideas, just say them. Now the situation is very critical. If our research results are not wrong, these things will evolve immediately. It will be difficult to deal with them at that time."

The middle-aged man looked unusually dignified: "this not only endangers the personal safety of Beidagou area, but also affects the personal safety of everyone. In addition, you look at the fin of this monster, which has begun to evolve. If there is no accident, the fin will become a wing arm in the future. Can you imagine how serious the consequences are?"

"Hahaha, boy, you are a smart man, but you are still not smart enough."

The monster suddenly turned into a man. The man was unusually handsome, tall and strong. He was not easy to provoke at first sight.

Everyone was shocked. No one thought that the monster would become a man!

"We are not dinosaur eggs. How can low intelligent creatures compare with us?" the man sneered: "we are travelers from different time and space and herders. All the places we go are our pastures. You are all animals in the pastures."


The man's head suddenly fell to the ground. Zhu Xingxing pressed his hand on his head. Suddenly, his head turned into powder.

The man's body stood there and looked very strange.

"It's no good pretending to be dead. Now you know what the consequences are?"

Zhu Xingxing's eyes twinkled and kicked the man's lower body out into powder.

Everyone was stunned. I didn't expect such a situation to happen. Zhu Xingxing's strength was extraordinary.

"Let's start now. Block the whole Beidagou with infrared. Anyone who is afraid of infrared or smokes when encountering infrared is an accomplice of these monsters."

Zhu Xingxing sighed, "I hope these monsters don't go too much."

It's late.

They returned to the lake, where there was no sign of monsters. None of them was stopped. Through monitoring, it was found that tens of thousands of people had left Beidagou from the lake!

be gone!

Director Zhou immediately reported the news to the top, and the top immediately sent people to track down the movements of those people.

According to Zhu Xingxing's suggestion, more than 8000 monster people were caught in three days, but more than 2000 monster people were missing.

Zhu Xingxing interrogated those who caught monsters. Within a week, he caught more than 1000 monsters, leaving less than 1000 monsters who could not be found.

In order to continue looking for monster people, Zhu Xingxing was appointed as the leader of the hunting team to continue looking for the whereabouts of those monster people.

Zhu Xingxing has returned home at this time. School has begun. He has started his teaching career again.

He doesn't want to be the leader of the hunting team, but this thing is not something he can choose. There is no way, he can only choose to do it.

School started and a lot of things happened.

President Wu was raised and became a leader!

The new headmaster was airborne from above, a beautiful woman.

On the first day the beautiful headmaster came, Zhu Xingxing was called to lecture.

A week later, the Zhu Xingxing family suddenly disappeared, as if they had never appeared.

This family is actually two people, including several beauties outside the two families!

Zhu Xingxing was not missing. He came to a small village in a remote area and became an ordinary villager here.

He came here because the beautiful headmaster is the leader of those monster people. She has kidnapped his family.

Therefore, the beautiful headmaster asked him to come here to perform a task, and he didn't dare not to perform it!

Coordinates: thousands of world, North Continent, heaven, northwest, sanjiatun.

Zhu Xingxing is now an ordinary villager in sanjiatun. At the age of 18, he failed in the college entrance examination and worked as a household farmer.

There are no parents in his family, only grandparents. They feed him with excrement and urine!

Under normal circumstances, boys who don't study should go on a blind date and marry a wife at this age. In some anxious families, the children set things down on the 14th and 5th. They are worried that they are too old. Good little girls are robbed by other families and can't get to their own homes.

Zhu Xingxing's grandparents are worried about his marriage these two days. The old man and the old lady have no money. In order to support him to study and bring famine, how can they take out money to marry him and pay the bride price to the woman?

He was not in a hurry to get married, nor did he want to stay at home all his life, but now that he changed people, he decided to squat in the village and perform that task.

It's windy outside. The weather in the northwest is quite extreme. It's windy when it's windy, rainy when it's raining, cold when it's cold, and hot when it's hot.

Zhu Xingxing looked at the strong wind outside the window and thought about how to live in the future.

The days ahead are still very long. If there is no task, he can muddle through, but now he has a task to perform. If he wants to complete the task successfully, he needs some plans.