v2 Chapter 14: : 3 up and 3 down, a perfect start!

Any genius, no matter what his appearance and personality show, what does he look like?

Deep down, he must be very proud.

In his field of expertise, he can defy all authority and existence. Because in his field, within his limited scope.

He certainly never failed.

It seems that once a person is born, he will naturally feel that he is extraordinary. It is a miracle that he came to this world by himself. The world must be centered on himself.

It was not until he experienced the cruelty of society that he would wake up to Pan Ran.

Only then will he truly understand that he is not the center of the world. I am only a part of this world, and I am also the part of the supporting role.

This process is called growth.

Genius is the same!

After all, only a few geniuses have actually reached the peak of the pyramid.

The vast majority of geniuses are bound to encounter some setbacks in the process of growing up.

They have overcome these setbacks and will continue to grow. Once you can't get past it, it's over.

As one of the 12 Heavenly Kings in middle school, in the previous life process of Kagata? Although I can't say that I haven't encountered any setbacks, there are definitely no setbacks that are too great.

It's not that he hasn't experienced failure.

But for that kind of failure, everyone's level is only equal.

Hua Xing firmly believes that as long as he is a little bit luckier or works harder, he can catch up with this gap in an instant, and it is possible to win this kind of competition.

Although it is not reconciled to lose.

But such an opponent was not enough to break Kagata's confidence.

This also caused a flower-shaped inner world, a little complacent.

In Hua Xing's previous cognition, it seemed that there was no opponent of the same age, which would make him completely helpless.

This indirectly gave him a position on his own strength.

Although I dare not say that I am the most powerful one in my age group.

But his own strength definitely belongs to the top group.

Even in the two years when he didn't play baseball, Kagata didn't lose his skills.

To be honest, there may still be a gap between the effect of his own training and the effect of well-known supervision and guidance.

But this little gap, Hua Xing quickly made up for it.

Kyoto also has giants, and there are also very good players.

In the process of fighting against these players, Hua Xing was not inferior to them at all, and even stronger than them.

The opponent is the core of the giants.

It almost represents the top strength among high school students in the country.

Such a measure.

Hanagata thought that even if she really met Sawamura, she didn't have to be afraid.

Although the opponent's strength makes him feel unfathomable, but he thinks that with the strength of the top player in the country, he can still compete with the big devil.

Eijun Sawamura wasn't completely invincible during the West Tokyo Games, or even at the Koshien Games. It wasn't that he never hit the ball, and it wasn't that he didn't concede too many points.

Since everyone else can do such a thing, Kagata thinks that there is no reason why she can't do it.

With such a belief, when he first stood on the strike zone, Hua Xing's desire to fight was still very strong.

He wanted to take a good look at Sawamura Eijun's ball path, and then hit him hard when the white ball flew over.

Hua Xing thought very well, and the preparations were quite adequate.

Before, he had collected all the information that was based on the Internet, and made a detailed simulation in his mind.

Thanks to the strength of the Great Demon King across the country.

Information about Sawamura is not difficult to find.

Hua Xing quickly found quite reliable information and made a lot of detailed simulations.

When he just stood on the strike zone and faced off against Sawamura Eijun, although he was not full of confidence, he definitely had a high fighting spirit.

But Kagata's worldview completely collapsed the moment he faced off against Sawamura.

When Sawamura Eijun threw his first shot, Kagata knew what it means to be a virtuous person under a reputation.

If I had to use one word to describe the feeling that Sawamura Eijun's pitching gave him.

That is fast!

Unparalleled speed.

Although I have heard all kinds of rumors before, the moment of the real confrontation, the moment when I really saw Eijun Sawamura throwing the ball.

Hua Xing was surprised to find out.

It turns out that in this world, there are really people who can achieve that speed.

There is no pitcher in Kyoto who can throw a ball at a speed of more than 150 kilometers.

However, Huagata had done such an experiment before. He set the ball speed of the pitching machine to 150 kilometers, and confirmed the terrifying ball speed with his eyes.

And really hit with a bat.

If Sawamura Eijun's ball speed is only at this level, it is absolutely impossible to scare Kagata.

But Hua Xing was still frightened!

Although he knew Sawamura Eijun's true ball speed, he had not reached 150 kilometers.

But from the strike zone, Sawamura Eijun's pitching speed showed him at least 155 kilometers.

That's a whole other field.

And it's not just about the speed of the ball. Eijun Sawamura's pitching gave Kagata the feeling of life.

Almost instantly, he broke through many obstacles and appeared in front of Hua Xing.

On the first ball, he didn't have time to react at all.

This is nothing.

For the first time, I actually stood on the strike zone and watched Sawamura Eijun's pitching. Almost every opponent would go through such a stage.

Confused stage.

They didn't have time to react at all, and the opponent's attack had already ended ahead of schedule.

Quick, that speed is really too fast.

Although it's a bit embarrassing, but to be honest, there's nothing wrong with it.

As the saying goes, if a person stumbles, a horse stumbles.

When everyone can't react, it's nothing to say in itself.

What made Hua Xing really feel helpless was after he was able to react.

When he really reacted, he wanted to hit Sawamura Eijun's ball.

It can't be done anymore!

In the face of that quick and strange pitching, the flower shape can barely catch up with the speed of the ball.

As for the angle and orientation of the pitch, as well as the changes in the ball itself.

His eyes couldn't see clearly at all.

Two years of blank body, it was too late to make any response.

In middle school, although the Great Demon King was a standout, the fame of the Twelve Heavenly Kings was not bad.

Because of a match between Narimiya Ming and Sawamura Eijun, although Sawamura Eijun defeated Narimiya Ming in the end.

But as far as that match is concerned, the two of them were only half a pound, strictly speaking.

In the minds of many 12 Heavenly Kings.

They are not as superficial as ordinary fans, thinking that the big devil is the nemesis of the heavenly kings.

They just put Eijun Sawamura, the Great Demon King, as a member of the Heavenly King.

Everyone's strength should be about the same.

Hanagata also thinks that even if he is not as good as Eijun Sawamura, he should at least have the strength to fight.

But after the real fight, Hua Xing was surprised to find that the previous self was too optimistic.

With the strength that Sawamura Eijun is showing now Where does he have the power to fight?

What does not exist, does not exist at all.

The two of them are not players at the same level at all, the gap is really too big.

Not to mention Hanagata hit Sawamura Eijun's ball, it's hard to touch the ball now.

"nice shot!"

"nice shot!!"

"nice shot!!!!"

"strike out!!!"

"strike out!!!!"

Just like that, Huagata and the third bat behind him were struck out one after another.

The ball that Hua Xing couldn't even hit, let alone the other players from Xijing High School.

Naturally, they went out one by one.

In the end, the three were out, and the offense and defense were exchanged.

In the first round of confrontation, Sawamura Eijun directly crushed his opponent with 9 straight balls.

Three strikeouts without wasting a ball.

Force the opponent to go up and down three times.

Completed a beautiful start!



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