Chapter 895

I listened to the wind and snow outside. It was so loud that everything was covered.

However, the unusual breath is slowly approaching, with her always keen feeling or immediately know!

Some people approached, but there was no movement or even a sound of red candle outside, such as Jik and asare!

Red candle is not a common beast, even she didn't notice the danger. Then


squeak raise your head, shake the green stem on your head, open your mouth to say something to her.

Huang Beiyue looks at her, nods and understands. Squeaking is to tell her that there is his kind outside - Zhimeng beast!

That is to say, in the middle of the night near them, is the city of Shura!

There is a light in the room. It's not bright. You can see some shadows vaguely. You look up with a pair of big eyes. It seems that you are asking her what to do.

Huang Beiyue chews her teeth and thinks for a while. She's injured now. It's too hard to fight with so many people. Even if she wins, how can she take away so many people in the south wing?

If they overtly fall out with BeiYao, Yingye Princess and others will be buried in the hands of Shura city!

Listen to the movement in the wind, it seems that it's just for her to come alone, so stay still for the moment and see what they want to do!

Huang Beiyue patted his squeaky head and said to him, "in a moment, you will wake up the red candle quietly. If something is wrong, you will immediately let her leave here with Yingye princess. It's easy for me to leave alone."

She is too many people will worry about heavy, if only she is a person, no place in the world will want to trap her!

He looked at her anxiously, and the eyes were so watery that I could still feel pity for her. Huang Beiyue said with a smile, "go, don't let your peers find out."

"Squeak." Squeak to her "squeak" a few times, she can't understand, but also know to let her own careful, she smiled, watching squeak quietly lurk out of the dark.

Yubeiyue looked around, put the cushion on her stomach, and continued to lie down and sleep.

Before long, I heard the sound of wind and snow. There was a rapid footsteps approaching her room. I opened the window carefully from the outside. A figure came in slowly.

It was for her!

Huang Beiyue smiled coldly in the quilt and held the dagger tightly.

If you dare to come, you will never come back!

The footsteps quietly approached her bed, and a very tall shadow came over, not lifting the curtain, but standing outside, as if afraid to come in and peek.

"What does your majesty mean? What's good about this woman with a big stomach? " The murmuring voice, extremely puzzled.

Huang Beiyue frowns. What do you mean? Is it the man sent by fenglianyi? Not to kill her?

Thinking about it, the man threw a very large cloak into the curtain, covered her up, and murmured, "the woman your majesty likes cannot be seen or touched."

I don't know what he means. Yubeiyue is puzzled, but she doesn't feel the murderous spirit in this man, so she holds the ice blade. For a while, she doesn't act rashly, but continues to pretend to sleep.

The man bent down and picked her up with his cloak and quilt!