Chapter 308

"You mean that you are wronged when you marry into your family! The Jiang family was just a small family, living on your father's reputation. If you don't go up to us to look after our family, your sisters can marry high! " Old lady Gu said with a high air.

As we all know, Mrs. Gu is the most protective of her family. Immediately with the old lady Gu had a fierce dispute, resulting in a heart attack, was immediately sent to the hospital for rescue.

Gu Jingting stayed with Gu Jingxi in the hospital for a week. At last, Mrs. Gu was out of danger, and people were awake.


Lin may have learned from Sister Zhang that Mrs. Gu was seriously ill and hospitalized after returning home.

She bought a tonic and went to the hospital.

Lin can also come to the hospital, the ward, only Gu Jingxi and Gu Madame.

Mrs. Gu was in a coma for a long time. She looked very haggard, but she was in a good mental state.

"Why do you come here? Sit down." Mrs. Gu is very kind to Lin Yi.

Lin can also take Mrs. Gu's hand and sit down beside the hospital bed. He said in a good and clever way, "the elder is not well. It's right for me, the younger generation, to visit you. I've been filming in Berlin for a long time. I didn't know that you were ill until I came back. You don't blame me. "

"You're a family, and you're saying these things." Mrs. Gu smiled and asked, "how are the sails?"

"It's good. It's getting taller again. The little one is very naughty. " Lin may return.

Mrs. Gu nodded and said helplessly, "naughty children are not easy to discipline."

"Son Xiao Fu, Jingting is so excellent, and the sails must not be worse." Lin also said with a smile.

Flattery is absolutely a science. Lin can flatter you just right. She is very comfortable.

Mrs. Gu looked at her eyes and became more gentle and loving.

Gu Jingting is the eldest child she saw when she was a child. Lin can also quietly praise Gu Jingting's father and son. It's strange that Mrs Gu is not happy.

Lin Yi also chatted with Mrs. Gu for a while before leaving.

Mrs. Gu specially orders Gu Jingxi to see Lin out.

Gu Jingxi took her to the elevator entrance and watched her enter the elevator before returning to the ward.

In the ward, Mrs. Gu is sitting at the head of the bed, looking at the infusion bottle carelessly.

"Have you seen them off?" Asked Mrs Gu.

"Yes. She's going to have to catch up. " Gu Jingxi replied.

After hearing this, Mrs. Gu smiled faintly. "To catch up with the announcement is just an excuse. She didn't have much contact with us. She came to visit me just for the sake of good manners. She doesn't know what we like. Jing Ting is not here. She's afraid to say more wrong. So I found a reasonable excuse to leave. "

With that, Mrs. Gu nodded approvingly, "it's a smart one."

"Of course, she is smart. Jing Ting's soul has been taken away by her." Gu Jingxi said that he was not warm or angry.

Mrs. Gu hears the words, but laughs. As a mother, there is a certain degree of dependence on the only son. So when a son finds someone who really loves each other, the mother will be jealous and feel that her son has been abducted by another woman.

"Old lady Gu has always had a good eye." Mrs. Gu continued without hesitation: "although the status of the Lin family is a little lower, it can also be counted as a table top. Her mother comes from the Qin family. The Qin family is also a big family. They teach the same rules. Even though I just talked with her about her family life, she replied in a certain way. Although the little girl is younger, she will certainly become Jing Ting's good wife's help in the future. "

Gu Jingxi is sitting by the bed, peeling the orange, no doubt.

"The most important thing is that Jing Ting likes it." Gu's smile is gentle. "Children and grandchildren have their own blessings. Don't worry about children. You have the energy. Think for yourself. "

"I have something to think about." Gu Jingxi muttered.

"You and Tang Zhanfeng are going to drag on like this? You are a legal couple with a license. How about long-term separation? " Mrs Gu frowned.

When it comes to Tang Zhanfeng, Gu Jingxi is a little impatient. "The purpose of obtaining the license is to make Jing Ting's identity legal. My surname Tang and I ended decades ago. Mom, you have the energy to take good care of your health and worry less about my affairs. You just said that children and grandchildren have their own blessings. "

Gu Jingxi is learning now and selling now. Mrs. Gu is speechless and can only laugh.

As soon as they finished speaking, Gu Jingting pushed the door in.

Mrs. Gu looked up and said with a smile: "these two little enemies, that just left, this is coming."

Gu Jingting was stunned for a moment, and saw the supplements on the table at a glance. "Who's been here?"

"Lin may have just left." Look at the scenery and return with a faint voice.

Gu Jingting didn't say anything, but turned to chase him out.

Gu Jingxi was annoyed again. He complained to Mrs. Gu, "look at him. There is only that girl in his heart. Where do you put our elders in your eyes?"

"Well, you can complain less. Jing Zheng knew that I was seriously ill and rushed back immediately. He has a number in mind. " Mrs Gu advised.

However, Gu Jingting chased out of the hospital gate, and did not see the shadow of Lin Yi. With a little lost back to the ward.


On the other hand, Lin can leave the hospital. No sooner had the car entered the main road than Zhao yingxuan called and asked her to go to the bar for a drink.

In the bar, the light is dim, and the vibration of heavy metal music is constantly stimulating the eardrum.

Lin Yiyi and Zhao yingxuan ordered a table of wine. Usually, it's all for Lin to drink. Zhao yingxuan is just a companion.

Today some accidents, Zhao yingxuan drink than Lin can also be fierce, keep pouring their own wine.

"Yingxuan, what's the matter?" Lin can also reach for Zhao yingxuan's glass and ask anxiously.

Zhao yingxuan shook his head with tears in his eyes. "I don't know, but I'm confused recently. My father is busy at night. Something must have happened. But when I asked him, he would not say it. "

"Maybe it's true that you think more about it. Uncle Zhao is very careful when he is an official. Nothing will happen." Lin also comforted.

Zhao yingxuan shook his head. "You don't understand that my family's living standard is definitely not affordable for a secretary general of the municipal Party committee. My father, he must have taken money that doesn't belong to him. Even if Cheng Jun doesn't know the details of these things, he knows about them. Once he catches the handle, I can't imagine what he will do to my father. "

Zhao yingxuan finished, his hands covered his cheeks, sobbing.

From childhood, she was rich in clothes and food. Girls of her age envied her the most beautiful clothes and the most exquisite cakes. As a child, Zhao yingxuan felt that he was the happiest child in the world.

However, as she grew up, she began to realize that her wonderful life might be the result of her father's disobedience. She began to worry. At that time, Li Chengjun often comforted her. He said: when the water is clear, there will be no fish. Your father's position is poor in fat. As long as you hold the right balance, it may not be investigated. Your father is always careful, so don't worry about it.