v2 Chapter 89: : Sawamura's progress

Sawamura's mood is very complicated.

A person's thinking changes with his own status.

Even Sawamura Eijun had no way to avoid this.

Since his rebirth, Sawamura Eijun has also experienced many, many competitions and met various masters.

Because of the advantages of foresight, coupled with its own hard work.

Sawamura Eijun has always been at the forefront of his peers.

In all competitions with his peers, Sawamura Eijun has more or less advantages.

Perhaps because of the drag of his teammates, he has also lost to his opponents. But Sawamura Eijun has a steel scale in his heart, as far as he is concerned, he is absolutely no worse than any opponent.

After the rebirth, Sawamura had such confidence in his bones.

At the beginning, Sawamura Eijun was able to maintain a normal mentality.

After a long time, Sawamura Eijun himself felt that with his current strength, he had a chance to become a legend.

As long as he perseveres and does not slacken his efforts.

Sooner or later, one day, he will ascend to the legendary throne. A few years later, when people bring up their baseball players, they will surely recall his name, Eijun Sawamura.

Just today, Eijun Sawamura's idea was completely shattered.

Alan on the opposite side gave Sawamura Eijun a good lesson with practical actions, telling him that Sawamura is not omnipotent.

A proud son like Allen, even if he doesn't have the advantage of Sawamura's rebirth.

People are also taking one step at a time, working hard and steadfastly to the present.

It is rude to say that the strength of others is definitely not inferior to him!

Stand on the strike zone and confront Alan head-to-head.

This feeling is very obvious.

The overwhelming pressure made Sawamura Eijun see his shadow.

So strong! ! !

With his current hitting strength, it is very difficult to win a single hit from the opponent in a steady and steady manner.

This kind of feeling was rare before Sawamura Eijun.

The former Sawamura Eijun, with his strong strength and rich experience.

As long as he wanted to, taking a hit from the opponent's hand was really not difficult.

But now, Sawamura Eijun felt the difficulty.


Eijun Sawamura thinks this is not a bad thing.

It's like some actors have improved their acting skills. When they begin to feel awe in their hearts, it means that their level has begun to improve.

Sawamura Eijun felt a similar way.

Although he is now standing on the strike zone, the information is not as abundant as before.

But Sawamura Eijun intuitively believed that his own strength had improved a lot.

In a head-to-head matchup, you may not be able to get hits.

Eijun Sawamura, whose strength has improved, naturally cannot be complicated because of this.

What really makes Sawamura Eijun feel complicated is Ellen's strength.

There is no plug-in for rebirth, and his current strength is definitely not under his own.

This is the biggest blow to Sawamura Eijun.

This also told Sawamura a truth.

Rebirth is not everything!

If he really wants to become the baseball legend he dreams of, he will have to think of some other way to improve himself besides regular training.

The more in-depth contact with baseball, the more Sawamura Eijun feels the depth of baseball.

To put it bluntly, this is a career worth fighting for a lifetime.

bring it on! ! !

Eijun Sawamura seemed to be facing the sea alone.

I watched helplessly as the waves hit one after another.

Originally, he thought that he had grown into an aircraft carrier and could not care about any storms.

But now Sawamura Eijun knew that in this sea, he was just a small canoe.

And it's a small canoe that has just set sail.

The road ahead is difficult, but we can only catch up.

The number of **** is two good and one bad.

The situation is one out and no one on base.

Under the situation of being chased, Sawamura Eijun figured it out.

He stared at Allen intently, and he was going to hit the flying baseball no matter what.

Allen on the mound is naturally not to be outdone.

And at this time, Allen was stronger than Sawamura Eijun, because he was already chasing Sawamura, and then he just had to score the last good goal logically.

Made up his mind, Allen threw his own tiebreaker.


Many people think that with Allen's 160km ball speed, his most proud decisive ball must be the fork ball.

Someone once measured the speed of his cross ball, and when this guy touched the ball with his finger, the speed of the ball was still 155 kilometers.

That's a notch faster than most fastball pitchers' straight throws.

This kind of ball is almost insoluble.

But people who are really familiar with Allen would definitely not think so.

Because they know that Alan also hides a stronger killer.

Called the Son of God!

How disrespectful is such a title in the Western world?

But in private, there are still many people who think so firmly.

It's not hard to see Allen's strength!

And Allen's strongest shot was not a terrifying-looking fork shot.

But another ball.

The killer hidden in the straight ball!

Allen's straight ball! ! !

It's a straight ball is a straight ball that belongs to Allen.

The baseball spins faster as it approaches the batter.

Makes it impossible to hit at all.

This is Allen's straight ball! !

There are also some media reporters who like to call it the pitch of the gods.

That means, this kind of pitching has gone beyond the realm of mortals and has reached the realm of gods.

Now Allen throws the last ball.

It's his best shot of the gods!

Sawamura Eijun's two eyes, placed in the two-dimensional world, must have already lit up at this time.

In the world in Sawamura's eyes, the flying ball became extremely slow.

Straight ball!

This is Sawamura Eijun's first judgment.

But as baseball gets closer and closer, Sawamura Eijun's judgment keeps changing.

Now, he has a completely different feeling.

It's not a straight ball! To be precise, this is no ordinary straight ball.

The baseball spins faster than expected.

Turned about two or three more laps.

Sawamura Eijun didn't know why he had such a clear feeling.

But he was so sure of his own feelings.

After seeing the ball fly over, he stepped forward decisively.


After the white ball was hit, it flew high.

The audience was stunned.

Even the friends of the North American Dream Team did not react for a while.

They just stared blankly at the scene in front of them, their eyes filled with disbelief.

Allen's last lore shot was actually hit by someone?

This feeling is not much different from seeing a ghost in broad daylight.


Let the ball fly not far, that is, just out of the infield.

But the landing position was very good, and the baseball fell behind the third baseman.

It's empty there...