Chapter 387

"Well, thank you." Although I don't know what it is, seeing Zhizhi looking at her expectantly, yubeiyue thanked her.

Squeaky happy, this just jumped from the table, yubeiyue put that seed into the Najie, holding his face, sat at the window for a while.

Thinking of what I saw in Aunt Xue's dream just now, I felt confused again.

It's intriguing that Princess Huiwen said, "stay away from the right and wrong, and don't go back to the emperor's house". Think carefully, is this related to the royal family?

How many people have the right to kill such a powerful princess with a bowl of medicine?

Thinking carefully, the more you think about it, the more cold you feel in your heart, the more desolate it is.

Princess Huiwen, she didn't do anything bad in her life. Why did it end like this?

Although not her own experience, but witnessed the process with her own eyes, I still feel that I can't let go of it. It seems that all the beauty originally imagined in my heart is slowly collapsing.

Huang Beiyue goes out in a sad mood, takes out a black cloak and puts it on, summons out the ice spirit phantom bird, and flies into the night sky.

"Yubeiyue, the more things you know, the more painful it will be. It's better not to know anything. At least it's easier to live." Nightmare in her body, can feel her distress. , so I want to say two words to explain her.

Huang Beiyue looked at the front coldly, his eyes were covered with an invisible shadow, "I have seen it, how can I treat it as nothing!"

"What if I know? What are you going to do if you are a member of the royal family? "

Yubeiyue is silent. That's why she is more depressed.

More and more close to the truth, but there is a feeling of deterrence. What was the mood of Princess Huiwen at that time? In the end, the one who killed her turned out to be her own family!

The night wind blowing from the cheek, mixed with a few snowflakes, near the winter of Huaicheng, it's really coming.

"Nightmare, no matter what the final truth is, I will never escape!"

The firm voice, echoing in the wind, is powerful.

Nightmare can't help but a tiny Zheng, don't know how to say, in the end is to admire her brave and resolute, or to her stubborn and stubborn sigh?

The girl is too proud to have any sand in her eyes!

"Ice, go to proton house." Huang Beiyue raised her hand to brush away the snowflakes on her cheeks, and she resumed her cool look, giving orders to the ice spirit phantom bird.

The ice spirit magic bird immediately turned its wings and flew towards the direction of proton house.

In recent years, the southern wing state and the northern Yao state have coexisted peacefully, and no war has taken place. Therefore, the proton guard of the northern Yao state is not so strict.

It's very easy to land from above, avoiding everyone's eyes and ears. Yubeiyue lets the ice phantom leave, and slowly walks into the place with lights.

All of a sudden, the sound of Zheng sounds, long and fascinating.

The sound is very flat, like playing by hand, only a few random waves of strings, and then the melody is straight into the people's heart, such as willow spring breeze, inadvertently, can always be blown to the softest place.

She walked slowly along the sound of the piano, only to see where the lights were dim, a person in white clothes was more beautiful than snow.

"Ding" to a sound, the sound of the piano, the wind even wing raised his head, saw her, a smile: "you come."